This cot, also known as a bed, is in the design of a Victoria Regia plant which is a form of a water lily.


This cot, also known as a bed, is in the design of a Victoria Regia plant which is a form of a water…

This lotus (aquatic plant) table is designed for a lady's private bedroom, sitting room or dressing room. It has a floral design that covers the surface.

Lotus Table

This lotus (aquatic plant) table is designed for a lady's private bedroom, sitting room or dressing…

This Pompeian flower stand is used to place flower vases or plants on top.

Pompeian Flower Stand

This Pompeian flower stand is used to place flower vases or plants on top.

This sugar ladle has an elaborate design of the hops plant.

Sugar Ladle

This sugar ladle has an elaborate design of the hops plant.

This crystal cup is designed with a fuschia flower plant.

Crystal Cup

This crystal cup is designed with a fuschia flower plant.

This water carafe is designed with a fuchsia flower plant.

Water Carafe

This water carafe is designed with a fuchsia flower plant.

This flower stand is made out of bronze. It is used to hold flower and plant pots for decorative purposes.

Flower Stand

This flower stand is made out of bronze. It is used to hold flower and plant pots for decorative purposes.

This flower stand is made out of bronze. It is used to hold flower and plant pots for decorative purposes.

Flower Stand

This flower stand is made out of bronze. It is used to hold flower and plant pots for decorative purposes.

The flower pot is used to cultivate floral plants.

Flower Pot

The flower pot is used to cultivate floral plants.

The flower pot is used to cultivate floral plants.

Flower Pot

The flower pot is used to cultivate floral plants.

This tea and coffee service is made out of silver and gilt and ornamented in a pitcher plant style.

Tea and Coffee Service

This tea and coffee service is made out of silver and gilt and ornamented in a pitcher plant style.

This perfume vase is embossed with a design of oak leaves, acorns, aqueous plants, and fish. The lid is surmounted by a vulture, and the handles are in the form of plant stems.

Perfume Vase

This perfume vase is embossed with a design of oak leaves, acorns, aqueous plants, and fish. The lid…

"Aberia Caffra, Hook. f. & Harv. Fig. 59. Thorny, glabrous: lvs. obovate, obtuse, cuneate at base, entire:fls. diaecious, apetalous. G. c. III. 18:737. R. H. 1904:256. -The kei apple of the Cape of Good Hope; a spiny plant grown S. for hedges; is considered promising for S. Calif. and S. Fla. as a fr. plant. Fruit acid, used as pickles or conserves. Proves quite hardy in S. Calif." L.H. Bailey, 1917

Aberia Caffra

"Aberia Caffra, Hook. f. & Harv. Fig. 59. Thorny, glabrous: lvs. obovate, obtuse, cuneate at base, entire:fls.…

"Latifolia, perennial: whole plant viscid-pubescent, prostrate: lvs. thick, ovate, orbicular or reniform, obtuse, stalked: fls. fragrant, 1/2 - 3/4 in. long, lemon yellow. June, July" L.H. Bailey, 1917

Coastal Sand Verbena

"Latifolia, perennial: whole plant viscid-pubescent, prostrate: lvs. thick, ovate, orbicular or reniform,…

"Crab's-eye vine. Weather Plant. Fig. 64. - Height 10-12 ft.; frequently trailing over the ground S.: lfts. oblong, in numerous pairs: fls. varying from rose to white: seeds bright scarlet, with a black spot, used by Buddhists for rosaries, in India as standard weight, and in the W. Indies in bead word. Seeds irritant; also used as an abortive in the U.S.A variety with cream-colored bean is offered by Reasoner Bros.: Tropics generally. -The claims make for its weather-fortelling properties are exposed by Oliver in Kew Bull. Jan., 1890. It does, however, "go to sleep" during storms, but this is a feature of other legumes. Sometimes confounded with Rhynchosia phaseoloides (R. precatoria), which has similar seeds, but is a very different plant with large, 3-foliolate, bean-like lvs." L.H. Bailey, 1917

Crab's-Eye Vine

"Crab's-eye vine. Weather Plant. Fig. 64. - Height 10-12 ft.; frequently trailing over the ground S.:…

"Life-history of Liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha): 1 and 2, developing thallus; 2 shows the cup with gemmae; 3, section across thallus, showing chimney-shaped stoma and green cells under, and mucilage cell on left; 4, male hats; 5, development of antheridia; 6, antheridium nearly ripe; 7, antherozoid; 8, female hat; 9, 10, archegonia before fertilization; 11, 12, 13, fertilized egg dividing; 14, immature sporogonium, containing spores and elaters." -Hazeltine, 1894

Liverwort Life Cycle

"Life-history of Liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha): 1 and 2, developing thallus; 2 shows the cup with…

"Bamboo. a.- upper portion of the stem with foliage. b.- root stem. c.- section of stem. Bamboo, the common name of the arborescent grasses belonging to the genus Bambusa." -Vaughan, 1906


"Bamboo. a.- upper portion of the stem with foliage. b.- root stem. c.- section of stem. Bamboo, the…

"Barley, the name of several cereal plants of the genus Hordeum, order Gramineae (grasses), yielding a grain used as food and also for making malt, from which are prepared beer, porter, and whisky." -Vaughan, 1906


"Barley, the name of several cereal plants of the genus Hordeum, order Gramineae (grasses), yielding…

An illustration of a fairy and a young girl sitting in a tree and is uprooted and flying in the air.

Fairy & Child in Flying Tree

An illustration of a fairy and a young girl sitting in a tree and is uprooted and flying in the air.

An illustration of a branch from an osage-orange plant with male flowers. Osage-orange, Horse-apple or Bois D'Arc (Maclura pomifera) is dioeceous plant species, with male and female flowers on different plants. It is a small deciduous tree or large shrub, typically growing to 8–15 metres (26–49 ft) tall. The fruit, a multiple fruit, is roughly spherical, but bumpy, and 7-15 cm in diameter, and it is filled with a sticky white latex sap. In fall, its color turns a bright yellow-green and it has a faint odor similar to that of oranges

Male Flowers of the Osage-Orange

An illustration of a branch from an osage-orange plant with male flowers. Osage-orange, Horse-apple…

An illustration of a branch from an osage-orange plant with female inflorescence. Osage-orange, Horse-apple or Bois D'Arc (Maclura pomifera) is dioeceous plant species, with male and female flowers on different plants. It is a small deciduous tree or large shrub, typically growing to 8–15 metres (26–49 ft) tall. The fruit, a multiple fruit, is roughly spherical, but bumpy, and 7-15 cm in diameter, and it is filled with a sticky white latex sap. In fall, its color turns a bright yellow-green and it has a faint odor similar to that of oranges

Female Inflorescence of the Osage-Orange

An illustration of a branch from an osage-orange plant with female inflorescence. Osage-orange, Horse-apple…

An illustration of a male flower of the osage-orange plant. Osage-orange, Horse-apple or Bois D'Arc (Maclura pomifera) is dioeceous plant species, with male and female flowers on different plants. It is a small deciduous tree or large shrub, typically growing to 8–15 metres (26–49 ft) tall. The fruit, a multiple fruit, is roughly spherical, but bumpy, and 7-15 cm in diameter, and it is filled with a sticky white latex sap. In fall, its color turns a bright yellow-green and it has a faint odor similar to that of oranges

Male Flower of Osage-Orange

An illustration of a male flower of the osage-orange plant. Osage-orange, Horse-apple or Bois D'Arc…

An illustration of a female flower of the osage-orange plant. Osage-orange, Horse-apple or Bois D'Arc (Maclura pomifera) is dioeceous plant species, with male and female flowers on different plants. It is a small deciduous tree or large shrub, typically growing to 8–15 metres (26–49 ft) tall. The fruit, a multiple fruit, is roughly spherical, but bumpy, and 7-15 cm in diameter, and it is filled with a sticky white latex sap. In fall, its color turns a bright yellow-green and it has a faint odor similar to that of oranges

Female Flower of Osage-Orange

An illustration of a female flower of the osage-orange plant. Osage-orange, Horse-apple or Bois D'Arc…

An illustration of a female flower of the osage-orange plant laid open. Osage-orange, Horse-apple or Bois D'Arc (Maclura pomifera) is dioeceous plant species, with male and female flowers on different plants. It is a small deciduous tree or large shrub, typically growing to 8–15 metres (26–49 ft) tall. The fruit, a multiple fruit, is roughly spherical, but bumpy, and 7-15 cm in diameter, and it is filled with a sticky white latex sap. In fall, its color turns a bright yellow-green and it has a faint odor similar to that of oranges

Female Flower of Osage-Orange Laid Open

An illustration of a female flower of the osage-orange plant laid open. Osage-orange, Horse-apple or…

An illustration of a leaf of the osage-orange plant showing nervation. Osage-orange, Horse-apple or Bois D'Arc (Maclura pomifera) is dioeceous plant species, with male and female flowers on different plants. It is a small deciduous tree or large shrub, typically growing to 8–15 metres (26–49 ft) tall. The fruit, a multiple fruit, is roughly spherical, but bumpy, and 7-15 cm in diameter, and it is filled with a sticky white latex sap. In fall, its color turns a bright yellow-green and it has a faint odor similar to that of oranges

Leaf of Osage-Orange

An illustration of a leaf of the osage-orange plant showing nervation. Osage-orange, Horse-apple or…

"1. Branches of [Rubia] (Rubia tinctorum) with flowers and fruits/ 2. The rhizome. a, a flower; b, the pistil; c, two different fruits." -Century, 1889bia_

Rubia Flowers & Branches

"1. Branches of [Rubia] (Rubia tinctorum) with flowers and fruits/ 2. The rhizome. a, a flower; b, the…

Magnolia is a large genus of about 210 flowering plant species in the subclass Magnolioideae of the family Magnoliaceae.

Magnolia Flower

Magnolia is a large genus of about 210 flowering plant species in the subclass Magnolioideae of the…

An illustration of the magnolia flower's cone of ripe fruits.

Magnolia Cone of Ripe Fruits

An illustration of the magnolia flower's cone of ripe fruits.

An illustration of flowering plant of the Canadian mayflower, flower (a), and fruit (b). Maianthemum canadense (Canadian May-lily, Canada Mayflower, False Lily-of-the-valley, Canadian Lily-of-the-valley, Twoleaved Solomonseal) is a dominant understory perennial flowering plant in the family Ruscaceae, native to the sub-boreal conifer forests in Canada and the northern United States, from Yukon and British Columbia east to Newfoundland and south to Nebraska and Pennsylvania, and also in the Appalachian Mountains to northern Georgia. It can be found growing under both evergreen and deciduous trees.

Canada Mayflower

An illustration of flowering plant of the Canadian mayflower, flower (a), and fruit (b). Maianthemum…

An illustration of a mallow branch with flower (a), fruit (b), and one of the carpels (C). Malvaceae, or the mallow family, is a family of flowering plants containing over 200 genera with close to 2,300 species.

Mallow Branch

An illustration of a mallow branch with flower (a), fruit (b), and one of the carpels (C). Malvaceae,…

An illustration of a manchineel tree stem and fruit. The Manchineel tree (Hippomane mancinella) is a species of flowering plant in the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae), native to Florida in the United States, the Bahamas, the Caribbean, Central America, and northern South America. The name "manchineel" (sometimes written "manchioneel") as well as the specific epithet mancinella is from Spanish manzanilla ("little apple"), from the superficial resemblance of its fruit and leaves those of an apple tree. A present-day Spanish name is in fact manzanilla de la muerte, "little apple of death". This refers to the fact that manzanilla is one of the most poisonous trees in the world

Manchineel Tree Stem & Fruit

An illustration of a manchineel tree stem and fruit. The Manchineel tree (Hippomane mancinella) is a…

An illustration of a flowering mandrake plant. Mandrake is the common name for members of the plant genus Mandragora belonging to the nightshades family (Solanaceae). Because mandrake contains deliriant hallucinogenic tropane alkaloids such as hyoscyamine and the roots sometimes contain bifurcations causing them to resemble human figures, their roots have long been used in magic rituals, today also in neopagan religions such as Wicca and Germanic revivalism religions such as Odinism.

Flowering Mandrake Plant

An illustration of a flowering mandrake plant. Mandrake is the common name for members of the plant…

An illustration of a flowering branch of a mango tree; a, flower; b, part of inflorescence; c, pistil; d, fruit; c, seed. Mangoes belong to the genus Mangifera, consisting of numerous species of tropical fruiting trees in the flowering plant family Anacardiaceae. The mango is indigenous to the Indian Subcontinent.

Flowering Branch of a Mango Tree

An illustration of a flowering branch of a mango tree; a, flower; b, part of inflorescence; c, pistil;…

An illustration of branch of mangrove; a, flowers; b, a flower laid open; c, pistil; d, trichoblast in bark highly magnified. Mangroves (generally) are trees and shrubs that grow in saline (brackish) coastal habitats in the tropics and subtropics. The word is used in at least three senses: (1) most broadly to refer to the habitat and entire plant assemblage or mangal, for which the terms mangrove swamp and mangrove forest are also used, (2) to refer to all trees and large shrubs in the mangal, and (3) narrowly to refer to the mangrove family of plants, the Rhizophoraceae, or even more specifically just to mangrove trees of the genus Rhizophora. Mangals are found in depositional coastal environments where fine sediments, often with high organic content, collect in areas protected from high energy wave action.

Branch of Mangrove

An illustration of branch of mangrove; a, flowers; b, a flower laid open; c, pistil; d, trichoblast…

An illustration of a flowering branch of common mare's tail; a, flower before athesis; b, flower after athesis; c, fruit. The Common Mare's tail, Hippuris vulgaris, is a common aquatic plant of Eurasia and North America. The species is also sometimes called Horsetail, a name which is better reserved to the Horsetails of genus Equisetum. These are unrelated to the water plant, though there is some resemblance in appearance.

Common Mare's Tail

An illustration of a flowering branch of common mare's tail; a, flower before athesis; b, flower after…

"Branch of Common Beech. a.-- flower; b.-- fruit. Beech, the common name of trees well known in various parts of the world, including America, New Zealand, and Terra del Fuego." -Vaughan, 1906

Common Beech

"Branch of Common Beech. a.-- flower; b.-- fruit. Beech, the common name of trees well known in various…

"Common Beet. Beet, a genus of plants, nat. order Chenopodiaceae, distinguished by its fruit being enclosed in a tough woody or spongy five-lobed enlarged calyx." -Vaughan, 1906

Common Beet

"Common Beet. Beet, a genus of plants, nat. order Chenopodiaceae, distinguished by its fruit being enclosed…

An illustration of the common marshmallow, flower (a), and fruit (b). Althaea officinalis (Marshmallow, Marsh Mallow, or Common Marshmallow) is a species native to Africa, which is used as a medicinal plant and ornamental plant. The stems, which die down in the autumn, are erect, 3 to 4 feet (1.2 m) high, simple, or putting out only a few lateral branches.


An illustration of the common marshmallow, flower (a), and fruit (b). Althaea officinalis (Marshmallow,…

"Betel vine. Betel, a species of pepper, a creeping or climbing plant, native of the East Indies." -Vaughan, 1906

Betel Vine

"Betel vine. Betel, a species of pepper, a creeping or climbing plant, native of the East Indies." -Vaughan,…

"Bladder-nut. a.-- Flower. b.-- Fruit. Bladder-nut, a name of shrubs or small trees, natives of Europe, Asia, and North America, the fruits of which consist of an inflated bladdery capsule containing the seeds." -Vaughan, 1906


"Bladder-nut. a.-- Flower. b.-- Fruit. Bladder-nut, a name of shrubs or small trees, natives of Europe,…

"End of Branch, Common Brake. Bracken (Brake), a species of fern very common in America and Europe generally, and often covering large areas on hillsides and on untilled grounds." -Vaughan, 1906

Bracken Branch

"End of Branch, Common Brake. Bracken (Brake), a species of fern very common in America and Europe generally,…

"Branch of Common Bramble. a.-- Flower; b.-- Fruit. Bramble, the name commonly applied to the bush with trailing prickly stems which bears the well-known berries usually called in Scotland brambles, and in England blackberries." -Vaughan, 1906

Common Bramble

"Branch of Common Bramble. a.-- Flower; b.-- Fruit. Bramble, the name commonly applied to the bush with…

"Branch of Common Broom. a.-- Flowering Branch. Broom, a peculiar name which includes several allied genera of plants distinguished by leguminous fruit and papilionaceous flowers." -Vaughan, 1906

Common Broom

"Branch of Common Broom. a.-- Flowering Branch. Broom, a peculiar name which includes several allied…

"Alder Buckthorn. Buckthorn, the name of an extensive genus of trees and shrubs, order Rhamnaceae." -Vaughan, 1906

Alder Buckthorn

"Alder Buckthorn. Buckthorn, the name of an extensive genus of trees and shrubs, order Rhamnaceae."…

"a.-- Truncated bulb of onion; b.-- onion leaf dissected off; c.-- bulb of lily. Bulb, a modified leaf-bud, formed on a plant upon or beneath the surface of the ground, emitting roots from its base, and producing a stem from its center." -Vaughan, 1906

Various Bulbs

"a.-- Truncated bulb of onion; b.-- onion leaf dissected off; c.-- bulb of lily. Bulb, a modified leaf-bud,…

"Cocoa. a.-- branch with leaves; b.-- fruit (partly in section). Cacao (or Cocoa), the chocolate tree and also the powder and beverage made with it obtained from the fruit of this tree." -Vaughan, 1906

Cacao Fruit and Leaves

"Cocoa. a.-- branch with leaves; b.-- fruit (partly in section). Cacao (or Cocoa), the chocolate tree…

Various species of cacti. a, Saguaro (Cereus giganteus); b, Paddle Cactus (Opuntia coccinellifera); c, Fishhook Cactus (Mammillaria pectinata); d, Orchid Cactus (Phyllocactus anguliger).

Various Cacti

Various species of cacti. a, Saguaro (Cereus giganteus); b, Paddle Cactus (Opuntia coccinellifera);…

"Capsicum, a genus of annual, sub-shrubby plants, with a wheel-shaped corolla, projecting and converging stamens, and a many-seeded berry." -Vaughan, 1906


"Capsicum, a genus of annual, sub-shrubby plants, with a wheel-shaped corolla, projecting and converging…

"Cashew Nut. Cashew, a tree common in the West Indies. Its fruit is called the cashew nut. The nut is small, kidney-shaped, ash-gray, and contains an acrid juice." -Vaughan, 1906

Cashew Branch

"Cashew Nut. Cashew, a tree common in the West Indies. Its fruit is called the cashew nut. The nut is…

Proboscidea is a genus of flowering plant in the family Martyniaceae, some of whose species are known as devil's claw, devil's horn, ram's horn, or unicorn plant. The plants produce long, hooked seed pods. The hooks catch on the feet of animals, and as the animals walk, the pods are ground or crushed open, dispersing the seeds.


Proboscidea is a genus of flowering plant in the family Martyniaceae, some of whose species are known…

The Sago Palm (Metroxylon sagu) is a tree in the Arecaceae family of palms.

Sago Palm

The Sago Palm (Metroxylon sagu) is a tree in the Arecaceae family of palms.

Matricaria is a genus of flowering plants in the sunflower family (Asteraceae). Some of the species have the common name of "mayweed," but this name also refers to plants not in this genus. Most are very common in the temperate regions of Europe, Asia, and America, as well as in northern and southern Africa, and some are naturalised in Australia. M. occidentalis is native to North America; other species have been introduced there.


Matricaria is a genus of flowering plants in the sunflower family (Asteraceae). Some of the species…

An illustration of a Mayapple plant. "a, the flower-bud with the bractlets; b, a stamen; c, the pistil; d, the fruit; e, the fruit cut longitudinally." -Century, 1889 Podophyllum peltatum (the mayapple) is a herbaceous perennial plant in the family Berberidaceae, native to the eastern part of North America. The stems grow to 30-40 cm tall, with palmately lobed leaves up to 20-30 cm diameter with 5-9 deeply cut lobes. The plant produces two growth forms. The ones with a single umbrella-like leaf do not produce any flower or fruit. The plants having a twin leaf (rarely three-leaf) structure, however, bear a single white flower 3-5 cm diameter with six (rarely up to nine) petals, between the two leaves; this matures into a yellow-greenish fruit 2-5 cm long. The plant appears in colonies in open woodlands. Individual shoots are often connected by systems of thick tubers and rhizomes.


An illustration of a Mayapple plant. "a, the flower-bud with the bractlets; b, a stamen; c, the pistil;…

Thalictrum is a genus of 120-200 species of flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae. The common name is meadow-rue. They are not related to the rues (family Rutaceae). They are perennial herbaceous plants, growing to 0.5-2.5 m tall depending on the species. They are usually found in shaded or damp locations, with a sub-cosmopolitan range throughout most of the Northern Hemisphere and also south to southern Africa and tropical South America, but absent from Australasia. It is most common in temperate regions of the world, twenty-two species are found in North America.


Thalictrum is a genus of 120-200 species of flowering plants in the family Ranunculaceae. The common…

An illustration showing both the flower (a) and fruit (b) of the Indian Cucumber-root plant. Medeola virginiana or Indian Cucumber-root is a perennial plant in the genus Medeola. It occurs with either a single tier or two tiers of leaves. The upper tier consists of from three to five whorled leaves on the stem above a lower tier of five to nine (also whorled). Only the two-tiered plants produce flowers which are green-to-yellow and appear from May to June. When two-tiered, it grows up to 30 inches high. The waxy leaves are typically 2.5 inches long and about an inch wide, but can be as long as five inches. The leaves have an entire margin. It typically produces three dark blue to purple, inedible berries above the top tier of leaves in September.

Indian Cucumber-root

An illustration showing both the flower (a) and fruit (b) of the Indian Cucumber-root plant. Medeola…

A diagram of a rail car unloader and storage plant.

Car Unloading & Storage Plant

A diagram of a rail car unloader and storage plant.

A diagram of a 100 ton sand and gravel storage and handling plant. "Capacity of bucket elevator is 40 tons per hour and the belt conveyor 25 tons per hour. The swivel loading spout in combination with the fixed bucket elevator will distribute material over a considerable area." -Meese, 1913

100 Ton Sand and Gravel Storage and Handling Plant

A diagram of a 100 ton sand and gravel storage and handling plant. "Capacity of bucket elevator is 40…

"Sectional elevation showing M. & G. Quadrant Bin Gates as used for all the bunkers in the Gravel Plant." -Meese, 1913

Quadrant Bin Gates

"Sectional elevation showing M. & G. Quadrant Bin Gates as used for all the bunkers in the Gravel Plant."…

The Common Medlar (Mespilus germanica) is a large shrub or small tree, and the name of the fruit of this tree. Despite its Latin name, which means German or Germanic Medlar, it is indigenous to southwest Asia and possibly also southeastern Europe, and was introduced to Germany by the Romans.

Leaves and Fruit of Common Medlar

The Common Medlar (Mespilus germanica) is a large shrub or small tree, and the name of the fruit of…

An illustration of Melampyrum stem; "a, a flower; b, the fruit; c, a bract." -Century, 1889 Melampyrum is a genus of about 10-20 species of herbaceous flowering plants in the family Orobanchaceae, native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. They are hemiparasites on other plants, obtaining some mineral nutrients from the host plant, though they are able to survive on their own without parasitising other plants.Melampyrum species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Mouse Moth.


An illustration of Melampyrum stem; "a, a flower; b, the fruit; c, a bract." -Century, 1889 Melampyrum…