Two pyramids and a sphinx near Gizeh, Egypt, built during the 25th century. These three structures rank…
"The third pyramid on the ridge of Gizeh was built by Menkera, a successor of Khafra and fourth or fifth…
A statue built on the Giza Plateau in Giza, Egypt, consisting of a lion with a human head. The Sphinx…
A 68-foot stone pillar located at Al-Matariyyah part of Heliopolis. It is considered to be the earlier…
Also known as Akhenaten. Ruled as pharaoh of the Eighteenth Egyptian dynasty for 17 years.
Built by Seti I and completed by his son Ramses II. The pillars in this temple contain carvings of very…
Also known as Ramses II. A profile portrait of Ramses the Great with carvings behind his head. He is…
The city of Thebes was a major city during the 18th Dynasty of Egypt. Portrays the wreckage of the city,…
Also known as Merneptah. He ruled Egypt as pharaoh for ten years, and was the thirteenth son of Ramessess…
Also known as Hapis. In mythology, Apis was a commonly worshipped bull-deity in the Memphis region.
"When an Egyptian died the friends of the deceased went at once to the embalmer, By him they were shown…
Column located in the Temple of Denderah, with masks of Hathor, an Egyptian sky goddess of love and…
"In their upper course the Euphrates and the Tigris traverse a region of steppes broken by rocky ridges…
"The pyramids of Egypt are well entitled to a place among the most interesting curiosities in the world.…
"Early Egyptian Pictures. Ploughing, breaking clods, and sowing."—Gordy, 1912
"The skeleton lay on the left side with knees drawn up and hands raised to the head. About it were various…
A Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. He reigned from 2589 to 2566 BC, and is known for being the builder of the…
The fourth ruler of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt, reigning from 1213 to 1203 BC.
"The pyramid when completed had a height of 481 feet. It is now 451 feet high. Its base covers 13 acres.…
"This colossal figure, human-headed and lion-bodied, is hewn from the natural rock. The body is about…
A series of correspondence on clay tablets between the Egyptian administration and its representatives…
"A black granite statue of the youthful Ramses II. It is probably a faithful portrait. No better work…
"The mummy was discovered in 1881, in an underground chamber near the site of Thebes. With it were the…
"The hall measures 170 feet deep by 329 feet broad. Its roof was supported by a central avenue of 12…
A fragment of an Ancient Egyptian text, which provided the key to the modern understanding of Egyptian…
"A papyrus of the first century A.D., containing the Ten Commandments. It was discovered in Egypt."—Webster,…
"The temple, built by Ramses II on the steep face of a cliff overlooking the Nile, has a facade containing…
A statue of a man who recorded books and/or documents during the era of Ancient Egypt.
"Supposed portrait of one of the overseers of the work on the Great Pyramid. This is one of the masterpieces…
"Showing the weighing of the heart of the deceased in the scales of truth."—Myers, 1904
White lotus is the common name of nymphaea lotus. The flowers are white with pink spreading towards…
An image of the Egyptian brick-making process. Bricks were usually made by foreigners. Exodus 5 records…
Papyrus reed that grows along the shores of the Nile. The stalks are pliable and capable of being interwoven…
This illustration shows a lentil plant. Lentils are the round, flat seeds of a small leguminous plant…
Israeli women would often wear rings not just on their wrists, but on their noses and ears and ankles.
A medal of Aradus depicting Two Sphinxes, which suggests an alliance between Aradus and Egypt.
The portrait of Serapis, a deity in Egypt, who was also thought to be brought to Jerusalem and worshiped…
An example of Egyptian agriculture. 1, the reapers; 2, reaper drinking from cup; 3, 4, Gleaners - the…
Karnak, Egypt, which comprises of a vast mix of decayed chapels, temples, and other buildings. It was…