(1812-1889) English poet that published The Ring and the Book.

Robert Browning

(1812-1889) English poet that published The Ring and the Book.

(1827-1908) American author that wrote works such as Commentaries on Romans and on Galatians and Colossians; The Calling of a Christian Woman; The Seven Deadly Sins; The Sacramental System, and Lectures on the First Prayer-Book of Edward VI

Morgan Dix

(1827-1908) American author that wrote works such as Commentaries on Romans and on Galatians and Colossians;…

(1832-1883) Painter and book illustrator. Illustrated editions of Dante, the Bible, Milton and many others.

Gustave Dore

(1832-1883) Painter and book illustrator. Illustrated editions of Dante, the Bible, Milton and many…

(1835--) Lead British geologist, wrote the book <I>The Life of a Boulder: Textbook of Geology</I>

Sir Archibald Geikie

(1835--) Lead British geologist, wrote the book The Life of a Boulder: Textbook of Geology

(1839-1897) An economist and social reformer who wrote the book Progress and Poverty.

Henry George

(1839-1897) An economist and social reformer who wrote the book Progress and Poverty.

Cherub with book

Cherub with book

Cherub with book

Father Time reading

Pictorial banner

Father Time reading

Book and candle

Book and candle

Book and candle

Bookplate of two children reading with scenes from the book unfolding in the background.

Children Reading

Bookplate of two children reading with scenes from the book unfolding in the background.

Girl reading by potted plants.

Girl Reading a Large Book

Girl reading by potted plants.

Boy and girl reading.

Children Reading

Boy and girl reading.

Narrow border of books.


Narrow border of books.

Man standing and reading a book.

Man reading

Man standing and reading a book.

Closed book with bookmark resting on table.


Closed book with bookmark resting on table.

Man standing at a writing desk entering notations into a ledger.

Man writing

Man standing at a writing desk entering notations into a ledger.

Hornbooks are not what we would think of today as a book, for it was made of a piece of cardboard covered on one side with a thin sheet of horn, and surrounded by a frame with a handle. Through the covering of the horn the little boy could see the alphabet written on the cardboard in both large and small letters. After these would come rows of syllables to help him in learning to pronounce simple combinations of sounds. Probably last on the sheet there would be the Lord's Prayer, which he must be taught to say without mistake.

Children with Hornbooks

Hornbooks are not what we would think of today as a book, for it was made of a piece of cardboard covered…

"P" from a the Book of Kells.

P, Initial

"P" from a the Book of Kells.

Roman Renaissance lowercase alphabet, 1553, specimen book of Wolfgang Fugger, Nurenberg.

Roman Renaissance Alphabet

Roman Renaissance lowercase alphabet, 1553, specimen book of Wolfgang Fugger, Nurenberg.

Renaissance I, 17th century, specimen book of Paul Furst of Nuremberg.

I, Renaissance

Renaissance I, 17th century, specimen book of Paul Furst of Nuremberg.

After arriving at the King of Brobdingnag's court, Gulliver is analyzed by three of the King's scholars.

Scholars with Gulliver

After arriving at the King of Brobdingnag's court, Gulliver is analyzed by three of the King's scholars.

Gulliver on a contrived wooden ladder, built just for him so he could read the giant books of Brobdingnag.

Wooden steps

Gulliver on a contrived wooden ladder, built just for him so he could read the giant books of Brobdingnag.

"General J. E. B. Stuart's raid upon Pope's headquarters, August 22, 1862, when Pope's despatch book fell into the hands of the Confederates."&mdash;E. Benjamin Andrews 1895

Stuart's Raid

"General J. E. B. Stuart's raid upon Pope's headquarters, August 22, 1862, when Pope's despatch book…

Book with old-fashioned ink and pen.

book and ink

Book with old-fashioned ink and pen.

Quills, a crown, olive branches, and books

Quill doodad

Quills, a crown, olive branches, and books

A pile of books and scrolls.


A pile of books and scrolls.

"A box for holding books among the Romans. These boxes were of cylindrical form. There does not appear to have been any difference between the capsa and scrinium, except that the latter word was usually applied to those boxes which held a considerable number of rolls. The slaves who had the charge of these book-chests were called capsarii, and also custodes scriniorum; and te slaves who carried in a capsa behind their young masters the books of the sons of respectable Romans, when they went to school, were called by the same name." &mdash; Smith, 1873;


"A box for holding books among the Romans. These boxes were of cylindrical form. There does not appear…

Children reading a book.

Children Reading

Children reading a book.

Girl reading a book

Girl Reading a Book by a Fence

Girl reading a book

Fairies reading a book

Fairies Reading

Fairies reading a book

Children reading a book.

Children Reading

Children reading a book.

A girl reading a book.

Girl Reading

A girl reading a book.

Little Jack a Dandy wanted some sugar-candy; And fairly for it cried; But little Billy Cook, Who always reads his book; Shall have a horse to ride.

Little Jack a Dandy

Little Jack a Dandy wanted some sugar-candy; And fairly for it cried; But little Billy Cook, Who always…

Girl reading a book.

Girl Reading

Girl reading a book.

A book with a bow


A book with a bow

A mother reading to her son

Story Time

A mother reading to her son

Characters of the Native Americans. The eight figures in the upper row, with hats on, and with muskets beside them, represent as many white soldiers. In the second row, No. 1 represents the officer in command, with a sword; No. 2, with a book, the secretary; No. 3, with a hammer, the geologist; 4, 5, 6, and 8 represent the two guides, who are distinguished as Indians by being without hats. Figure 11 represents a prairie-hen, and 12 a tortoise, which had been eaten by the party. Figures 13, 14, 15, mean that there were separate fires. The slant of the pole showed the direction of the proposed march, and three nothces in the wood showed that it was to be a three-days' expedition.


Characters of the Native Americans. The eight figures in the upper row, with hats on, and with muskets…

Known as Bill Nye, he was a journalist and humorist.

Edgar Wilson Nye

Known as Bill Nye, he was a journalist and humorist.

A collection of sheets of paper, or similar material, blank, written, or printed, bound together.


A collection of sheets of paper, or similar material, blank, written, or printed, bound together.

"This sovereign was the last of the Mogul emperors of India who displayed the talent and energy of a warrior. He was the grandson of Jehangire, and was born on the 22nd of October, 1618." — Goodrich, 1844


"This sovereign was the last of the Mogul emperors of India who displayed the talent and energy of a…

One side of a leaf of a book or manuscript.


One side of a leaf of a book or manuscript.

A pile of books in a field, under the sun.


A pile of books in a field, under the sun.

A book and some plants.

Book and plants

A book and some plants.

A winged doodad.

Winged doodad

A winged doodad.

Decorative letter 'a', with a hooded figure reading a book.


Decorative letter 'a', with a hooded figure reading a book.

Decorative letter 't', with two books behind it.


Decorative letter 't', with two books behind it.

A young girl seated in front of a fishbowl, with a book and toys nearby.

Girl and fishbowl

A young girl seated in front of a fishbowl, with a book and toys nearby.

A boy studying at a desk.


A boy studying at a desk.

A girl squinting at a book.

Girl squinting

A girl squinting at a book.

A girl with glasses reading a book.

Girl Reading a Book at a School Desk

A girl with glasses reading a book.

A girl with a book, staring at a lit candle.

Girl and candle

A girl with a book, staring at a lit candle.

The engine-room of the Nautilus, from the book, "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."

Twenty Thousand Leagues

The engine-room of the Nautilus, from the book, "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."

A scene from the book, "20,000 Leagues Under the Seas."

Twenty Thousand Leagues

A scene from the book, "20,000 Leagues Under the Seas."

An owl perched on a book, with a branch in the background.

Owl and Book

An owl perched on a book, with a branch in the background.

"The art of printing from movable types is of comparatively modern origin, only four hundred years having elapsed since the first book printed in this manner was issued from the press." &mdash;The Popular Cyclopedia, 1888


"The art of printing from movable types is of comparatively modern origin, only four hundred years having…

A border of a book.


A border of a book.

Handmade books.


Handmade books.

A British author and poet, born in India. He is best known for the children's story <em>The Jungle Book</em>.

Rudyard Kipling

A British author and poet, born in India. He is best known for the children's story The Jungle Book.

A famous English essayist, best known for his <em>Essays of Elia</em> and for the children's book <em>Tales from Shakespeare</em>, which he produced along with his sister, Mary Lamb.

Charles Lamb

A famous English essayist, best known for his Essays of Elia and for the children's book Tales

A girl and a boy reading a book.


A girl and a boy reading a book.

An authoress, born in Andover, Mass., Aug. 13, 1844. Her father Austin Phelps, and her mother, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, were writers of considerable repute, and produced many excellent and popular works. Her first book was titled <em>Ellen's Idol</em>.

Elizabeth Phelps

An authoress, born in Andover, Mass., Aug. 13, 1844. Her father Austin Phelps, and her mother, Elizabeth…