Leaves coming off a creeping or horizontal stem.


Leaves coming off a creeping or horizontal stem.

Stems 4-angled; flowers small, in dense clusters in the axils of the leaves.


Stems 4-angled; flowers small, in dense clusters in the axils of the leaves.

Stems round, or nearly so, in cross-section; flowers showy, yellow.


Stems round, or nearly so, in cross-section; flowers showy, yellow.

Leaves with central mid-vein and smaller veins branching from this.


Leaves with central mid-vein and smaller veins branching from this.

Base of petiole expanded; plants under 4 dm tall.


Base of petiole expanded; plants under 4 dm tall.

Base of petiole not expanded; plants large, 5 dm tall or taller.


Base of petiole not expanded; plants large, 5 dm tall or taller.

Leaves with several prominent rib-like veins running from base to apex.


Leaves with several prominent rib-like veins running from base to apex.

Leaves with blunt lobes; flower conspicuous, purple, not on a fleshy axis enclosed in a leaf-like sheath.


Leaves with blunt lobes; flower conspicuous, purple, not on a fleshy axis enclosed in a leaf-like sheath.

Leaves usually with sharp lobes; flowers individually inconspicuous, on a fleshy axis snclosed in a leaf-like sheath.


Leaves usually with sharp lobes; flowers individually inconspicuous, on a fleshy axis snclosed in a…

Leaves large (2 dm long or more), coming out of stout underground stems.


Leaves large (2 dm long or more), coming out of stout underground stems.

Leaves toothed; veins of leaf irregular.


Leaves toothed; veins of leaf irregular.

Leaves entire; veins of leaf nearly parallel.


Leaves entire; veins of leaf nearly parallel.

"a, leaflets attacked by a larva of A. juglandis; b, case of larva; c, wings of A. nebulo; d, wings of A. juglandis; e, wings of A. nebulo var."-Whitney, 1902


"a, leaflets attacked by a larva of A. juglandis; b, case of larva; c, wings of A. nebulo; d, wings…

"a, case containing caterpillar; b, cases in winter; c, head and thoracic joints of larva, enlarged; d, moth (the cross shows natural walnut case-bearer, feeds upon walnut and hickory, fastening the leaves together and skeletonizing them from base to tip."-Whitney, 1902


"a, case containing caterpillar; b, cases in winter; c, head and thoracic joints of larva, enlarged;…

Plant small, less than 4dm tall; flowers yellow.


Plant small, less than 4dm tall; flowers yellow.

Plant large, over 5dm tall; flowers large, white, pink, or purplish.


Plant large, over 5dm tall; flowers large, white, pink, or purplish.

Leaves mostly basal, heart shaped; flowers purple.


Leaves mostly basal, heart shaped; flowers purple.

Sheaths around stem above each point of leaf-attachment; flowers white to red, not fragrant.


Sheaths around stem above each point of leaf-attachment; flowers white to red, not fragrant.

Stems with no sheaths; flowers white, fragrant.


Stems with no sheaths; flowers white, fragrant.

Leaves large, 2 dm or more in diameter, impossible to wet; flowers solitary, showy, yellow.


Leaves large, 2 dm or more in diameter, impossible to wet; flowers solitary, showy, yellow.

Leaves with several very prominent ribs running from base to apex.


Leaves with several very prominent ribs running from base to apex.

Plants white-powdery above; plants extremely large, usually over 1 m.


Plants white-powdery above; plants extremely large, usually over 1 m.

"Acuminate Leaf"-Whitney, 1902


"Acuminate Leaf"-Whitney, 1902

Plants smaller; not wite-powdery above; leaves shed water easily; flowers along fleshy spike enclosed in a leafy sheath.


Plants smaller; not wite-powdery above; leaves shed water easily; flowers along fleshy spike enclosed…

Flowers many; leaves large, over 10cm long.


Flowers many; leaves large, over 10cm long.

Flowers solitary; leaves small, less than 5 cm long.


Flowers solitary; leaves small, less than 5 cm long.

Leaf, when examined against light with lens, showing semitransparent dots; flowers yellow or pink.


Leaf, when examined against light with lens, showing semitransparent dots; flowers yellow or pink.

"Acute Leaves, 'sharp at the end'"-Whitney, 1902

Acute Leaves

"Acute Leaves, 'sharp at the end'"-Whitney, 1902

Flowers not showy, in axils of leaves, mostly purple.


Flowers not showy, in axils of leaves, mostly purple.

"Adlumia cirrhosa; single leaf and panicle"-Whitney, 1902


"Adlumia cirrhosa; single leaf and panicle"-Whitney, 1902

Leaves covered with tiny black dots visible with lens; flowers small, white.


Leaves covered with tiny black dots visible with lens; flowers small, white.

Flowers irregular, purplish.


Flowers irregular, purplish.

Stems woody at least at base, arching; flowers purple-pink, in auxiliary clusters.


Stems woody at least at base, arching; flowers purple-pink, in auxiliary clusters.

Flowers purple; plant usually corky at base.


Flowers purple; plant usually corky at base.

Flowers white, or, if pink, with a yellow or green eye in the center.


Flowers white, or, if pink, with a yellow or green eye in the center.

Flowers in terminal clusters.


Flowers in terminal clusters.

Flowers with small appendages between the sepals.


Flowers with small appendages between the sepals.

Flowers without small appendages between the sepals.


Flowers without small appendages between the sepals.

calyx of flower bearing a crest above.


calyx of flower bearing a crest above.

Calyx bearing no crest.


Calyx bearing no crest.

Flowers small, white, gathered in dense, sessile clusters in the axils of the leaves.


Flowers small, white, gathered in dense, sessile clusters in the axils of the leaves.

Leaves small, mostly under 3cm long; usually with black dots visible with a lens covering them.


Leaves small, mostly under 3cm long; usually with black dots visible with a lens covering them.

Plants decumbent at base and usually rooting at the lower nodes.


Plants decumbent at base and usually rooting at the lower nodes.

Leaves long petioled; flowers inconspicuous.


Leaves long petioled; flowers inconspicuous.

Leaves sessile or very short petioled; flowers showy.


Leaves sessile or very short petioled; flowers showy.

Leaves long petioled; flowers minute, in sessile clusters on branch.


Leaves long petioled; flowers minute, in sessile clusters on branch.

Flowers white or purplish.


Flowers white or purplish.

Leaves large, mostly over 6 cm wide; flowers yellow, very large.


Leaves large, mostly over 6 cm wide; flowers yellow, very large.

Leaves smaller; flowers individually small, in terminal spike-like clusters.


Leaves smaller; flowers individually small, in terminal spike-like clusters.

Plant with broad leaves, many basal; flowers stalked and drooping.


Plant with broad leaves, many basal; flowers stalked and drooping.

Plant with narrower leaves, none basal; flowers sessile, in terminal spikes.


Plant with narrower leaves, none basal; flowers sessile, in terminal spikes.

Leaves not over twice as long as broad.


Leaves not over twice as long as broad.

Large herb with a very stout stem, often from 1 to 3dm in diameter at base, over 1.5m tall.


Large herb with a very stout stem, often from 1 to 3dm in diameter at base, over 1.5m tall.

Sepals united at base into a tube enclosing the ovary and later the fruit; leaves with spines in axils.


Sepals united at base into a tube enclosing the ovary and later the fruit; leaves with spines in axils.

Sepals longer than the calyx tube, reflexed.


Sepals longer than the calyx tube, reflexed.

Capsule or calyx tube short and stout, not reflexed.


Capsule or calyx tube short and stout, not reflexed.

Capsule or calyx tube long and slender, ovre 1.5cm long; stamens.


Capsule or calyx tube long and slender, ovre 1.5cm long; stamens.

flowers in terminal clusters which may be compound.


flowers in terminal clusters which may be compound.

flowers solitary or a few in hte axils of the leaves.


flowers solitary or a few in hte axils of the leaves.

Leaves aromatic when crushed.


Leaves aromatic when crushed.