The cuckoo is a member of the Cuculidae family. They have slender bodies, with long tails and downturned beaks.


The cuckoo is a member of the Cuculidae family. They have slender bodies, with long tails and downturned…

The nightingale is a member of the Turdidae family


The nightingale is a member of the Turdidae family

The stork is a long-legged wading bird.


The stork is a long-legged wading bird.

Swallows are members of the perching bird family. They have narrow wings and long split tails.


Swallows are members of the perching bird family. They have narrow wings and long split tails.

Owls are found on nearly every continent.


Owls are found on nearly every continent.

A large marine swimming bird. The bill is straight and strong, the upper mandible hooked at the point and the lower one truncated; there are three webbed toes on each foot.


A large marine swimming bird. The bill is straight and strong, the upper mandible hooked at the point…

Liver-flukes live parasitically within other animals, primarily birds and fishes. They are all more or less flattened and rounded in shape and they adhere by suctorial discs.


Liver-flukes live parasitically within other animals, primarily birds and fishes. They are all more…

Penguins are adopted for a completely aquatic life. The body is boat-shaped, the neck long, and legs short and placed behind the point of equilibrium of the body.


Penguins are adopted for a completely aquatic life. The body is boat-shaped, the neck long, and legs…

These wading birds mostly spend their time wading about in shallow water, feeding upon small fishes, shell-fish, worms and insects.


These wading birds mostly spend their time wading about in shallow water, feeding upon small fishes,…

The Apteryx is characterized by the rudimentary condition of the wings, which are useless as organs of flight.


The Apteryx is characterized by the rudimentary condition of the wings, which are useless as organs…

Pigeons are distinguished by their slender feet which are adapted for perching, whilst the voice is of a gentle, soft and melancholy character (Nicholson, 1871)


Pigeons are distinguished by their slender feet which are adapted for perching, whilst the voice is…

The Lory is a climbing bird distinguished by the fact that the feet have four toes each, of which two are turned backwards and two forwards.


The Lory is a climbing bird distinguished by the fact that the feet have four toes each, of which two…

Foot of Yellow Wagtail.

Wagtail Foot

Foot of Yellow Wagtail.

Foot of Water-ousel.

Water-ousel Foot

Foot of Water-ousel.

Beak of Hawfinch.

Hawfinch Beak

Beak of Hawfinch.

Beak of Shrike.

Shrike Beak

Beak of Shrike.

Beak of Hummingbird.

Hummingbird Beak

Beak of Hummingbird.

Beak of Swift.

Swift Beak

Beak of Swift.

Foot of Peregrine Falcon.

Falcon Foot

Foot of Peregrine Falcon.

Beak of Buzzard.

Buzzard Beak

Beak of Buzzard.

Foot of Tawny Owl.

Owl Foot

Foot of Tawny Owl.

Beak of Tawny Owl.

Owl Beak

Beak of Tawny Owl.

Eagles are large predatory birds of the falcon family.


Eagles are large predatory birds of the falcon family.

Birds of Paradise are allied to the crows and found mainly in New Guinea. The king bird has beautiful plumage and is not only the most beautiful bird of this family but is also quite rare.

King Bird of Paradise

Birds of Paradise are allied to the crows and found mainly in New Guinea. The king bird has beautiful…

Canary birds are yellow and in the finch family.

Canary Bird

Canary birds are yellow and in the finch family.

Cow-Birds or Cow-Buntings are in the starling family.


Cow-Birds or Cow-Buntings are in the starling family.

A goose is a web-footed bird of the duck family.

Wild Goose

A goose is a web-footed bird of the duck family.

Broad-tailed humming birds by flowers.


Broad-tailed humming birds by flowers.

Loud birds with their distinctive whip-poor-will call.


Loud birds with their distinctive whip-poor-will call.

"Resemble the common squirrels, with a lateral membrane similar to that of the Pteromys. By means of this they make enormous leaps, sometimes nifty yards or more, from tree to tree, usually at first decending, and then rising and alighting in the manner of birds about to terminate their flight." — S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Flying Squirrel

"Resemble the common squirrels, with a lateral membrane similar to that of the Pteromys. By means of…

Sing a Song of Sixpence. And when the pie was opened, the birds began to sing.

King and Blackbirds

Sing a Song of Sixpence. And when the pie was opened, the birds began to sing.

Giant birds eyeing Gulliver in the town of Brobdingnag.

Giant bird

Giant birds eyeing Gulliver in the town of Brobdingnag.

Floral frame, with several different types of birds and a rabbit.

Wildlife frame

Floral frame, with several different types of birds and a rabbit.

A frame with many different species of birds.

Bird Frame

A frame with many different species of birds.

"Genus <em>Milvus</em>, its length is twenty-six inches; it's color above dark brown; rufous bown below; the tail long and deeply forked. It pounces on prey, consisting of moles, mice, leverets, rabbits, unfledged birds, and the young of the gallinaceous tribe especially. IThis species is common in Middle Europe and Northern Asia. It was formerly used in falconry." &mdash Goodrich, 1859


"Genus Milvus, its length is twenty-six inches; it's color above dark brown; rufous bown below;…

"<em>B. vulgaris</em> is twenty-two inches long, the head is large and the body heavy. Above, the color is chocolate-brown; grayish-white beneath. Its flight is low, and much of its time is spent in sitting on trees, in wooded districts, awaiting its prey, which consists of small quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, insects, and earthworms." &mdash Goodrich, 1859

Common Buzzard of Europe

"B. vulgaris is twenty-two inches long, the head is large and the body heavy. Above, the color…

Resembles the American sparrow-hawk, feeding primarily on small birds and quadrupeds, as well as domesticated fowls.

European Sparrowhawk

Resembles the American sparrow-hawk, feeding primarily on small birds and quadrupeds, as well as domesticated…

The lammergeyer (Swiss for "lamb-killer") is a member of the vulture family, but has a notably feathered neck. It generally preys on live animals, such as wild goats, mountain hare, and various species of birds.


The lammergeyer (Swiss for "lamb-killer") is a member of the vulture family, but has a notably feathered…

The Canada owl, also known as the day or hawk owl. It feeds primarily on small birds.

Canada Owl

The Canada owl, also known as the day or hawk owl. It feeds primarily on small birds.

An assortment of passeres, one order of birds. The legs, feet, and talons are generally smaller than those of predatory birds.


An assortment of passeres, one order of birds. The legs, feet, and talons are generally smaller than…

A group of humming birds with particularly long and narrow beaks, well-adapted for sipping nectar from flowers.


A group of humming birds with particularly long and narrow beaks, well-adapted for sipping nectar from…

A group of humming birds, two of which are vying for a flower's nectar.


A group of humming birds, two of which are vying for a flower's nectar.

Four humming birds, two of which are resting on a branch, while the other two cavort in the air above.


Four humming birds, two of which are resting on a branch, while the other two cavort in the air above.

A flock of mocking-birds attacking a rattlesnake in a tree, which was threatening a nest.

Mockingbirds Attacking a Rattlesnake

A flock of mocking-birds attacking a rattlesnake in a tree, which was threatening a nest.

The nests of social (or republican) weaver birds, which live in colonies.

Nests of Sociable Weavers

The nests of social (or republican) weaver birds, which live in colonies.

A migratory bird, the cow-blackbird is notable among birds, for it does not build a nest.


A migratory bird, the cow-blackbird is notable among birds, for it does not build a nest.

Noted for its voracious appetite, the flute-playing cassican has been known to eat small birds.

Flute-Playing Cassican

Noted for its voracious appetite, the flute-playing cassican has been known to eat small birds.

The raven has a broat palate, its diet including worms, brubs, reptiles, birds' eggs, fish, and shell-fish.


The raven has a broat palate, its diet including worms, brubs, reptiles, birds' eggs, fish, and shell-fish.

The carrion-crow of Europe has been known to feed on decaying flesh, as well as young birds, shellfish, lands and other small quadrupeds, grains, potatoes, and green walnuts.

Carrion-Crow of Europe

The carrion-crow of Europe has been known to feed on decaying flesh, as well as young birds, shellfish,…

A pair of birds of paradise, the emerald bird of paradise (above) and the superb bird of paradise (below).

Bird of Paradise

A pair of birds of paradise, the emerald bird of paradise (above) and the superb bird of paradise (below).

The great spotted cuckoo divides its time between North Africa and Southern Europe, laying its eggs in the nests of other birds for them to rear its offspring as their own.

Great spotted cuckoo

The great spotted cuckoo divides its time between North Africa and Southern Europe, laying its eggs…

Also known as the common American cuckoo, the yellow-billed cuckoo subsists on a diet of hairy caterpillars, cock-chafers, and the eggs of small birds.

Yellow-billed cuckoo

Also known as the common American cuckoo, the yellow-billed cuckoo subsists on a diet of hairy caterpillars,…

"Is eighteen inches long, with a tail nearly as long as the body; its fur is chestnut-color, spotted with white. it feeds on small quadrupeds, and, when impelled by hunger, occasionally snaps up birds among the marshes." &mdash; S. G. Goodrich, 1885

Spotted Martin

"Is eighteen inches long, with a tail nearly as long as the body; its fur is chestnut-color, spotted…

A group of birds of the order <em>Rasores</em>, settled around a farmyard scene.


A group of birds of the order Rasores, settled around a farmyard scene.

The common bittern of Europe feeds at night, primarily on frogs, lizards, small birds, and fish.

Common Bittern

The common bittern of Europe feeds at night, primarily on frogs, lizards, small birds, and fish.

A group of birds of the order natatores, whose webbed feet are well adapted for propelling them on and below the water in search of food.


A group of birds of the order natatores, whose webbed feet are well adapted for propelling them on and…

A group of birds standing on a shore, with icebergs eveident in the background.

Puffins, guillemots, the great northern diver, etc

A group of birds standing on a shore, with icebergs eveident in the background.

The common white pelican measures about five to six feet in length, with a wingspan of approximately twelve to thirteen feet; it is the largest of the web-footed birds.

Common White Pelican

The common white pelican measures about five to six feet in length, with a wingspan of approximately…

Feeding chiefly on fish, the great black-billed gull has been known to feed on small birds.

Great Black-Billed Gull

Feeding chiefly on fish, the great black-billed gull has been known to feed on small birds.

Found throughout Northern Europe, the common skua has been known to attack other birds in order to steal the fish they have caught.

Common Scua

Found throughout Northern Europe, the common skua has been known to attack other birds in order to steal…