Pumpkin is the common name of cucurbita pepo.  The leaves are dull, dark green and three to five lobed. It is probably native to the tropical regions of the Americas.

Pumpkin Plant

Pumpkin is the common name of cucurbita pepo. The leaves are dull, dark green and three to five lobed.…

Cushaw, China, Canada, and Winter crookneck squash are the common names of curcurbita moschata. The plant is long running and sometimes softly hairy.

Crookneck Squash

Cushaw, China, Canada, and Winter crookneck squash are the common names of curcurbita moschata. The…

Squash is the common name of curcurbita maxima. The plant is long running, slightly prickly and often hairy.


Squash is the common name of curcurbita maxima. The plant is long running, slightly prickly and often…

Cuphea hyssopifolia has a shrubby stem and numerous branches. The flowers are scarcely longer than the leaves. The plant is native to Mexico.

Cuphea Hyssopifolia

Cuphea hyssopifolia has a shrubby stem and numerous branches. The flowers are scarcely longer than the…

The common name of cuphea llavea is the red-white-and-blue flower. The stems are numerous. The plant is native to Guatemala.

Cuphea Llavea

The common name of cuphea llavea is the red-white-and-blue flower. The stems are numerous. The plant…

The branches of cuphea ignea are somewhat angled. The flowers stalks are two to four times long than the leaf stalks. The plant is native to Mexico.

Cuphea Ignea

The branches of cuphea ignea are somewhat angled. The flowers stalks are two to four times long than…

Curculiga latifolia grows two to three feet tall. The flowers are bright yellow and grow in a dense clusters near the base of the plant. The plant is native to Indian and Malaysia.

Curculiga Latifolia

Curculiga latifolia grows two to three feet tall. The flowers are bright yellow and grow in a dense…

The common name of curcuma petiolata is queen lily. The leaves are six to eight inches long. The flowers are pale yellow. The plant is native to India.

Curcuma Petiolata

The common name of curcuma petiolata is queen lily. The leaves are six to eight inches long. The flowers…

Currant is the common name of ribes vulgaris. Illustrated is the plant in bloom.

Common Currant

Currant is the common name of ribes vulgaris. Illustrated is the plant in bloom.

Illustrated is cuscuta gronovii, one of the most common species of dodder. The plant is twining on its host. It is a leafless annual.


Illustrated is cuscuta gronovii, one of the most common species of dodder. The plant is twining on its…

Illustrated is a propagating box. It is used to store plant cuttings.

Propagating Box

Illustrated is a propagating box. It is used to store plant cuttings.

Illustrated is a propagating box or hood used for storing plant cuttings.

Propagating Box or Hood

Illustrated is a propagating box or hood used for storing plant cuttings.

Shown is a flower of perfect form and the crested variety of cyclamen persicum. The plant is native from Greece to Syria.

Cyclamen Persicum

Shown is a flower of perfect form and the crested variety of cyclamen persicum. The plant is native…

The flowers of cymbidium giganteum are dull purple, brownish, or yellowish green striped with purple. The plant is native to Nepal.

Cymbidium Giganteum

The flowers of cymbidium giganteum are dull purple, brownish, or yellowish green striped with purple.…

Umbrella plant is the common name of cyperus alternifolius. The plant grows one to four feet tall. The plant is native to Madagascar.

Umbrella Plant

Umbrella plant is the common name of cyperus alternifolius. The plant grows one to four feet tall. The…

Chufa is native to the tropics and subtropics. The tubers of the plant are edible. Chufa is the common name of cyperus esculentus.


Chufa is native to the tropics and subtropics. The tubers of the plant are edible. Chufa is the common…

The common name of cyphomandra betacea is tree tomato. The plant is native to Brazil. It is cultivated for its egg shaped, reddish brown, faintly striped fruits.

Cyphomandra Betacea

The common name of cyphomandra betacea is tree tomato. The plant is native to Brazil. It is cultivated…

Cypripedium spectabile is a stout plant. The flowers bloom in June. It is found from Maine, New England, Minnesota, and the mountains of North Carolina.

Cypripedium Spectabile

Cypripedium spectabile is a stout plant. The flowers bloom in June. It is found from Maine, New England,…

Illustrated is a dandelion plant with its scattering fruits.


Illustrated is a dandelion plant with its scattering fruits.

Illustrated is a young plant of darlingtonia. It is a pitcher plant.


Illustrated is a young plant of darlingtonia. It is a pitcher plant.

Dendrobium dearei has white flowers that are about two inches across. The plant is native to the Philippines.

Dendrobium Dearei

Dendrobium dearei has white flowers that are about two inches across. The plant is native to the Philippines.

The common name of dentaria diphylla is pepper root. The plant grows eight to sixteen inches tall. The flowers are white inside and pale purple or pink inside.

Dentaria Diphylla

The common name of dentaria diphylla is pepper root. The plant grows eight to sixteen inches tall. The…

Illustrated are the pods of desmodium canadense. The plant is also known as tick trefoil.

Desmodium Canadense

Illustrated are the pods of desmodium canadense. The plant is also known as tick trefoil.

Deutzia gracilis grows three feet tall and has slender, arching branches. The flowers are pure white. The plant is native to Japan.

Deutzia Gracilis

Deutzia gracilis grows three feet tall and has slender, arching branches. The flowers are pure white.…

Maiden pink is the common name of dianthus deltoides. The plant is densely tufted and grows six to ten inches tall. It blooms in spring and early summer. The flowers are small and deep red with a crimson eye.

Maiden Pink

Maiden pink is the common name of dianthus deltoides. The plant is densely tufted and grows six to ten…

Dianthus chinensis flowers are large, clustered, and pink or lilac. The plant is native to China and Japan.

Dianthus Chinensis

Dianthus chinensis flowers are large, clustered, and pink or lilac. The plant is native to China and…

Bleeding heart is the common name of dicentra spectabilis. The plant grows one to two feet tall. The flowers are large and deep rosy red. The plant is native to Japan.

Bleeding Heart

Bleeding heart is the common name of dicentra spectabilis. The plant grows one to two feet tall. The…

Dicentra formosa is native from central California to British Columbia. The flowers are rose purple and grow in clusters at the end of the stems. The plant is stemless with a fleshy rootstock.

Dicentra Formosa

Dicentra formosa is native from central California to British Columbia. The flowers are rose purple…

Dutchman's breeches is the common name of dicentra cucullaria. The flowers are white tipped with creamy yellow. The plant is found from Nova Scotia to Georgia and also along the Columbia river.

Dutchman's Breeches

Dutchman's breeches is the common name of dicentra cucullaria. The flowers are white tipped with creamy…

Dimorphotheca aurantiaca is a variety of cape marigold. The flowers are large and orange yellow. It is a showy plant growing twelve to sixteen inches tall.

Dimorphotheca Aurantiaca

Dimorphotheca aurantiaca is a variety of cape marigold. The flowers are large and orange yellow. It…

Venus Fly Trap is the common name of dionaea muscipula. The plant is insectivorous, meaning it eats insect. The flowers of the plant are white.

Venus Fly Trap

Venus Fly Trap is the common name of dionaea muscipula. The plant is insectivorous, meaning it eats…

Leatherwood, moosewood, and wicopy are the common names of dirca palustris. The plant grows two to six feet tall. The flowers are yellowish and abundant.


Leatherwood, moosewood, and wicopy are the common names of dirca palustris. The plant grows two to six…

The disanthus cercidifolius shrub grows to ten feet and has slender branches. The flowers are dark purple. The plant is native to the high mountains of central Japan.

Disanthus Cercidifolius

The disanthus cercidifolius shrub grows to ten feet and has slender branches. The flowers are dark purple.…

Illustrated is the early blight of a potato plant. It is a type of lesion causing more or less sudden death of the leaves, stems, shoots, or blossoms.

Early Blight of Potato

Illustrated is the early blight of a potato plant. It is a type of lesion causing more or less sudden…

Illustrated is currant foliage attacked by the leaf-spot fungus.

Currant Foliage

Illustrated is currant foliage attacked by the leaf-spot fungus.

Illustrated is "tip growth" of yellows. It is the yellowing of foliage caused by physiological diseases.

Tip Growth of Yellow

Illustrated is "tip growth" of yellows. It is the yellowing of foliage caused by physiological diseases.

Illustrated are nymphs of the four-lined leaf bug and the adult of the tarnished plant bug. The small bug on the left is a recently hatched nymph.

Leaf Bug and Plant Bug

Illustrated are nymphs of the four-lined leaf bug and the adult of the tarnished plant bug. The small…

Illustrated is a leaf of belleville dock. It is a European and North American plant. It is really a sorrel.

Belleville Dock

Illustrated is a leaf of belleville dock. It is a European and North American plant. It is really a…

Shooting star is the common name of dodecatheon meadia The plant grows two feet tall and blooms in May and June. The flowers are rose colored and whitish at the base.

Shooting Star

Shooting star is the common name of dodecatheon meadia The plant grows two feet tall and blooms in May…

Draba dedeana flowers are pale yellow. The plant is native to Spain.

Draba Dedeana

Draba dedeana flowers are pale yellow. The plant is native to Spain.

Drosera rotundifolia is a carnivorous plant. Each stem has five to twelve flowers. The flowers are white and expand in the sunshine.

Drosera Rotundifolia

Drosera rotundifolia is a carnivorous plant. Each stem has five to twelve flowers. The flowers are white…

The leaves of dyckia rariflora have small spines on the margin. The plant is native to Brazil.

Dyckia Rariflora

The leaves of dyckia rariflora have small spines on the margin. The plant is native to Brazil.

Illustrated is a pot grown plant of eggplant ready for setting in the field.


Illustrated is a pot grown plant of eggplant ready for setting in the field.

Illustrated is a field grown plant of New York Improved eggplant.

New York Improved Eggplant

Illustrated is a field grown plant of New York Improved eggplant.

Mayflower and trailing arbutus are the common names of epigaea repens. The plant spreads on the ground in patches sometimes two feet in diameter. The flowers are very fragrant.


Mayflower and trailing arbutus are the common names of epigaea repens. The plant spreads on the ground…

Episcea cupreata flowers are scarlet. The plant is native to Nicaragua.

Episcea Cupreata

Episcea cupreata flowers are scarlet. The plant is native to Nicaragua.

The common names of eryngium are sea holly and eryngo. The amethystinum variety is a stout plant that grows a foot and a half tall. The plant is blue or sometimes whitish.

Eryngium Amethystinum

The common names of eryngium are sea holly and eryngo. The amethystinum variety is a stout plant that…

Erysimum perofskianum is an erect plant that grows one to two feet tall. The flowers are large and bright orange or reddish orange. It is native to the Caucasus region and Afghanistan.

Erysimum Perofskianum

Erysimum perofskianum is an erect plant that grows one to two feet tall. The flowers are large and bright…

Adder's tongue is the common name of erythronium americanum. The flowers are yellow with recurved segments. The plant is native from east Canada to Florida and Arkansas.

Adder's Tongue

Adder's tongue is the common name of erythronium americanum. The flowers are yellow with recurved segments.…

Erythronium hendersonii is a slender plant growing twelve inches tall. It is one to three flowered. The flowers are pale purple with a very dark purple center.

Erythronium Hendersonii

Erythronium hendersonii is a slender plant growing twelve inches tall. It is one to three flowered.…

The common name of eucalyptus globulus is blue gum. Illustrated are shoots on a young plant. The leaves are thick and six to twelve inches long. The leaves on young shoots are opposite and broad.

Eucalyptus Globulus

The common name of eucalyptus globulus is blue gum. Illustrated are shoots on a young plant. The leaves…

Amazon lily is the common name of the eucharis plant. Pictured is the leaf of E. grandiflora and the flowers of (a) E. subedentat, (b) E. sanderi, (c) E. grandiflora, and (d) E. candida.

Amazon Lily

Amazon lily is the common name of the eucharis plant. Pictured is the leaf of E. grandiflora and the…

Boneset and thoroughwort are the common names of eupatorium perfoliatum. The flowers are grayish white and grow in dense clusters. The plant is hairy and grows two to three feet tall.


Boneset and thoroughwort are the common names of eupatorium perfoliatum. The flowers are grayish white…

Scarlet plume is the common name of euphorbia fulgens. The plant is native to Mexico. It is a small shrub with drooping branches.

Scarlet Plume

Scarlet plume is the common name of euphorbia fulgens. The plant is native to Mexico. It is a small…

Mexican fire plant is the common name of euphorbia heterophylla. It is native in a range from the eastern and central United States to Peru. The leaves are dark green, with some bright red at the base.

Mexican Fire Plant

Mexican fire plant is the common name of euphorbia heterophylla. It is native in a range from the eastern…

Crown of thorns is the common name of euphorbia splendens. The stems are covered with spines about an inch long. The plant flowers all year but mostly in winter.

Crown of Thorns

Crown of thorns is the common name of euphorbia splendens. The stems are covered with spines about an…

Illustrated is a euphorbia neriifolia hedge in the west Indies. The plant blooms in June and July.

Euphorbia Neriifolia

Illustrated is a euphorbia neriifolia hedge in the west Indies. The plant blooms in June and July.

Illustrated is a young plant of caper spurge, seen endwise. Caper spurge is also known as mole plant. It grows two to three feet tall. It is native to the eastern United States.

Caper Spurge

Illustrated is a young plant of caper spurge, seen endwise. Caper spurge is also known as mole plant.…

Golden chain and bean tree are the common names of laburnum anagyroides. The flowers bloom in May and June. The plant is native to southern Europe.

Golden Chain

Golden chain and bean tree are the common names of laburnum anagyroides. The flowers bloom in May and…

Illustrated is the maze on St. Catherine's Hill in Winchester, England. The plant was made in 1710.


Illustrated is the maze on St. Catherine's Hill in Winchester, England. The plant was made in 1710.