(1775-1863) Presbyterian minister and revivalist who called for constant church services and strong opposition to drinking.

Lyman Beecher

(1775-1863) Presbyterian minister and revivalist who called for constant church services and strong…

Cattle at a watering hole.

Returning from pasture

Cattle at a watering hole.

The distilling apparatus was used to distill water for drinking.

Distilling Apparatus

The distilling apparatus was used to distill water for drinking.

A fountain is an artificial basin containing water for drinking or other useful purposes, and connected by an arrangement of pipes through which water is forced to specific heights in ornamental jets.


A fountain is an artificial basin containing water for drinking or other useful purposes, and connected…

Rhyton--a drinking horn often shaped like an animal's head.

Greek Vase

Rhyton--a drinking horn often shaped like an animal's head.

"Camel is a genus of ruminant quadrupeds, characterized by the absence of horns; a fissure in the upper lip; a long and arched neck; one or two humps or protuberances on the back; and a broad elastic foot ending in two small hoofs. The native country of the camel is said to extend from Morocco to China, within a zone of 900 or 1,000 miles in breadth. The common camel, having two humps, is found in the N. part of this region, and exclusively from the ancient Bactria, now Turkestan, to China. The dromedary, or single-humped camel is found throuhout the entire length of this zone. The camel will travel three days under a load and five days under a rider without drinking. It can live on little food, and of the coarsest kind. Camels which carry heavy burdens will do about 25 miles a day; those which are used for speed alone, from 60 to 90 miles a day. It lives from 40 to 50 years. The South American members of the family Camelidæ contain the llama and alpaca; they have no humps."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Camel is a genus of ruminant quadrupeds, characterized by the absence of horns; a fissure in the upper…

"A king of drinking cup, furnished with handles. It was the cup scred to Bacchus, who is frequently represented on ancient vases holding it in his hand." — Smith, 1873;


"A king of drinking cup, furnished with handles. It was the cup scred to Bacchus, who is frequently…

"A beaker or drinking-cup, which was used by the Greeks in very early times. The same term was used to designate the tops of a ship, that is, the structure surrounding the mast immediately above the yard, into which the mariners ascended in order to manage the sail. This was probably called carchesium on account of its resemblance in form to the cup of the name. The ceruchi, or other tackle, may have been fastened to its lateral projections, which corresponded to the handles of the cup." — Smith, 1873;


"A beaker or drinking-cup, which was used by the Greeks in very early times. The same term was used…

"A Greek and Roman liquid measure, containing one-twelfth of the sextarius, or .0825 of a pint English. The form of the cyathus used at banquets was that of a small ladle, by means of which the wine was conveyed into the drinking-cups from the large vessel in which it was mixed. Two of these cyathi are represented in this following woodcut." — Smith, 1873.


"A Greek and Roman liquid measure, containing one-twelfth of the sextarius, or .0825 of a pint English.…

"The <em>crater</em> was a vessel in which the wine, according to the custom of the ancients, who very seldom drank it pure, was mixed with water, and from which the cups were filled. The liquid was conveyed from the crater into the drinking-cups by means of a <em>cyathus</em>, or small ladle." &mdash; Anthon, 1891


"The crater was a vessel in which the wine, according to the custom of the ancients, who very…

"The patera was a broad and comparatively shallow bowl used for libations, and also for drinking out of at banquets. The following cut gives a front and side view of a bronze patera found at Pompeii." &mdash; Anthon, 1891


"The patera was a broad and comparatively shallow bowl used for libations, and also for drinking out…

"The simplest kind of table was a round one with three legs. It is shown in the drinking scene painted on the wall of a wine shop at Pompeii, and is represented in the annexed woodcut. Tables, however, must usually have had four legs. For the houses of the opulent, tables were made of the most valuable and beautiful kinds of wood, especially of maple, or of the citrus of Africa, which was a species of cypress or juniper. As the table was not large, it was usual to place the disches and the various kinds of meat upon it, and then to bring it thus furnished to the place where the guests were reclining. On many occasions, indeed, each guest either had a small table to himself, or the company was divided into parties of two or three, with a seperate table for each party, as is distinctly represented in the cut under Symposium." &mdash; Smith, 1873


"The simplest kind of table was a round one with three legs. It is shown in the drinking scene painted…

"A drinking-horn. Its original form was probably the horn of the ox, but one end of it was afterwards ornamented with the heads of various animals and birds. The Rhyton had a small opening at the bottom, which the person who drank put into his mouth, and allowed the wine to run in: hence it derived its name." &mdash; Smith, 1873


"A drinking-horn. Its original form was probably the horn of the ox, but one end of it was afterwards…

A drinking cup or bowl.


A drinking cup or bowl.

"Symposium, a drinking-party. The symposium must be distunguished from the deipnon, for though drinking almost always followed a dinner-party, yet the former was regarded as entirely distinct from the latter, was regulated by different customs, and frequently received the addition of many guests, who were not present at the dinner. For the Greeks did not usually drink at their dinner, and it was not till the conclusion of the meal that wine was introduced." &mdash Smith; 1873


"Symposium, a drinking-party. The symposium must be distunguished from the deipnon, for though drinking…

"The carchesium was a beaker, or drinking-cup, which was used by the Greeks in very early times. It was slightly contracted in the middle, and its two handles extended from the top to the bottom. It was much employed in libations of wine, milk, blood, and honey." &mdash; Anthon, 1891


"The carchesium was a beaker, or drinking-cup, which was used by the Greeks in very early times. It…

A drinking vessel.


A drinking vessel.

"Satyr Drinking" &mdash; Gayley, 1893

Satyr Drinking

"Satyr Drinking" — Gayley, 1893

A drinking vessel without a handle.


A drinking vessel without a handle.

A small cup for drinking tea from.


A small cup for drinking tea from.

A small spoon used in drinking tea and other beverages.


A small spoon used in drinking tea and other beverages.

A covered pot in which coffee is boiled, or in which it is brough upon the table for drinking.


A covered pot in which coffee is boiled, or in which it is brough upon the table for drinking.

A man drinking water from a well.

Man drinking from well

A man drinking water from a well.

Ladies drinking tea

Tea Time

Ladies drinking tea

"The Russians drink more tea perhaps than any other people. The tea is served in glass tumblers, with two or three lump of sugar and a slice of lemon, but without milk." —Carpenter, 1902

Drinking Tea in Russia

"The Russians drink more tea perhaps than any other people. The tea is served in glass tumblers, with…

Harmless bacteria so numerous in drinking water that a person often takes a half-million into his stomach daily.


Harmless bacteria so numerous in drinking water that a person often takes a half-million into his stomach…

A flower in the shape of a drinking glass.


A flower in the shape of a drinking glass.

Peruvian drinking vessel.


Peruvian drinking vessel.

A type of ceremonial drinking cup usually shaped like an animal head or horn.


A type of ceremonial drinking cup usually shaped like an animal head or horn.

A drinking cup from Africa.

Drinking Cup

A drinking cup from Africa.

This painting was done by Frans Hals. This piece is a great example of the great talent the artist has painting a smile. It is now in the posession of Madame Copes van Hasseldt.

Junker Ramp and his Sweetheart

This painting was done by Frans Hals. This piece is a great example of the great talent the artist has…

Three kittens find a bottle of milk.

Three Kittens 3

Three kittens find a bottle of milk.

A thirsty lion slowly bringing himself to drink some water.

Thirsty Lion

A thirsty lion slowly bringing himself to drink some water.

Three horses drinking water from a well.


Three horses drinking water from a well.

An adult male drinking from a tankard with an oak barrel behind him. A tankard is a form of drinkware consisting of a large, roughly cylindrical, drinking cup with a single handle.

Man Drinking

An adult male drinking from a tankard with an oak barrel behind him. A tankard is a form of drinkware…

An adult male drinking from a tankard with an oak barrel behind him and his rifle propped up against a rock. A tankard is a form of drinkware consisting of a large, roughly cylindrical, drinking cup with a single handle.

Man Drinking

An adult male drinking from a tankard with an oak barrel behind him and his rifle propped up against…

An elephant drinking beer out of a keg.

Elephant Drinking

An elephant drinking beer out of a keg.

An illustration of men drinking beverages.

Men Drinking

An illustration of men drinking beverages.

An illustration of men drinking wine.

Men Drinking Wine

An illustration of men drinking wine.

The Nautilus Shell is a marine creature, it is shown in its natural form. It was usually placed on feet and elegantly mounted in metal, and used as a drinking vessel.

Nautilus Shell

The Nautilus Shell is a marine creature, it is shown in its natural form. It was usually placed on feet…

The Snail Shell was commonly used during the Renaissance as a drinking vessel.

Snail Shell

The Snail Shell was commonly used during the Renaissance as a drinking vessel.

The external margin link border is found on the outside of a Greek kylix or wine-drinking cup. It is a scroll design of leaves connected like a chain.

External Margin Link Border

The external margin link border is found on the outside of a Greek kylix or wine-drinking cup. It is…

This Greek dish is a kylix used as a drinking cup. Made out of yellow clay, it is decorated in brown on the outside with a geometrical design.

Greek Dish

This Greek dish is a kylix used as a drinking cup. Made out of yellow clay, it is decorated in brown…

This Antique jar has a small kylix (drinking cup) as a lid. It is made out of yellow clay and painted in brown and red, imitating the Asiatic style.

Antique Jar

This Antique jar has a small kylix (drinking cup) as a lid. It is made out of yellow clay and painted…

An illustration of a woman drinking out of a bottle.

Woman Drinking

An illustration of a woman drinking out of a bottle.

An illustration of a full drinking cup.

Full Drinking Glass

An illustration of a full drinking cup.

An illustration of an empty drinking glass.

Empty Drinking Glass

An illustration of an empty drinking glass.

An illustration of a girl drinking from a cup.

Girl Drinking From Cup

An illustration of a girl drinking from a cup.

An illustration of an empty glass.

An Empty Glass

An illustration of an empty glass.

An illustration of two mice and a frog sitting on a bench and drinking from mugs.

Mice & Frog Drinking From Cups

An illustration of two mice and a frog sitting on a bench and drinking from mugs.

"there came a messenger unto Job, and said, The oxen were plowing, and the asses feeding beside them; and the Sabeans fell upon them, and took them away: yea, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The fire of God is fallen from heaven, and hath burned up the sheep and the servants, and consumed them; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The Chaldeans made three bands, and fell upon the camels, and have taken them away, yea, and slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, Thy sons and thy daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house; and, behold, there came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee." Job 1:14-19 ASV
<p>Messengers arrive to tell Job the bad news of his many losses.

The Messengers Telling Job of his Loses

"there came a messenger unto Job, and said, The oxen were plowing, and the asses feeding beside them;…

This sign is used to indicate that drinking water is available nearby.

Drinking Water, Black and White

This sign is used to indicate that drinking water is available nearby.

This sign is used to indicate that drinking water is available nearby.

Drinking Water, Color

This sign is used to indicate that drinking water is available nearby.

This sign is used to indicate that drinking water is available nearby.

Drinking Water, Outline

This sign is used to indicate that drinking water is available nearby.

This sign is used to indicate that drinking water is available nearby.

Drinking Water, Silhouette

This sign is used to indicate that drinking water is available nearby.

This glass was made in London, England. It has a delicate design.


This glass was made in London, England. It has a delicate design.

This glass was made in London, England. It has a delicate design.


This glass was made in London, England. It has a delicate design.

This glass was made in London, England. It has a bold design.


This glass was made in London, England. It has a bold design.

This glass goblet is a British design. It is used for drinking wine.

Glass Goblet

This glass goblet is a British design. It is used for drinking wine.