"<em>A</em>, pinna; <em>B</em>, cavity of the concha, showing the openings of a great number of sebaceous glands; <em>C</em>, external auditory meatus; <em>D</em>, typanic membrane; <em>F</em>, incus; <em>H</em>, malleus; <em>K</em>, handle of malleus applied to the internal surface of the membrana typani; <em>L</em>, tensor typani muscle; between <em>M</em> and <em>K</em> is the tymphanic cavity; <em>N</em> Eustachian tube; <em>O,P,</em> semicircular canals; <em>R</em>, internal auditory canal; <em>S</em>, large nerve given off from the facial nerve; <em>T</em>, facial and auditory nerves." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

General view of organ of hearing

"A, pinna; B, cavity of the concha, showing the openings of a great number of sebaceous…

"<em>A</em>, oval window; <em>B, C, D,</em> semicircular canals; * represents the bulging part of each canal; <em>E, F, G,</em> cochlea; <em>H</em>, round window." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Internal ear

"A, oval window; B, C, D, semicircular canals; * represents the bulging part of each…

"Section of the human eye." — Blaisedell, 1904

Human eye

"Section of the human eye." — Blaisedell, 1904

"Diagram showing the Change in the Lens during Accomadation. On the right the lens is arranged for distant vision, the cilliary muscle is relaxed, and the ligament <em>D</em> is tense, so flattening by its compression the front of the lens <em>C</em>, on the left the muscle <em>A</em> is acting, and this relaxes the ligament and allows the lens <em>B</em> to become more convex, and so fitted for the vision of near objects." — Blaisedell, 1904

Lens of the eye

"Diagram showing the Change in the Lens during Accomadation. On the right the lens is arranged for distant…

"Diagram illustrating the Manner in which the Image of an Object is inverted on the Retina." — Blaisedell, 1904

Diagram of the Eye

"Diagram illustrating the Manner in which the Image of an Object is inverted on the Retina." — Blaisedell,…

"<em>A</em>, attachment of tendon connected with the four recti muscles; <em>B</em>, external rectus, divided and turned downward, to expose the internal rectus; <em>C</em>, inferior rectus; <em>D</em>, internal rectus; <em>E</em>, superior rectus; <em>F</em>, superior oblique; <em>H</em>, pulley and reflected portion of the superior oblique; <em>K</em>, inferior oblique; <em>L</em> and <em>M</em>, portions of the muscle which raises the upper eyelid; to the right of <em>D</em> and to the left on the same line are seen cut ends of the optic nerve." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Muscles of the eyeball

"A, attachment of tendon connected with the four recti muscles; B, external rectus,…

<em>A</em> and <em>C</em>, lachrymal canals; <em>B</em>, lachrymal sac; <em>D</em>, small muscle which serves to compress the lachrymal sac; <em>F</em>, glands upon the inner surface of the eyelids, with ducts opening upon the free margins of the eyelids; <em>H</em>, great openings, or antrum, of the upper jawbone. The oil glands of the nose are plainly shown." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Eyelids and lachrymal apparatus

A and C, lachrymal canals; B, lachrymal sac; D, small muscle which…

"The Relative Position of the Lachrymal Apparatus, the Eyeball, and the Eyelids. <I>A</em>, lachrymal canals, with the minute orifices represented as two black dots to the right; <em>B</em>, tendon attached to a muscle which surrounds the circumference of the orbit and eyelids; under <em>B</em> is seen the lachrymal sac. The minute openings of the Meibomian glands are seen on the free margins of the eyelids. Below <em>A</em> is seen a small conical elevation, with black dots (the lachrymal papilla, or caruncle)." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904


"The Relative Position of the Lachrymal Apparatus, the Eyeball, and the Eyelids. A, lachrymal canals,…

"Showing the attachment of the recti, or straight muscles to the eyeball, also the distribution of arteries upon the outer coat of the eye." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Attachment of the recti

"Showing the attachment of the recti, or straight muscles to the eyeball, also the distribution of arteries…

"Diagram of a Sectional View of Nasal and Throat Passageways. <em>C</em>, nasal cavities; <em>T</em>, tongue; <em>L</em>, lower jaw; <em>M</em>, Mouth; <em>U</em>, uvula; <em>E</em>, epiglottis; <em>G</em>, larynx; <em>O</em>, gullet, or esophagus." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Nasal and throat passageways

"Diagram of a Sectional View of Nasal and Throat Passageways. C, nasal cavities; T,…

"Cartilages and Ligaments of the Larynx. (Front view.) <em>A</em>, hyoid bone; <em>B</em>, membrane attached to hyoid bone and the shield-shaped cartilage below (thyroid); edges of this shield-shaped cartilage unite at <em>C</em> (Adam's apple is the V-shaped groove on a line with <em>B</em> and <em>C</em>; <em>D</em>, membrane between the shield-shaped cartilage and the signet-ring cartilage below; <em>E</em> cricoid, or signet-ring, cartilage; <em>F</em>, upper ring of the windpipe." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Front view of the larynx

"Cartilages and Ligaments of the Larynx. (Front view.) A, hyoid bone; B, membrane…

"Cartilages and Ligaments of the Larynx. (Front view.) <em>A</em>, epiglottis; <em>B</em>, thyroid cartilage; <em>C</em>, ladle-shaped cartilage; <em>E</em>, cricoid cartilage; <em>F</em>, upper ring of the windpipe." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Posterior view of the larynx

"Cartilages and Ligaments of the Larynx. (Front view.) A, epiglottis; B, thyroid cartilage;…

"<em>A</em>, epiglottis; <em>B</em>, section of hyoid bone; <em>C</em>, false vocal cords which have nothing to do with the production of voice; <em>D</em>, oblong opening between the false and true vocal cords; <em>E</em>, true vocal cord;<em>F</em>, section of the thyroid cartilage; <em>H</em>, section of the anterior portion of the cricoid cartilage; <em>K</em>, trachea; <em>L</em>, section of the posterior portion of the cricoid cartilage; <em>M</em>, ladle-shaped cartilage." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Vocal cords

"A, epiglottis; B, section of hyoid bone; C, false vocal cords which have…

"To illustrate roughly the passage of air through the glottis, force air through such a tube by blowing hard, and if the strips are not too far apart a sound will be produced. The sound will vary in character as the bands are made tight or loose." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Air Passage

"To illustrate roughly the passage of air through the glottis, force air through such a tube by blowing…

"Showing how the Improvised Three-Handed Seat may be used to carry an Injured Person. The picture also shows how a boy's broken leg may be treated with an improvised apparatus made of pieces of oak bark for splints, padded with graass and held in place by two pocket handkerchiefs." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Hand seat

"Showing how the Improvised Three-Handed Seat may be used to carry an Injured Person. The picture also…

"Showing how the upper eyelid may be everted with a pencil or penholder." — Blaisedell, 1904

Everted eyelid

"Showing how the upper eyelid may be everted with a pencil or penholder." — Blaisedell, 1904

"Showing how firm pressure may be made with the fingers to compress the branchial artery of the left arm. Some large superficial veins are also shown." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Branchial artery

"Showing how firm pressure may be made with the fingers to compress the branchial artery of the left…

"Showing how a pillow, an inside coat, a "sweater", or a blanket may be used as a temporary splint on a broken leg." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Temporary splint

"Showing how a pillow, an inside coat, a "sweater", or a blanket may be used as a temporary splint on…

"The dotted line shows the course of the right femoral artery." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Femoral artery

"The dotted line shows the course of the right femoral artery." — Blaisedell, 1904

"A Piece of Hair from the Scalp infested with a Mold which produces Ringworm. Ringworm may occur anywhere on the body, but is perhaps most common on the scalp and face." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Hair with ringworm

"A Piece of Hair from the Scalp infested with a Mold which produces Ringworm. Ringworm may occur anywhere…

"A Compound Microscope. The appearance of the various structures and tissues of the human body as revealed by the microscope possesses a curious fascination for every observer, especially for young students. No one ever forgets the first look at a drop of blood, or the circulation of blood in the web of a frog's foot as revealed by the microscope." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904

Compound microscope

"A Compound Microscope. The appearance of the various structures and tissues of the human body as revealed…

"A nerve cell from the brain." &mdash; Ritchie, 1918


"A nerve cell from the brain." — Ritchie, 1918

"A muscle cell from the stomach." &mdash; Ritchie, 1918

Muscle cell

"A muscle cell from the stomach." — Ritchie, 1918

"The human body, like a great building, has a framework which gives the body its shape and provides support for it. This framework is composed of 206 bones. All the bones taken together are called the <em>skeleton</em>." &mdash; Ritchie, 1918

Human skeleton

"The human body, like a great building, has a framework which gives the body its shape and provides…

Shows the muscles and tendons of the arm.

Muscle Structure of the Arm

Shows the muscles and tendons of the arm.

"The <em>trachea</em> has in its walls stiff rings of cartilage that hold it open so that the air can pass freely through it to and from the lungs. At its base the trachea divides and sends a great branch to each lung." &mdash; Ritchie, 1918

Trachea and lungs

"The trachea has in its walls stiff rings of cartilage that hold it open so that the air can…

"A small bronchial tube and the air sacs in which it ends." &mdash; Ritchie, 1918

Bronchial tube

"A small bronchial tube and the air sacs in which it ends." — Ritchie, 1918

"The brain seen from the side, showing the three principal divisions." &mdash; Ritchie, 1918

Side view of the brain

"The brain seen from the side, showing the three principal divisions." — Ritchie, 1918

"The cerebrum seen from above, showing the hemispheres." — Ritchie, 1918

Top View of the Cerebrum

"The cerebrum seen from above, showing the hemispheres." — Ritchie, 1918

"The eye is moved about by six muscles. The back ends of these muscles are attached to the eye sockets. The front ends are attached to the ball of the eye." — Ritchie, 1918

Muscles of the Eyes

"The eye is moved about by six muscles. The back ends of these muscles are attached to the eye sockets.…

"Across the middle ear a chain of three small bones stretches from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear. These bones are called from their shape the <em>malleus</em> (hammer), the <em>incus</em> (anvil), and the <em>stapes</em> (stirrup)." — Ritchie, 1918

Bones of the Ear

"Across the middle ear a chain of three small bones stretches from the tympanic membrane to the inner…

"There are three pairs of salivary glands. One pair lies under the tongue; one pair is found under the corners of the lower jaw; and the other pair is found in front of and below the ears." &mdash; Ritchie, 1918

Salivary glands

"There are three pairs of salivary glands. One pair lies under the tongue; one pair is found under the…

"The spine, sawn in two lengthwise, showing the spinal canal and the holes between the vertebrae, where nerves and blood-vessels pass out." &mdash; Tracy, 1888


"The spine, sawn in two lengthwise, showing the spinal canal and the holes between the vertebrae, where…

"The pancreas, partly cut away, so as to show the duct, which collects the pancreatic juice, and empties it into the duodenum." &mdash; Tracy, 1888


"The pancreas, partly cut away, so as to show the duct, which collects the pancreatic juice, and empties…

"Larynx, trachea, and bronchi, showing the manner of division, and the rings of cartilage." &mdash; Tracy, 1888

Respiratory system

"Larynx, trachea, and bronchi, showing the manner of division, and the rings of cartilage." —…

"Section of a pulmonary lobule, showing its division into pulmonary vesicles." &mdash; Tracy, 1888

Pulmonary lobule

"Section of a pulmonary lobule, showing its division into pulmonary vesicles." — Tracy, 1888

"Brain and spinal cord, with the thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves." — Tracy, 1888

Central Nervous System

"Brain and spinal cord, with the thirty-one pairs of spinal nerves." — Tracy, 1888

"Diagram showing the position of the nervous centers in the head." &mdash; Tracy, 1888


"Diagram showing the position of the nervous centers in the head." — Tracy, 1888

A scalpel.


A scalpel.

A pair of tweezers used for dissection.


A pair of tweezers used for dissection.

A needle, used for dissection.


A needle, used for dissection.

"Longitudinal section of a Hydra; <em>b</em>, bud which will form a young one; <em>ba</em>, base by which it is attached when not creeping." &mdash; Davison, 1906

Section of a hydra

"Longitudinal section of a Hydra; b, bud which will form a young one; ba, base by…

"Skeleton of the horse." &mdash; Davison, 1906

Skeleton of a Horse

"Skeleton of the horse." — Davison, 1906

"Fore limbs of vertebrates showing similarity of structure. <em>A</em>, salamander; <em>B</em>, turtle; <em>C</em>, very young bird; <em>D</em>, adult bird; <em>E</em>, dog; <em>F</em>, man." &mdash; Davison, 1906

Forearms of vertebrates

"Fore limbs of vertebrates showing similarity of structure. A, salamander; B, turtle;…

"The most essential parts of human vision are contained in the eyeball, a nearly spherical body, about an inch in diameter, and capable of being turned considerably in its socket by the action of various muscles." — Avery, 1895


"The most essential parts of human vision are contained in the eyeball, a nearly spherical body, about…

"Many of both sexes wear enormous ear plugs and earrings, some of which are as big around as a napkin. The holes in the lobes of their ears so large that they can carry a cigar in them." &mdash;Carpenter, 1902

Dyak's ear

"Many of both sexes wear enormous ear plugs and earrings, some of which are as big around as a napkin.…

"Diagram to show the working parts of a gland. v and a are blood tubes with thin-walled branches around the parts of the gland c. These take material from the blood and, after changing it, send it to the mouth, stomach, or other places before the duct i." &mdash;Davison, 1910


"Diagram to show the working parts of a gland. v and a are blood tubes with thin-walled branches around…

"The stomach is a half-gallon sac, with an outer wall of muscle lined within by mucous membrane, made largely of gastric glands of which there are more than a million. These glands, each consisting of a tube with several branches, give out daily three quarts of gastric juice to dissolve the lean meat and other like foods." &mdash;Davison, 1910


"The stomach is a half-gallon sac, with an outer wall of muscle lined within by mucous membrane, made…

"A tiny block out of the stomach wall. a, the mucous membrane; c and d, the muscles; h, gastric glands; m and n, blood tubes to the glands; e, mouths of glands within the stomach." —Davison, 1910

Cross-Section of Stomach Wall

"A tiny block out of the stomach wall. a, the mucous membrane; c and d, the muscles; h, gastric glands;…

"Piece of small intestine cut open to show wrinkling of inner coat bearing villi." &mdash;Davison, 1910

Piece of small intestine

"Piece of small intestine cut open to show wrinkling of inner coat bearing villi." —Davison, 1910

"Chief veins and arteries of the body. a, place of the heart; the veins are in black. On the right side of the pictures the veins just under the skin oare shown and on the other side the deep vessels near the bones.. b, vessels to the lungs." &mdash;Davison, 1910

Veins and arteries

"Chief veins and arteries of the body. a, place of the heart; the veins are in black. On the right side…

"The lymph vessels of the body. rc, the thoracic duct; lac, the lacteals taking the lymph and fatty part of food from the intestines." —Davison, 1910

Lymph Vessels

"The lymph vessels of the body. rc, the thoracic duct; lac, the lacteals taking the lymph and fatty…

"Blood plasma passing out of capillary to feed the body cells." &mdash;Davison, 1910


"Blood plasma passing out of capillary to feed the body cells." —Davison, 1910

"Diagram of the rush of blood when the heart beats. The valves v open above are closed below while the valves s closed above are open below." &mdash;Davison, 1910

Beating heart

"Diagram of the rush of blood when the heart beats. The valves v open above are closed below while the…

"The lungs fill up most of the cavity of the chest. One lies on either side of the heart which is in the middle of the chest. The lungs in animals are called lights because they are spongy sacs and so light as to float when thrown into water." &mdash;Davison, 1910

The lungs

"The lungs fill up most of the cavity of the chest. One lies on either side of the heart which is in…

"Diagram of the blood vessels in the kidney." &mdash;Davison, 1910


"Diagram of the blood vessels in the kidney." —Davison, 1910

"A block out of the skin. a, dead part and d live part of the epidermis; e, sweat glands; n, nerve endings." &mdash;Davison, 1910

Section of skin

"A block out of the skin. a, dead part and d live part of the epidermis; e, sweat glands; n, nerve endings."…

"Fine threads of fibers forming a muscle." &mdash;Davison, 1910

Muscle fibers

"Fine threads of fibers forming a muscle." —Davison, 1910

"The extensor muscles on the back of the forearm. Note the tendons at the wrist." &mdash;Davison, 1910

Muscles of the forearm

"The extensor muscles on the back of the forearm. Note the tendons at the wrist." —Davison, 1910

"Muscles on the front of the arm. Note the while cords, the tendons at the wrist." —Davison, 1910

Muscles of the Arm

"Muscles on the front of the arm. Note the while cords, the tendons at the wrist." —Davison, 1910