A legend of the knight Roland, who fearlessly claimed his rights by taking food and drink straight from…
Stage one of fire making uses two hands to turn a wooden sticks which causes friction on a wooden block…
The engraved illustration of Poliphilo in the garden from Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, one of the first…
A pair of hands smoothing a clay container formed by curling large sections of rolled clay together.
A pair of hands with palms facing outwards and intertwined fingers pointing upwards.
Engraved ornaments from "Heures a L'usaige de Chartre" published by Simon Vostre.
The engraving, "Elizabetha Regina (From 'A Booke of Christian Prayers.' Printed by John Daye, London,…
"In Germany and Sweden, the peasants use it as a cure for warts. They make this insect bite the warts…
In the war between King and Parliament (the English Civil War) the city of Hereford fell into the hands…
An illustration of a man leaning up against a wall with his hands in his pocket.
One very useful knife has a long blade with a cutting edge on one side, and a handle at each end, placed…
An illustration of a man holding a fork and knife in his hands and with a napkin wrapped around his…
A comparison of vertebrate hands. A, hand or anterior foot of the dog; B, that of the hog; C, that of…
The seal of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The seal shows a frontiersman and a statesman shaking hands…
Hinchingbrooke House in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, was built around an 11th century nunnery. After…
An illustration of a scotch hands. Scotch hands (also known as butter beaters) are large wooden spatulas…
An image of a woman washing her hands in a basin and looking up towards the sky.
The Wiener Prater is a large public park in Vienna's 2nd district Leopoldstadt. Prater is derived from…
"But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come…
"Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him,…
"And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour.…
"And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter…
"And I took the two tables, and cast them out of my two hands, and brake them before your eyes." Deuteronomy…
1) The first or index finger. 2) The second or middle finger. 3) The third finger. 4) The fourth finger.…
Physiological Bases of the Visible Speech Symbols - Consonants. In representing the consonant a peculiar…
Physiological Bases of the Visible Speech Symbols - Vowels. In representing the vowel classification…
Chart illustrating 45 hand positions representing sounds in the English language as described in the…
Consonants have a closed or narrowly expanded adjustment of the vocal organs, so that in their production…
Consonants have a closed or narrowly expanded adjustment of the vocal organs, so that in their production…
Consonants have a closed or narrowly expanded adjustment of the vocal organs, so that in their production…
Consonants have a closed or narrowly expanded adjustment of the vocal organs, so that in their production…
Consonants have a closed or narrowly expanded adjustment of the vocal organs, so that in their production…
Consonants have a closed or narrowly expanded adjustment of the vocal organs, so that in their production…
Consonants have a closed or narrowly expanded adjustment of the vocal organs, so that in their production…
Consonants have a closed or narrowly expanded adjustment of the vocal organs, so that in their production…
Consonants have a closed or narrowly expanded adjustment of the vocal organs, so that in their production…
Consonants have a closed or narrowly expanded adjustment of the vocal organs, so that in their production…
Consonants have a closed or narrowly expanded adjustment of the vocal organs, so that in their production…
Consonants have a closed or narrowly expanded adjustment of the vocal organs, so that in their production…
Consonants have a closed or narrowly expanded adjustment of the vocal organs, so that in their production…
Consonants have a closed or narrowly expanded adjustment of the vocal organs, so that in their production…
Consonants have a closed or narrowly expanded adjustment of the vocal organs, so that in their production…