Marcella Sembrich (February 15, 1858 – January 11, 1935 was the stage name of the Polish coloratura…
Sing a Song of Sixpence; The maid was in the garden; Hanging out the clothes; Down came a blackbird;…
Sing a Song of Sixpence; The maid was in the garden; Hanging out the clothes; Down came a blackbird;…
"Reception of Brigadier General Corcoran by Mayor Opdyke and the citizens of New York, at Castle Garden,…
"General Hooker, born in Hadley, Mass., November 13th, 1814, died in Garden City, N. Y., October 31st,…
The hand weeder works on the same principle as the hand cultivator, but on a smaller scale. It is best…
Commonly found throughout Europe, the blue titmouse is known for destroying the buds of flowers, and…
View of Point Levi from Durham Terrace, Quebec. This sketch is taken from Durham Terrace, near the north…
"The Breakfast Room. This is a view of the room in the Robinson House in which Arnold was at breakfast…
"This is furnished with four tentacula, two of which are smaller than the others; at the end of these,…
"View at Rocky Mount. This view is from the garden-gate at Mrs. Barkley's, looking northeast. On the…
"Inflorescence of Aquilegia vulgaris (garden columbine). a, flower; b, same, cut vertically; c, pistils."-Whitney,…
"The Foficulina includes the Earwig, Forficula, which appears to live principally upon vegetable…
"Some, of which the Common Garden Spider, Epeira diadema is an excellent example, construct…
"Some spiders, like the Ctenizae, close the mouth of their subterranean resdence with a most…
"Thorn Apple is a genus of plants. The common thorn apple is an annual plant, with smooth stem and leaves,…
"Thorn Apple is a genus of plants. The common thorn apple is an annual plant, with smooth stem and leaves,…
"Jay is the popular name of a species of birds belonging to the crow family, of a vinous red color;…
"Snail is the common name of gasteropodous mollusks. They feed chiefly on vegetable substances, though…
Mary, Mary, quite contrary; How does your garden grow? Silver bells and cockleshells; And pretty maids…
Up into the cherry tree, who should climb but little me? I held the trunk with both my hands and looked…
"The ordinary spading-fork, with strong, flat tines, is a most serviceable tool; but a good spading-fork…
"Represents a slicing-hoe made by fastening a sheet of metal to the tines of a broken fork." —…
"For small beds of flowers or vegetables, hand-weeders of various patterns are essential to easy and…
"One of the steel implements may be secured to a long handle; or the blade of a broken trowel may be…
"A very good trowel may also be made from a discarded blade of a mowing-machine, and it answers the…
"It is often essential that the land be compacted after it has been spaded or hoed, and some kind of…
"For very small beds, drills, or furrows may be made by a simple marking-stick." — Baily, 1898