Some Mesozoic reptiles. Shown are the Brontosaurus, Stegosaurus, Pterodactyl, Camptosaurus, and the Diplodocus. The six-foot man is drawn to the same scale as the other animals.

Mesozoic Age Reptiles

Some Mesozoic reptiles. Shown are the Brontosaurus, Stegosaurus, Pterodactyl, Camptosaurus, and the…

Some Late Mesozoic reptiles. Shown are the Tyrannosaurus, Trachodon, Triceratops, Pterodactyls, and the Archaeopteryx. The six-foot man is drawn to the same scale as the other animals.

Late Mesozoic Age Reptiles

Some Late Mesozoic reptiles. Shown are the Tyrannosaurus, Trachodon, Triceratops, Pterodactyls, and…

Mammals from the Oligocene age. Shown are the Titanothere, Entelodont, Hyracodon, Uintathere, and the Hyaenodou. The six-foot man is drawn to the same scale as the other animals.

Mammals from the Oligocene Mammals

Mammals from the Oligocene age. Shown are the Titanothere, Entelodont, Hyracodon, Uintathere, and the…

Stone tranchet Neolithic age implement used for cutting. Not drawn to scale.

Neolithic Implements Stone Tranchet

Stone tranchet Neolithic age implement used for cutting. Not drawn to scale.

Stone pick Neolithic age implement. Not drawn to scale.

Neolithic Implements Stone Pick

Stone pick Neolithic age implement. Not drawn to scale.

Stone and horn ax and hammer. A Neolithic age implement. Not drawn to scale.

Neolithic Implements Stone and Horn Ax and Hammer

Stone and horn ax and hammer. A Neolithic age implement. Not drawn to scale.

Stone mallets and the North American Indian method of mounting. A Neolithic age implement. Not drawn to scale.

Neolithic Implements Stone Mallets

Stone mallets and the North American Indian method of mounting. A Neolithic age implement. Not drawn…

Axe-hammers of polished stone. A Neolithic age implement. Not drawn to scale.

Neolithic Implements Axe-hammers

Axe-hammers of polished stone. A Neolithic age implement. Not drawn to scale.

Flint arrow heads. A Neolithic age implement. Not drawn to scale.

Neolithic Implements Flint Arrowheads

Flint arrow heads. A Neolithic age implement. Not drawn to scale.

A flint knife, Neolithic age implement. Not drawn to scale.

Neolithic Implements Flint Knife

A flint knife, Neolithic age implement. Not drawn to scale.

Neolithic age pottery from lake dwelling. Not drawn to scale.

Neolithic Age Pottery

Neolithic age pottery from lake dwelling. Not drawn to scale.

Neolithic age hut urns. The first drawing probably representing a lake dwelling. Not drawn to scale.

Neolithic Age Hut Urns

Neolithic age hut urns. The first drawing probably representing a lake dwelling. Not drawn to scale.

Copper axes from the Bronze age. Not drawn to scale.

Bronze Age Copper Axes

Copper axes from the Bronze age. Not drawn to scale.

Three swords from the Bronze age, each with different handles. Not drawn to scale.

Bronze Age Swords

Three swords from the Bronze age, each with different handles. Not drawn to scale.

Three bronze celts (axes). Not drawn to scale.

Bronze Age Bronze Celts

Three bronze celts (axes). Not drawn to scale.

A lance head from the Bronze Age. Not drawn to scale.

Bronze Age Lance Head

A lance head from the Bronze Age. Not drawn to scale.

A dagger from the Bronze Age. Not drawn to scale.

Bronze Age Dagger

A dagger from the Bronze Age. Not drawn to scale.

A bronze 'lur' trumpet from the Bronze Age. Not drawn to scale.

Bronze Age Bronze Trumpet

A bronze 'lur' trumpet from the Bronze Age. Not drawn to scale.

A sword and scabbard from the Bronze Age. Not drawn to scale.

Bronze Age Sword and Scabbard

A sword and scabbard from the Bronze Age. Not drawn to scale.

Pottery from the Bronze Age. Not drawn to scale.

Bronze Age Pottery

Pottery from the Bronze Age. Not drawn to scale.

"Dodder growing upon a Golden-Rod Stem. s, seedling dodder plants, growing in earth; h, stem of host; r, haustoria or parasitic roots of dodder; l, scale-like leaves; A, magnified section of a portion of willow stem, showing penetration of haustoria." -Bergen, 1896

Dodder on Golden Rod

"Dodder growing upon a Golden-Rod Stem. s, seedling dodder plants, growing in earth; h, stem of host;…

"Longitudinal section of an onion leaf. sca, thickened base of leaf, forming a bulb-scale; s, thin sheath of leaf; bl, blade of leaf; int, hollow interior of blade." -Bergen, 1896

Onion Leaf

"Longitudinal section of an onion leaf. sca, thickened base of leaf, forming a bulb-scale; s, thin sheath…

"Stem of "Smilax" (Myrsiphyllum). l, scale-like leaves; cl, cladophyll, or leaf-like branch, growing in the axil of the leaf; ped, flower-stalk, growing in the axil of a leaf." -Bergen, 1896


"Stem of "Smilax" (Myrsiphyllum). l, scale-like leaves; cl, cladophyll, or leaf-like branch, growing…

"Scotch Pine (P. slvestris). 1, a twig showing: a, staminate catkins; b, pistillate catkins; c, a cone; d, needles. 2, an anther, a, side view; b, outer surface. 3, a carpel-scale, a, inner surface; b, outer surface. 4, a cone-scale, a seed-wing, and a seed. 5, section of a seed, showing the embryo." -Bergen, 1896

Scotch Pine

"Scotch Pine (P. slvestris). 1, a twig showing: a, staminate catkins; b, pistillate catkins; c, a cone;…

An instrument used to measure the quantity of a rain which falls at a given place. They are which falls at a given place. They are variously constructed. A convenient form (shown in figure) consists of a cylindrical tube of copper, with a funnel at the top where the rain enters. Connected with the cylinder at the lowest part is a glass tube with an attached scale.

Rain Gauge

An instrument used to measure the quantity of a rain which falls at a given place. They are which falls…

An illustration showing how to use isometric perspective. "This kind of perspective admits of scale measurements the same as any ordinary drawing, and gives a clear representation of the object. It is easily learned. All horizontal rectangular lines are drawn at an angle of 30°. All circles are ellipses of proportion, as shown."

Construction Using Isometric Perspective

An illustration showing how to use isometric perspective. "This kind of perspective admits of scale…

A balance scale holding 5 pounds on the left and 3 and 2 pound weights on the right showing 3+2=5.

Addition Scale

A balance scale holding 5 pounds on the left and 3 and 2 pound weights on the right showing 3+2=5.

Two students drawing geometrical shapes on the chalkboard. A student is also using a scale while students sitting at desks take notes.


Two students drawing geometrical shapes on the chalkboard. A student is also using a scale while students…

A teacher watches a group of students weighing apples and writing out measurement problems on the chalkboard.

Weighing Apples

A teacher watches a group of students weighing apples and writing out measurement problems on the chalkboard.

Fishes are sometimes classed, in accordance with the structure of their scale, into Ctenoid, Ganoid, Cycloid, and Placoid. This is an illustration of a Ctenoid Scale of the Perch.

Ctenoid, Scale

Fishes are sometimes classed, in accordance with the structure of their scale, into Ctenoid, Ganoid,…

Fishes are sometimes classed, in accordance with the structure of their scale, into Ctenoid, Ganoid, Cycloid, and Placoid. This illustration is a Cycloid scale of the Carp.

Cycloid Scale of the Carp

Fishes are sometimes classed, in accordance with the structure of their scale, into Ctenoid, Ganoid,…

Fishes are sometimes classed, in accordance with the structure of their scale, into Ctenoid, Ganoid, Cycloid, and Placoid. This illustration is Ganoid scales of Dipterus.

Ganoid Scales of Dipterus

Fishes are sometimes classed, in accordance with the structure of their scale, into Ctenoid, Ganoid,…

Fishes are sometimes classed, in accordance with the structure of their scale, into Ctenoid, Ganoid, Cycloid, and Placoid. This illustration is Placoid scale of Ray.

Placoid Scale of Ray

Fishes are sometimes classed, in accordance with the structure of their scale, into Ctenoid, Ganoid,…

"Horse-chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum). ls, leaf-scar, showing scars of seven fibro-vascular bundles, corresponding, in number, to the seven leaflets of the compound leaf, formerly attached at ls. The leaf is drawn to a smaller scale than the branch." -Gager, 1916

Horse-Chestnut Leaf

"Horse-chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum). ls, leaf-scar, showing scars of seven fibro-vascular bundles,…

The hair is produced by a peculiar growth and modification of the epidermis. Externally it is covered by a layer of fine scales closely imbricated, or overlapping like the tiles of a house, but with the free edges turned upwards. It is called the cuticle of the hair. Shown in the magnified surface of a hair. The wave lines mark the upper or free edges of the cortical scales. B, separate scales.

Magnified Surface of a Hair

The hair is produced by a peculiar growth and modification of the epidermis. Externally it is covered…

Armor worn by the Roman soldiers as scale armor.

Roman Cuirass (Scale Armor)

Armor worn by the Roman soldiers as scale armor.

In the common balance there is a stiff piece of metal called the beam, which turns about the sharp edge of a steel wedge forming part of the beam. The scale pans rest upon the hooks of the wedges.


In the common balance there is a stiff piece of metal called the beam, which turns about the sharp edge…

"Portions of the rotting pulp were placed on a microscopic slide, divided into hundredths and thousandths of an inch. Fig. 21, A B, represents such a scale, the larger division, A B, representing the one-hundredth of an inch, and the smaller subdivision the one-thousandth of an inch; 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, represent the cells of which the apples are mostly composed. The granular dottings represent apple starch. The branching cellular structure represents the mycelium of a fungus penetrating the cells. At 9, three small starch granuals are represented in a line, and are confined within the division of the one-thousandth of an inch." -Watts, 1874

Microscopic view of a fermented apple

"Portions of the rotting pulp were placed on a microscopic slide, divided into hundredths and thousandths…

If the barometric tube is suspended from one of the scales of a balance, there will be required to balance it in the other scale a weight equal to the weight of the tube minus the upward pressure in the cistern.

Counterpoised Barometer

If the barometric tube is suspended from one of the scales of a balance, there will be required to balance…

"Cupressus sempervirens; 1. a scale of a male cone with pollen; 2. a scale of a female cone with naked ovules; 3. a ripe cone; 4. the same with one of the scales removed." -Lindley, 1853

Mediterranean Cyprus

"Cupressus sempervirens; 1. a scale of a male cone with pollen; 2. a scale of a female cone with naked…

"Saxe-Gothea conspicua; 1. male spike; 2. anther; 3. scale of galbulus with ovule; 4. ripe galbulus." -Lindley, 1853

Prince Albert's Yew

"Saxe-Gothea conspicua; 1. male spike; 2. anther; 3. scale of galbulus with ovule; 4. ripe galbulus."…

"Batis maritima. 1. a male cone; 2. a male flower; 3. the same forced open to show the petals; 4. on of the bracteal scales; 5. a female cone; 6. a perpendicular section of the same; 7. a ripe cone; 8. a section of it; 9. a seed; 10. an embryo." -Lindley, 1853


"Batis maritima. 1. a male cone; 2. a male flower; 3. the same forced open to show the petals; 4. on…

"Corynostylis Hybanthus. 1. a set of stamens, each having the connective lengthened beyond the anther, in the form of a scale; 2. a spurred petal; 3. a transverse section of an ovary, showing the three parietal placentae; 4. a ripe fruit; 5. an embryo." -Lindley, 1853


"Corynostylis Hybanthus. 1. a set of stamens, each having the connective lengthened beyond the anther,…

The Hospital of St. Cross is a medieval almshouse in Winchester, England, founded between 1133 and 1136 it is the oldest charitable institution in the United Kingdom. The founder was Henry de Blois Bishop of Winchester, grandson of William the Conqueror, half brother to King Stephen of England. Not only is it the oldest but is also the largest medieval almshouse in Britain; it is built on the scale of an Oxford or Cambridge college, but is older than any of the colleges at the universities.

Holy Cross Church, Near Winchester

The Hospital of St. Cross is a medieval almshouse in Winchester, England, founded between 1133 and 1136…

On August 31, 1886, Charleston was nearly destroyed by an earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale that was felt as far away as Boston and Bermuda.

Results of the Earthquake in Charleston S.C., Aug. 31, 1886

On August 31, 1886, Charleston was nearly destroyed by an earthquake measuring 7.5 on the Richter scale…

A scene from Hawthorne's "Grandfather's Chair." A young girl is on a large scale, being weighed for her portion in silver.

Grandfather's Chair

A scene from Hawthorne's "Grandfather's Chair." A young girl is on a large scale, being weighed for…

Junipers are coniferous plants in the genus Juniperus of the cypress family Cupressaceae. Depending on taxonomic viewpoint, there are between 50-67 species of juniper, widely distributed throughout the northern hemisphere, from the Arctic, south to tropical Africa in the Old World, and to the mountains of Central America. Junipers vary in size and shape from tall trees, 20-40 m tall, to columnar or low spreading shrubs with long trailing branches. They are evergreen with needle-like and/or scale-like leaves. They can be either monoecious or dioecious


Junipers are coniferous plants in the genus Juniperus of the cypress family Cupressaceae. Depending…

The Battle of Veracruz was a 20-day siege of the key Mexican seaport of Veracruz, during the Mexican-American War. Lasting from March 9 to March 29, 1847, it began with the first large-scale amphibious assault conducted by United States military forces, and ended with the surrender and occupation of the city. U.S. forces then marched inland to Mexico City.

Vera Cruz during the Mexican War

The Battle of Veracruz was a 20-day siege of the key Mexican seaport of Veracruz, during the Mexican-American…

A variety of leaves with scales: "a, the scale-like leaves of the stem of Lathraea squamaria (toothwort); b, the cone with the scales of Cupressus sempervirens (Mediterranean Cypress); c, the imbricate scale-like bract of the spike of Cyperus longus (common galingale)." -Whitney, 1911

Scaled Leaves

A variety of leaves with scales: "a, the scale-like leaves of the stem of Lathraea squamaria (toothwort);…

An illustration of Cochineal living on cactus. Cochineal is the name of both crimson or carmine dye and the cochineal insect (Dactylopius coccus), a scale insect in the suborder Sternorrhyncha, from which the dye is derived. This type of insect, a primarily sessile parasite, lives on cacti from the genus Opuntia, feeding on moisture and nutrients in the cacti. The insect produces carminic acid which deters predation by other insects. Carminic acid can be extracted from the insect's body and eggs to make the dye. Cochineal is primarily used as a food colouring and for cosmetics.


An illustration of Cochineal living on cactus. Cochineal is the name of both crimson or carmine dye…

An illustration of a male Cochineal. Cochineal is the name of both crimson or carmine dye and the cochineal insect (Dactylopius coccus), a scale insect in the suborder Sternorrhyncha, from which the dye is derived. This type of insect, a primarily sessile parasite, lives on cacti from the genus Opuntia, feeding on moisture and nutrients in the cacti. The insect produces carminic acid which deters predation by other insects. Carminic acid can be extracted from the insect's body and eggs to make the dye. Cochineal is primarily used as a food colouring and for cosmetics.

Cochineal (Male)

An illustration of a male Cochineal. Cochineal is the name of both crimson or carmine dye and the cochineal…

An illustration of a female Cochineal. Cochineal is the name of both crimson or carmine dye and the cochineal insect (Dactylopius coccus), a scale insect in the suborder Sternorrhyncha, from which the dye is derived. This type of insect, a primarily sessile parasite, lives on cacti from the genus Opuntia, feeding on moisture and nutrients in the cacti. The insect produces carminic acid which deters predation by other insects. Carminic acid can be extracted from the insect's body and eggs to make the dye. Cochineal is primarily used as a food colouring and for cosmetics.

Cochineal (Female)

An illustration of a female Cochineal. Cochineal is the name of both crimson or carmine dye and the…

"Scales from wing of butterfly (Vanessa antiopa), highly magnified. 1, from border of anterior wing, above." -Whitney, 1911

Butterfly Scale

"Scales from wing of butterfly (Vanessa antiopa), highly magnified. 1, from border of anterior wing,…

"Scales from wing of butterfly (Vanessa antiopa), highly magnified. 2, from border of anterior wing, below." -Whitney, 1911

Butterfly Scale

"Scales from wing of butterfly (Vanessa antiopa), highly magnified. 2, from border of anterior wing,…

"a, Scales of Chionaspis pinifoliae upon pine-leaves, natural size; b, scale of male, enlarged; c, straight scale of female, enlarged; d, curved scale of female, enlarged." -Whitney, 1911

Pine Needle Scale

"a, Scales of Chionaspis pinifoliae upon pine-leaves, natural size; b, scale of male, enlarged; c, straight…

Small plates are sewn onto cloth, overlapping. "Scale-armor of the Early Middle Ages." -Whitney, 1911

Scale Armor

Small plates are sewn onto cloth, overlapping. "Scale-armor of the Early Middle Ages." -Whitney, 1911

"Scale-mosses. 1, Ptilidium ciliare (fringewort); 2, Lophocolea minor (liverwort)." -Whitney, 1911


"Scale-mosses. 1, Ptilidium ciliare (fringewort); 2, Lophocolea minor (liverwort)." -Whitney, 1911

"Scale-insect. Oyster-shell bark-louse of the apple (Mytilaspis pomorum); male. a, ventral view with wings closed; b, dorsal view with wings expanded; c, scale (line shows natural size); d, leg; f, antennal joint." -Whitney, 1911

Scale Insect

"Scale-insect. Oyster-shell bark-louse of the apple (Mytilaspis pomorum); male. a, ventral view with…

Schizaea pusilla, or Little Curlygrass Fern is a small species of fern in the Curlygrass family (Schizaeaceae). here showing: "a, pinnule with sporangia; b, a sporangium, on larger scale." -Whitney, 1911

Curlygrass Fern

Schizaea pusilla, or Little Curlygrass Fern is a small species of fern in the Curlygrass family (Schizaeaceae).…

Irvin McDowell (October 15, 1818 – May 4, 1885)[1] was a career American army officer, famous for his defeat during the First Battle of Bull Run, the first large-scale battle of the American Civil War.

Irvin McDowell

Irvin McDowell (October 15, 1818 – May 4, 1885)[1] was a career American army officer, famous…