"Muscles of the leg showing how they pass into tendons at the ankle." —Davison, 1910

Muscles of the leg

"Muscles of the leg showing how they pass into tendons at the ankle." —Davison, 1910

"Ideal section, greatly enlarged, showing minute capillary circulations." —Brown, 1884


"Ideal section, greatly enlarged, showing minute capillary circulations." —Brown, 1884

"The proportions of the human figure. As handed down to us by Vitruvius and described by Joseph Bonomi." —D'Anvers, 1895

Proportions of human figure

"The proportions of the human figure. As handed down to us by Vitruvius and described by Joseph Bonomi."…

"Anatomy of the Snail: a, the mouth; bb, foot; c, anus; dd, lung; e, stomach, covered above by the salivary glands; ff, intestine; g, liver; h, heart; i, aorta; j, gastric artery; l, hepatic artery; k, artery of the foot; mm, abdominal cavity, supplying the place of a cenous sinus; nn, irregular canal in communication with the abdominal cavaty, and carrying the blood to the lung; oo, vessel carrying the blood from the lung to the heart." — Chambers, 1881

Snail Anatomy

"Anatomy of the Snail: a, the mouth; bb, foot; c, anus; dd, lung; e, stomach, covered above by the salivary…

"Anatomy of an Acephalous Mollusc (Mactra): s, stomach; ii, intestine; ag, anterior ganglions; pg, posterior ganglions; mn, muscles; a, anus; h, heart; l, liver; f, foot; sh, shell; ma, mantle; b, branchiae; t, tentacula; r, oral, or respiratory syphon; t, anal syphon." — Chambers, 1881

Mollusc Anatomy

"Anatomy of an Acephalous Mollusc (Mactra): s, stomach; ii, intestine; ag, anterior ganglions; pg, posterior…

"The Abdominal Viscera <em>in situ</em>, as seen when the abdomin is laid open and the great omentum removed. The ribs on the right side are indicated by Roman numerals; it will be observed that the eighth costal cartilage articulated with the sternum on both sides." &mdash;Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910


"The Abdominal Viscera in situ, as seen when the abdomin is laid open and the great omentum…

cc. Colic caeca, d. Duodenum. g. Glandular patch, l.l. Meckel's tract, l.i. Hind-gut, p.v. Cut root of portal vein, r.v. Rectal vein, s. Proventriculus, y. Meckel's diverticulum.

Intestinal Tract of Chauna Chavaria

cc. Colic caeca, d. Duodenum. g. Glandular patch, l.l. Meckel's tract, l.i. Hind-gut, p.v. Cut root…

S, cut end of duodenum; R, cut end of rectum; C, caecum; C2, accessory caecum; C.L., colic loop of hind-gut.

Intestinal Tract of Macropus Bennetti

S, cut end of duodenum; R, cut end of rectum; C, caecum; C2, accessory caecum; C.L., colic loop of hind-gut.

A restored skeleton of <em>Uintathcrium (Dinoceras) mirabile.</em>

Dinoceras Skeleton

A restored skeleton of Uintathcrium (Dinoceras) mirabile.

"An expanded Alcyonarian Zooid, showing the mouth surrounded by eight pinnate tentacles. st, Stomodaeum in the center of the transparent body; m, mesenteries; asm, asulcar mesenteries; B, picules, enlarged." &mdash;Encyclopedia Britannica, 1910

Alcyonarian zooid

"An expanded Alcyonarian Zooid, showing the mouth surrounded by eight pinnate tentacles. st, Stomodaeum…

"This is the name applied in anatomy to designate the transverse muscle which, in man and the mammalia generally, separates the cavity of the thorax or chest from that of the abdomen or belly." &mdash; Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"This is the name applied in anatomy to designate the transverse muscle which, in man and the mammalia…

"This is the name applied in anatomy to designate the transverse muscle which, in man and the mammalia generally, separates the cavity of the thorax or chest from that of the abdomen or belly." &mdash; Chambers' Encyclopedia, 1875


"This is the name applied in anatomy to designate the transverse muscle which, in man and the mammalia…

"Anatomy of the Oyster. A. Hinge or anterior umbonal end of the left valve of an adult oyster, upon which the soft parts of the animal are represented as they lie in situ, but with the greater part of the mantle of the right side removed. a u. The auricle of the right side of the heart contracted. B. Posterior or ventral end of the left valve, which in life is usually directed upward more or less, and during the act of feeding and respiration is separated slightly from the margin of its fellow of the opposite side to admit the water for respiration, and which also contains the animal's food in suspension. b m. Body-mass, traversed superficially by the generative ducts g e. b j. The organ of Bojanus, or 'renal' organ, of the right side of the oyster. (The ducts which it sends into the manle are not shown, nor is its connection with the genito-urinary sinus s indicated.)" &mdash; Winston's Encyclopedia, 1919


"Anatomy of the Oyster. A. Hinge or anterior umbonal end of the left valve of an adult oyster, upon…

Diagram of the chief organs of a mammal. The bones are black. <em>a</em>, opening from the nasal cavity <em>s</em> to pharynx; <em>bl</em>, bladder; <em>ce</em>, caecum; <em>di</em>, diaphragm; <em>e</em>, epiglottis; <em>n</em>, nostril or anterior nares; <em>ov</em>, ovary; <em>rf</em> and <em>ute</em>, uterus; <em>ru</em> and <em>lu</em>, ureters; <em>x</em>, pancreas; <em>vag</em>, vagina. From Davison's <em>Mammalian Anatomy</em>.


Diagram of the chief organs of a mammal. The bones are black. a, opening from the nasal cavity…

Front view of head of bee. <em>a</em>antenna; <em>e</em>, compound eye; the three black dots are the simple eyes.

Bee Head

Front view of head of bee. aantenna; e, compound eye; the three black dots are the…

1. Frontal bone 2. Parietal bone 3. Coronal Suture 4. Squamous portion of Temporal bone 5. Mastoid process of Temporal bone 6. Zygoma 7. Superior Maxillary Bone 8. Inferior Maxillary Bone 9. Tempero-Maxillary Bone 10. Nasal Bone 11. Orbit 12. Cervical Vertebra 13. First Rib 14. Clavicle 15. Manubrium 16. Body of Sternum 17. Ensiform Process of Sternum 18. Shoulder Blade 19. Acromion Process of Scapula 20. Costal Cartilage 21. Seventh Rib 22. Eighth Rib 23. Twelfth Rib 24. Twelfth Dorsal Vertebra 25. Lumbar Vertebra 26. Head of Humerus 27. Humerus 28. Elbow-Joint 29. Radius 30. Ulna 31. Wrist 32. Metacarpal bone 33.Thumb 34. Phalanges of the Finger 35. Sacrum 36. Ilium 37. Crest of the Ilium 38. Pubic Bone 39. Ischium 40. Sacro-Iliac Symphysis 41. Pubic Symphysis 42. Obturator Foramen 43. Head of Femur 44. Neck of Femur 45. Greater trochanter 46. Femur 47 Patella knee-pan 48. Tibia 49. Fibula 50. External Malleolus 51. Internal Malleolus 52. Os Calcis 53. Tarsus 54. Metatarsal Bone 55. Phalanges of Toes


1. Frontal bone 2. Parietal bone 3. Coronal Suture 4. Squamous portion of Temporal bone 5. Mastoid process…

1. Temporal Artery 2. Artery behind the ear 3. Occipital Artery 4. Greater occipital nerve 5. Smaller ocipital nerve 6. Nerve of the neck 7. Trapezius muscle 8. Clavicular nerve 9. Clavicle 10. Sterno-0cleido-mastoid muscle 11.Outer artery of the head 12. Inner artery of the head 13. Salivary gland 14. Nerves of the lower jaw 15. Outer maxillary artery 16. Nerve of the chin 17. Circular muscle of th emouth 18. Greater yoke muscle 19. Nerves below the eye 20. Masseter or chewing muscle 21. Ear passage 22. Arteries of the forehead 23. Nerves of the forehead 24. Eye closing muscle 25.Facial Artery 26. Facial nerve


1. Temporal Artery 2. Artery behind the ear 3. Occipital Artery 4. Greater occipital nerve 5. Smaller…

1. Nerves of the skin 2. Tendons 3. Arteries of the palm of the hand 4. Elbow nerve 5. Elbow artery 6. Nerve of the forearm 7. Nerve of the under-arm 8. Artery of the underarm.


1. Nerves of the skin 2. Tendons 3. Arteries of the palm of the hand 4. Elbow nerve 5. Elbow artery…

1. Collar bone 2. Left Lung 3. Breast Bone 4. Right Lung 5. Ribs 6. Right lobe of the liver 7. Left lobe of the liver 8. Cartilage 9. Stomach 10. Spleen 11. Descending colon 12. Transverse colon 13. Ascending colon 14. Omentum 15. Coecum 16. Verniform appendix 17.Mesentery 18. Small intestines 19. Sigmoid Flexure 20. Bladder

Internal Anatomy

1. Collar bone 2. Left Lung 3. Breast Bone 4. Right Lung 5. Ribs 6. Right lobe of the liver 7. Left…

1. Helix 2. Concha 3. Outer passage 4,5,6. emicircular canals 7. Oval indow 8. Cochlea 9. Eustachian tube 10. Ear drum

Inner Ear

1. Helix 2. Concha 3. Outer passage 4,5,6. emicircular canals 7. Oval indow 8. Cochlea 9. Eustachian…

Section through the Head and Neck on the Median Line. 1. Medulla Oblongata 2. Pons 3. Right lobe of cerebrum 4. Cerebellum in section 5. Blood vessel 6. Corpus Striatum 7. Nasal Passage 8. Nasal bone 9. Soft Palate 10. Hard Palate 11. Tongue 12. Epiglottis 13. Os Hyoides 14. Oesaphagus 15. Spinal 16. Larynx 17. Windpipe

Sectional view of the Head

Section through the Head and Neck on the Median Line. 1. Medulla Oblongata 2. Pons 3. Right lobe of…

"The Scapula, or shoulder blade, is one of the two bones, the other being the clavicle, which form the pectoral arch or shoulder girdle." &mdash;Finley, 1917

Shoulder blade

"The Scapula, or shoulder blade, is one of the two bones, the other being the clavicle, which form the…

"Shoulder bones and ligaments. 1. Humerus, 3. Scapula, 4. Tendon of biceps 5. Capsular ligament 6. Acromion 7. Coracoid process 8. Clavicle"&mdash;Finley, 1917

Shoulder bones and ligaments

"Shoulder bones and ligaments. 1. Humerus, 3. Scapula, 4. Tendon of biceps 5. Capsular ligament 6. Acromion…

Showing the brain cavity of a human.

Human skull

Showing the brain cavity of a human.

A human skeleton.

Human skeleton

A human skeleton.

A side view of the human skull at birth.

Infant skull

A side view of the human skull at birth.

A top down view of the human skull at birth.

Infant skull

A top down view of the human skull at birth.

Adult skull, side view.

Adult skull

Adult skull, side view.

Front view of an adult skull.

Adult skull

Front view of an adult skull.

A bottom view of an adult human skull.

Adult skull

A bottom view of an adult human skull.

A top down view of a human skull.

Adult skull

A top down view of a human skull.

"View from above of the Atlas, the first cervical vertebra."&mdash;Finley, 1917


"View from above of the Atlas, the first cervical vertebra."—Finley, 1917

"Side view of the axis, the second cervical vertebra."&mdash;Finley, 1917


"Side view of the axis, the second cervical vertebra."—Finley, 1917

Side view of the dorsal vertebra.

Dorsal vertebra

Side view of the dorsal vertebra.

A section of a human vertebra, showing structure.

Section of Vertebra

A section of a human vertebra, showing structure.

"Section of two lumbar vertebrae, showing ligaments."&mdash;Finley, 1917

Lumbar vertebrae

"Section of two lumbar vertebrae, showing ligaments."—Finley, 1917

"Diagrammatic section of spinal cord in cervical region."—Finley, 1917

Section of a Spinal Cord

"Diagrammatic section of spinal cord in cervical region."—Finley, 1917

Diagram showing anatomy of the spinal nerve roots and adjacent parts. Labels: G., gray matter of the spinal cord; W., white matter of the same; D.H., dorsal horn of gray matter; V.H., ventral horn of gray matter; D.R., dorsal root of spinal nerve; Sp.G., spinal ganglion; V.R., ventral root of the spinal nerve; Sp. N., spinal nerve; Rc., communicating branch (ramus communicans); S.G., sympathetic ganglion.

Spinal Nerve Roots

Diagram showing anatomy of the spinal nerve roots and adjacent parts. Labels: G., gray matter of the…

The human skeleton.

Human Skeleton

The human skeleton.

Transverse section of the human kidney: "(a) cortex; (b) medulla; (c) small branch of the renal artery; (d) renal artery; (e) ureter; (f) pelvis." -Foster, 1921


Transverse section of the human kidney: "(a) cortex; (b) medulla; (c) small branch of the renal artery;…

"A salt-water mollusk, highly esteemed as an article of food." -Foster, 1921.


"A salt-water mollusk, highly esteemed as an article of food." -Foster, 1921.

The skull and upper jaw of an early rhinoceros-like mammal from the Cenozoic time.

Dinoceras Mirabile

The skull and upper jaw of an early rhinoceros-like mammal from the Cenozoic time.

"A, embryonic cells from onion root tip; d, plasmatic membrane; c, cytoplasm; a, nuclear membrane enclosing the thread-like nuclear reticulum; b, nucleolus; e, plastids (black dots scattered about)." -Stevens, 1916

Onion Cells

"A, embryonic cells from onion root tip; d, plasmatic membrane; c, cytoplasm; a, nuclear membrane enclosing…

"B, older (onion) cells farther back from the root tip. The cytoplasm is becoming vacuolate; f, vacuole." -Stevens, 1916

Onion Cells

"B, older (onion) cells farther back from the root tip. The cytoplasm is becoming vacuolate; f, vacuole."…

In onion cells: "C, a cell from the epidermis of the mid-rib of Tradescantia zebrina, in its natural condition on the right, and plasmolyzed by salt solution on the left; g, space left by the recedence of the cytoplasm from the wall; the plasma membrane can now be seen as a delicate membrane bounding the shrunken protoplast." -Stevens, 1916

T. Zebrina Cell

In onion cells: "C, a cell from the epidermis of the mid-rib of Tradescantia zebrina, in its natural…

"A, cell from the epidermis of the upper side of the calyx of Tropaeolum majus with crystalline chromoplasts." -Stevens, 1916

T. Majus Cell

"A, cell from the epidermis of the upper side of the calyx of Tropaeolum majus with crystalline chromoplasts."…

"B, cells from the petal of Lupinus luteus with yellow chromoplasts." -Stevens, 1916

L. Luteus Cell

"B, cells from the petal of Lupinus luteus with yellow chromoplasts." -Stevens, 1916

"C, cell showing numerous chloroplasts scattered through the cytoplasm." -Stevens, 1916

Plant Cell

"C, cell showing numerous chloroplasts scattered through the cytoplasm." -Stevens, 1916

First stage in plant cell division: Protophase 1; "Resting cell ready to begin division." -Stevens, 1916

Plant Cell Division 1

First stage in plant cell division: Protophase 1; "Resting cell ready to begin division." -Stevens,…

Second stage in plant cell division: Protophase 2; "the nuclear reticulum is assuming the form of a thickened thread, and the cytoplasm at opposite poles is becoming thread-like to form the spindle fibers." -Stevens, 1916

Plant Cell Division 2

Second stage in plant cell division: Protophase 2; "the nuclear reticulum is assuming the form of a…

Third stage in plant cell division: Protophase 3; "The nuclear thread has divided longitudinally throughout the middle, and the spindle fibers have become more definite." -Stevens, 1916

Plant Cell Division 3

Third stage in plant cell division: Protophase 3; "The nuclear thread has divided longitudinally throughout…

Fourth stage in plant cell division: Protophase 4; "The nuclear membrane and the nucleolus have disappeared, and the nuclear thread has become segmented into chromosomes which are assembling at the equator of the cell." -Stevens, 1916

Plant Cell Division 4

Fourth stage in plant cell division: Protophase 4; "The nuclear membrane and the nucleolus have disappeared,…

Fifth stage in plant cell division: Metaphase; "The metaphase, where the longitudinal halves of the chromosomes are being drawn apart preparatory to their journey toward opposite poles." -Stevens, 1916

Plant Cell Division 5

Fifth stage in plant cell division: Metaphase; "The metaphase, where the longitudinal halves of the…

Sixth stage in plant cell division: Anaphase; "The anaphase, or movement of the chromosomes toward the poles, is about completed, connecting fibers extend from pole to pole." -Stevens, 1916

Plant Cell Division 6

Sixth stage in plant cell division: Anaphase; "The anaphase, or movement of the chromosomes toward the…

Seventh stage in plant cell division: Telophase; "Telophase where the chromosomes have begun to spin out in the form of a nuclear reticulum. The connecting fibers have begun to thicken in the equatorial plane." -Stevens, 1916

Plant Cell Division 7

Seventh stage in plant cell division: Telophase; "Telophase where the chromosomes have begun to spin…

Eighth stage in plant cell division: "The connecting fibers have spread out and come into contact with the wall of the mother cell in the equatorial plane, and the thickening of the fibers throughout this plane has made a complete cell plate within which the dividing wall will be produced." -Stevens, 1916

Plant Cell Division 8

Eighth stage in plant cell division: "The connecting fibers have spread out and come into contact with…

Ninth and final stage in plant cell division: "A nuclear membrane has been formed about each daughter nucleus, and the dividing cell-wall is complete." -Stevens, 1916

Plant Cell Division 9

Ninth and final stage in plant cell division: "A nuclear membrane has been formed about each daughter…

"Formation of endosperm in the embryo-sac of Agrimonia Eupatorium. Cell-walls are being formed between the nuclei." -Stevens, 1916

A. Eupatorium Cell

"Formation of endosperm in the embryo-sac of Agrimonia Eupatorium. Cell-walls are being formed between…

"Free cell formation of spores in the ascus of Erysiphe communis. A, ascus with single nucleus; C, cytoplasm; N, nucleus; NL, nucleolus; B, successive stages in nuclear division with the ascus; at X, early anaphase, nuclear membrane, NM, still persisting; R, kinoplasmic radiations from the poles; at Y, telophase, new nuclear membrane not yet formed; Z, a later stage where the nuclear membranes demark the daughter nuclei." -Stevens, 1916

E. Communis Cell

"Free cell formation of spores in the ascus of Erysiphe communis. A, ascus with single nucleus; C, cytoplasm;…

"Various stages of cell multiplication by budding of Saccharomyces cerevisiae." -Stevens, 1916

S. Cerevisiae Cell Multiplication

"Various stages of cell multiplication by budding of Saccharomyces cerevisiae." -Stevens, 1916