An illustration of an Egyptian diadem. A diadem is a type of crown, specifically an ornamental headband.

Egyptian Diadem

An illustration of an Egyptian diadem. A diadem is a type of crown, specifically an ornamental headband.

An illustration of a small gold diadem. A diadem is a type of crown, specifically an ornamental headband worn by royalty.

Gold Diadem

An illustration of a small gold diadem. A diadem is a type of crown, specifically an ornamental headband…

An illustration of a gold crown created by "pure hammered gold cut into thin plates, attached to rings by double gold wires, and fastened together at the back with thin twisted wire" (Britannica, 1910).

Gold Crown

An illustration of a gold crown created by "pure hammered gold cut into thin plates, attached to rings…

"Double Wall and Double Crown -- Form a single wall crowned; let the ends follow their own parts round until all the parts appear double. Put the ends down through the knot." -Britannica, 1910

Double Wall and Double Crown

"Double Wall and Double Crown -- Form a single wall crowned; let the ends follow their own parts round…

"Sprit-Sail Sheet Knot -- This knot consists of a double wall and double crown made by the two ends, consequently with six strands, with the ends turned down. Used formerly in the clews of sails, now as an excellent stopper, a lashing or shackle being placed at s and a lanyard round the head at l." -Britannica, 1910

Sprit-Sail Sheet Knot

"Sprit-Sail Sheet Knot -- This knot consists of a double wall and double crown made by the two ends,…

"Double Strop -- Made with one piece of rope, the splice being brought as usual to the crown of the block t, the bights fitting into scores with some inches apart, converging to the upper part, above which the thimble receives the bights, a,a; and the four parts of the strop are secured at s, s, by a round seizing double crossed." -Britanncia, 1910

Double Strop

"Double Strop -- Made with one piece of rope, the splice being brought as usual to the crown of the…

"A coin, generally of unusual shape and rude workmanship, issued in a town or castle during a siege, when the operations of the ordinary mints are suspended." -Whitney, 1911
<p>This illustration is of the obverse side of the piece.

Newark Siege Piece - Obverse

"A coin, generally of unusual shape and rude workmanship, issued in a town or castle during a siege,…

An entablature refers to the superstructure of moldings and bands which lie horizontally above columns, resting on their capitals. Entablatures are major elements of classical architecture, and are commonly divided into the architrave, frieze, and the cornice. The term cornice comes from Italian cornice, meaning "ledge." Cornice molding is generally any horizontal decorative molding which crowns any building or furniture element: the cornice over a door or window, for instance, or the cornice around the edge of a pedestal. A simple cornice may be formed just with a crown molding.

Cornice of Entablature over Doorway at the Great Temple at Philæ

An entablature refers to the superstructure of moldings and bands which lie horizontally above columns,…

The Papal Tiara, also known as the Triple Tiara, or in Latin as the 'Triregnum', and in Italian as the 'Triregno', is the three-tiered jewelled papal crown, supposedly of Byzantine and Persian origin, that is a prominent symbol of the papacy. The Supreme Pontiff's arms have featured a "tiara" since ancient times, notably in combination with Saint Peter's crossed keys.

Papal Tiara

The Papal Tiara, also known as the Triple Tiara, or in Latin as the 'Triregnum', and in Italian as the…

An illustration of a coronet. A coronet is a small crown consisting of ornaments fixed on a metal ring. Unlike a crown, a coronet never has arches.


An illustration of a coronet. A coronet is a small crown consisting of ornaments fixed on a metal ring.…

An illustration of an English crown.

English Crown

An illustration of an English crown.

"Sand-vine (Gonolobus lavis). a, flower; b, crown-lobe tipped by a 2-cleft awn; c, stamen-tube; d, follicle or seed-pod." -Whitney, 1911

Sand Vine

"Sand-vine (Gonolobus lavis). a, flower; b, crown-lobe tipped by a 2-cleft awn; c, stamen-tube; d, follicle…

The capitals of the columns display an immense variety. The most beautiful have a crater-like form, and appear like the projecting bell of a flower, with leaves standing out from the surface (here). In other instances the pillars are imitations of a palm tree, and have a smooth slender shaft, a neck-moulding of several rings, and then, without any intermediate architectural division, a capital formed of the graceful leaves of the palm.

Capital in the Temple at Edfu

The capitals of the columns display an immense variety. The most beautiful have a crater-like form,…

The capitals of the columns display an immense variety. The most beautiful have a crater-like form, and appear like the projecting bell of a flower, with leaves standing out from the surface. In other instances the pillars are imitations of a palm tree, and have a smooth slender shaft, a neck-moulding of several rings, and then, without any intermediate architectural division, a capital formed of the graceful leaves of the palm (here).

Capital in the Temple at Edfu

The capitals of the columns display an immense variety. The most beautiful have a crater-like form,…

In some temples the pillars have, in lieu of capital, the face of a goddess, probably of Isis, with a drooping sacerdotal hood, and supporting a temple on the head. This face is repeated on four sides of the circular shaft.

Capital in the Temple at Denderah

In some temples the pillars have, in lieu of capital, the face of a goddess, probably of Isis, with…

Four colossal 20 meter statues of the pharaoh with the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt decorate the facade of the temple, which is 35 meters wide and is topped by a frieze with 22 baboons, worshippers of the sun and flank the entrance. The colossal statues were sculptured directly from the rock in which the temple was located before it was moved. All statues represent Ramesses II, seated on a throne and wearing the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. The statue to the left of the entrance was damaged in an earthquake, leaving only the lower part of the statue still intact. The head and torso can still be seen at the statue's feet.

Entrance of the Great Temple at Abu Simbel

Four colossal 20 meter statues of the pharaoh with the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt decorate…

This Greek Diadem or crown is made out of gold.

Greek Diadem

This Greek Diadem or crown is made out of gold.

A coronet of an English Duke.


A coronet of an English Duke.

The obverse side of an &eacute;cu of James V of Scotland, a Scotch gold coin also called a crown.

Écu, Obverse

The obverse side of an écu of James V of Scotland, a Scotch gold coin also called a crown.

The reverse side of an &eacute;cu of James V of Scotland, a Scotch gold coin also called a crown.

Écu, Reverse

The reverse side of an écu of James V of Scotland, a Scotch gold coin also called a crown.

"Argent (silver), a heart gules (red), ensigned with a royal crown.In heraldry, to distinguish (a charge) by a mark or an ornament, as a crown, coronet, or miter." -Whitney, 1911


"Argent (silver), a heart gules (red), ensigned with a royal crown. In heraldry, to distinguish (a charge)…

A modern crinoid showing steam with root or hold-fast attachment, and a crown composed of the calyx and branching arms.


A modern crinoid showing steam with root or hold-fast attachment, and a crown composed of the calyx…

An illustration of a face with two flutes and a crown of olive leaves.

Face with Two Flutes

An illustration of a face with two flutes and a crown of olive leaves.

The Crown Imperial or Kaiser's Crown (Fritillaria imperialis) is a flowering plant in the Liliaceae, the lily family.

Crown Imperial

The Crown Imperial or Kaiser's Crown (Fritillaria imperialis) is a flowering plant in the Liliaceae,…

Nandu or "Rhea Americana, the so-called American Ostrich... is found from Bolivia Paraguay, and South Brazil to the Rio Negro, if not further; it is brownish-grey with blackish crown, nape, and breast, white thighs and abdomen, and yellowish neck. " - A. H. Evans, 1900


Nandu or "Rhea Americana, the so-called American Ostrich... is found from Bolivia Paraguay, and South…

This is a troop of crested "Maccaroni" or Rock-hopper penguins nesting "under the shade of tussocks of grass." The parents sit nearby their eggs which lie in depressions in the bare earth. "This penguin is bluish-black with white breast and belly, and a fine orange crest on each side of the crown, from which a broad golden streak passes over the eye to the base of the maxilla.". -A. H. Evans, 1900.

A Troop of Crested "Maccaroni" or Rock-Hopper Penguins Nesting Under the Shade of Tussock of Trees

This is a troop of crested "Maccaroni" or Rock-hopper penguins nesting "under the shade of tussocks…

Walhalla, or German Temple of Fame and Honor is a neo-classical hall of fame located on the Danube River 10 km east of Regensburg, in Bavaria, Germany. The exterior is a close imitation of the Parthenon (a temple of the Greek goddess Athena), and is constructed of gray marble. It was the idea of 20-year-old Crown Prince Ludwig I of Bavaria in 1807, at a time when the German states were defeated and occupied by Napoleon. It was meant as a place for the commemoration of great figures and events in ethnic German history, at the time covering 1,800 years, beginning with the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest (AD 9). Whereas the Valhalla of Norse mythology was home to those gloriously slain in battle, Ludwig's Walhalla was intended not only for warriors but also for scientists, writers, clerics and specifically also for women.

Exterior of Walhalla

Walhalla, or German Temple of Fame and Honor is a neo-classical hall of fame located on the Danube River…

Walhalla, or German Temple of Fame and Honor is a neo-classical hall of fame located on the Danube River 10 km east of Regensburg, in Bavaria, Germany. It was the idea of 20-year-old Crown Prince Ludwig I of Bavaria in 1807, at a time when the German states were defeated and occupied by Napoleon. It was meant as a place for the commemoration of great figures and events in ethnic German history, at the time covering 1,800 years, beginning with the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest (9 AD). Whereas the Valhalla of Norse mythology was home to those gloriously slain in battle, Ludwig's Walhalla was intended not only for warriors but also for scientists, writers, clerics and specifically also for women. The walls are lined with marble, and the ceiling is very richly gilded and decorated. The busts that are placed in rows along the walls are, as far as possible, likenesses of celebrated Germans deemed worthy of a place in the Temple of Fame.

Interior of Walhalla

Walhalla, or German Temple of Fame and Honor is a neo-classical hall of fame located on the Danube River…

The Cormorant "P. carbo, but has a tuft of long narrow recurved plumes on each side f the crown in the nuptial dress, which are black, white, or particoloured according to the locality. The bare loral region and gular sac are orange, and no white is visible on the throat or flanks." A. H. Evans, 1900


The Cormorant "P. carbo, but has a tuft of long narrow recurved plumes on each side f the crown in the…

"On the Sarcorhamphus gryphus the Condor, the head and neck are bare, with dull red skin, wrinkled in folds on the latter; while an oblique ruff of white down surmounts the black plumage, which shews white edges to the wing-coverts and secondaries. The male has a fleshy crest extending from the mid-cere to the crown, a large wattle on the throat, and a small caruncle below; the irides being in the sex brown, in the female garnet red. The bill is white with brown base." A. H. Evans, 1900


"On the Sarcorhamphus gryphus the Condor, the head and neck are bare, with dull red skin, wrinkled in…

"Gypa&eumltus barbatus, the magnificent L&emumlmmergeier, is greyish-black with white streaks, and has a white crown, cheeks with a black band bifurcating at the eye to meet above, and pale tawny lanceolate plumage on the neck and lower parts. Dense black bristles cover the nostrils and lores, and the black tuft, which gives the name of "Bearded Vulture", projects below the mandible. The sclerotic membrane is crimson. The young are chiefly brown and buff." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Gypaëtus barbatus, the magnificent L&emumlmmergeier, is greyish-black with white streaks, and has…

"Rhynchotus rufescens,... is grey-brown, with blacker crown, rufous cheeks, neck, and breast, and chestnut primaries; the back is being barred with whitish and black, and the flanks with brown and white. " A. H. Evans, 1900. This bird is referenced in this source as Rhynchotus rufescens the Great Tinamou, though it's description seems to more closely resemble Rhynchotus rufescens the Red-Winged Tinamou.

Red-winged Tinamou

"Rhynchotus rufescens,... is grey-brown, with blacker crown, rufous cheeks, neck, and breast, and chestnut…

"Aegialitis hiaticola, the Ringed Plover, Sand-Lark, or Stone-runner, mistakenly called the "Ring-Dotterel" which is common on the British coasts and even inland, extends from Smith's Sound eastward to Bering Strait, and migrates to South Africa, North India, or accidentally, Australia. It breeds as far south as the Atlantic Islands, North Africa, and Turkestan. The plumage is light brown, with white forehead, post-ocular streak, upper neck, alar bar, outer rectrices, and under surface; the crown, lores, cheeks, and a collar-broader in front-being black. The young lack the black crown." A. H. Evans, 1900

Ringed Plover

"Aegialitis hiaticola, the Ringed Plover, Sand-Lark, or Stone-runner, mistakenly called the "Ring-Dotterel"…

"Scolopas rusticula, the well known Woodcock, brown, grey, and buff in color, with blackish vermiculations and blotches above and bars below, has two transverse buff stripes on the black hind-crown. It inhabits Northern and Central Europe and Asia-with Atlantic Islands and Japan." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Scolopas rusticula, the well known Woodcock, brown, grey, and buff in color, with blackish vermiculations…

An illustration of a crown and vine doodad.

Crown & Vine Doodad

An illustration of a crown and vine doodad.

"Momotus brasiliensis, the Motmot, from Guiana to Northern Brazil, is somewhat similar in colour (to the Eumomota superciliaris), but has little red on the back; the head is cobalt-blue with black on the crown and sides; the under parts are green with rufous tinge. the long throat-feathers are black with light blue edges." A. H. Evans, 1900


"Momotus brasiliensis, the Motmot, from Guiana to Northern Brazil, is somewhat similar in colour (to…

An illustration of a king with a crown.

King with Crown

An illustration of a king with a crown.

"Picus martius, the Black Woodpecker, an inhabitant of the pine-forests of Europe and Asia to Japan, quite erroneously asserted to have occurred in England. The colour is black with exception of a red head, while the feathering extends down two-thirds of the metatarsus in front." A. H. Evans, 1900 Distinction between the male and the female can be seen on the crown. The male's is entirely red, while the female's shows just a touch of red on the tip.

The Great Black Woodpecker

"Picus martius, the Black Woodpecker, an inhabitant of the pine-forests of Europe and Asia to Japan,…

"Panurus biarmicus, the "Bearded Tit" or "Reed-Pheasant" plumage is orange-brown above, with grey crown and a black streak from the lores down the cheeks, where the feathers are elongated and point backwards; the wings are varied with black and white; the throat is greyish, the breast pinkish; the abdomen coloured like the back; the under tail-coverts are black, the bill is yellow. The hen has a buff head, while she lacks the black "moustache" and under tail-coverts." A. H. Evans, 1900

Reed Pheasant

"Panurus biarmicus, the "Bearded Tit" or "Reed-Pheasant" plumage is orange-brown above, with grey crown…

"BADGE. A distinctive mark worn by servants, retainers, and followers of royalty or nobility, who, being beneath the rank of gentlemen, have no right to armorial bearings. The rose and crown is the badge of the servants, &c., of the Kings of England: they are displayed as in the annexed example." -Hall, 1862

Rose and Crown Badge

"BADGE. A distinctive mark worn by servants, retainers, and followers of royalty or nobility, who, being…

"CELESTIAL CROWN. Distinguished from any other crown by the stars on the points or rays that proceed from the circlet." -Hall, 1862

Celestial Crown

"CELESTIAL CROWN. Distinguished from any other crown by the stars on the points or rays that proceed…

"Argent, a chaplet proper. CHAPLET. An ancient ornament for the head, granted to gallant knights for acts of courtesy. It is frequently borne as a charge in a shield of arms, and always tinted in its natural colours." -Hall, 1862


"Argent, a chaplet proper. CHAPLET. An ancient ornament for the head, granted to gallant knights for…

"The English crest is a crown surmounted by a lion statant guardant crowned, or. CREST. The ornament on the upper part of the helmet in Heraldry placed over coats of arms, either with or without the helmet." -Hall, 1862

Lion Crest

"The English crest is a crown surmounted by a lion statant guardant crowned, or. CREST. The ornament…

"The crown of the king of England." -Hall, 1862

Crown of the King

"The crown of the king of England." -Hall, 1862

"Coronet of the prince of Wales." -Hall, 1862

Crown of the Prince

"Coronet of the prince of Wales." -Hall, 1862

Coronet "of a princess of England" -Hall, 1862

Princess Coronet

Coronet "of a princess of England" -Hall, 1862

Coronet "of a marquis." -Hall, 1862

Marquis Coronet

Coronet "of a marquis." -Hall, 1862

Coronet "of a royal duke." -Hall, 1862

Royal Duke Coronet

Coronet "of a royal duke." -Hall, 1862

Coronet "of an earl." -Hall, 1862

Earl Coronet

Coronet "of an earl." -Hall, 1862

Coronet "of a duke." -Hall, 1862

Duke Coronet

Coronet "of a duke." -Hall, 1862

Coronet "of a viscount." -Hall, 1862

Viscount Coronet

Coronet "of a viscount." -Hall, 1862

Coronet "of a baron." -Hall, 1862

Baron Coronet

Coronet "of a baron." -Hall, 1862

"DIADEM, a circle of gold with points rising from it, worn by ancient kings as the token of royalty. The diadem of most of the monarchs of Europe, as represented in ancient statuary, stained glass, and paintings, resembles the annexed engraving; the kings of England, from the Conquest to Henry VII., all wore a diadem of this shape." -Hall, 1862


"DIADEM, a circle of gold with points rising from it, worn by ancient kings as the token of royalty.…

"EASTERN CROWN. A crown with rays proceeding from a circle, called by heralds an Eastern crown, is found in ancient achievements. The annexed cut shows its form." -Hall, 1862

Eastern Crown

"EASTERN CROWN. A crown with rays proceeding from a circle, called by heralds an Eastern crown, is found…

"Argent, a man's heart gules, ensigned with a celestial crown or. ENSIGNED. This word, in heraldic description, means ornamented." -Hall, 1862

Heart Ensigned

"Argent, a man's heart gules, ensigned with a celestial crown or. ENSIGNED. This word, in heraldic description,…

"KNIGHT AND BARONET OF NOVA SCOTIA. A new creation during the reign of George I. to induce capitalists to settle in that part of North America. The title is hereditary: the arms are argent, St. Andrew's Cross gules surtout, an escutcheon or, with a lion rampant gules within a double tressure of the same, surmounted by a king's crown as a crest." -Hall, 1862

Knight and Baronet of Nova Scotia

"KNIGHT AND BARONET OF NOVA SCOTIA. A new creation during the reign of George I. to induce capitalists…

"fig. 25 - Topography of a Bird. 1, forehead (frons). 2, lore. 3, circumocular region. 4, crown (vertex). 5, eye. 6, hind head (occiput). 7, nape (nucha). 8, hind neck (cervix). 9, side of neck. 10, interscapular region. 11, dorsum, or back proper, including 10. 12, notaeum, or upper part of body proper, including 10, 11, and 13. 13, rump (uropygium). 14, upper tail-coverts. 15, tail. 16, under tail-coverts (crissum). 17, tarsus. 18, abdomen. 19, hind toe (hallux). 20, gastraeum, including 18 and 24. 21, outer and fourth toe. 22, middle and third toe. 23, side of the body. 24, breast (pectus). 25, primaries. 26, secondaries. 27, tertiaries; nos. 25, 26, 27 are all coverts. 28, primary coverts. 29, alula, or bastard wing. 30, greater coverts. 31, median coverts. 32, lesser coverts. 33, the "throat," including 34, 37, 38. 34, jugulum or lower throat. 35, auriculars. 36, malar region. 37, gula, or middle throat. 38, mentum, or chin. 39, angle of commissure, or corner of mouth. 40, ramus of under mandible. 41, side of under mandible. 42, gonys. 43, apex, or tip of bill. 44, tomia, or cutting edges of the bill. 45, culmen, or ridge of upper mandible, corresponding to gonys. 46, side of upper mandible. 47, nostril. 48, passes across the bill a little in front of it base." Elliot Coues, 1884

Topography of a Bird

"fig. 25 - Topography of a Bird. 1, forehead (frons). 2, lore. 3, circumocular region. 4, crown (vertex).…

"TURBAND. In coats of arms, where the knight was a Crusader, this figure often appears. It was the form of the sultan's turban at that period." -Hall, 1862


"TURBAND. In coats of arms, where the knight was a Crusader, this figure often appears. It was the form…

"Cat-Bird. Slate-gray, paler and more grayish-plumbeous below; crown of head, tail, bill, and feet black. Quills of the wing blackish, edged with the body-color. Under tail-coverts rich dark chestnut or mahogany-color" Elliot Coues, 1884


"Cat-Bird. Slate-gray, paler and more grayish-plumbeous below; crown of head, tail, bill, and feet black.…

The Man of Sorrows is an engraving by Albrecht D&uuml;rer in 1509. It is part of a series of engravings called the "Passion". It portrays the dead body of Jesus with prominent wounds, crowned with the crown of thorns.

The Man of Sorrows

The Man of Sorrows is an engraving by Albrecht Dürer in 1509. It is part of a series of engravings…