Long Point and vicinity. This little sketch was taken from the steam-boat , near the south end of Long…
This is the Lutheran Church in Barren Hill where Lafayette took post and occupied his headquarters.
"Congress was sitting there, and the troops passed in review before the President, Hon. Thomas M'Kean."—Coffin,…
"The Old Magazine. This view is from the square, looking southeast. South of it is a neat frame building,…
"Marion and Lee could see the light of his camp-fires on the hills in the west. Whatever was done must…
A depiction of General Marion and his troops in pursuit of the British.
A depiction of General Marion of the Continental Army inviting a British officer to dine with him.
"Dwelling of General McIntosh. This house is the third eastward from Drayton Street, and is said to…
West Bridge and Milford Hill. This view is from the Milford Road, eastward of West Bridge. The high…
"The field of Monmouth. In the picture here given, the chief is seen most prominently on his white charger,…
"Battle-ground at Monmouth. This view is from the orchard, upon the site of Wayne's position when Monckton…
The Susquehanna at Monocasy Island. This view is from the left of eastern bank of the Susquehanna, opposite…
Richard Montgomery's Monument, states: "This monument is erected by order of Congress, 25th of January,…
"General Richard Montgomery, an American general from the Northern Campaign."—E. Benjamin Andrews,…
"Monticello, Governor Jefferson's place of retirement. This venerated mansion is yet standing, though…
"This is a view from the lawn, looking south. It is a frame building with a brick foundation. At the…
"Gold medal awarded to Morgan. The following are the devices and inscriptions upon the back of the medal:…
"Gold medal awarded to Morgan. The following are the devices and inscriptions upon the front of the…
"General Daniel Morgan, general from Virginia and hero of Saratoga."—E. Benjamin Andrews, 1895
Washington's head-quarters at Morristown. This view is from the forks of the road, directly in front…
"Morven, Stockton's estate. This sketch is from the lawn in front, which is shaded by venerable pines…
"View at Fort Moultrie. This view is from the southwestern angle of Fort Sullivan, looking toward Jame's…
"Mount Vernon. This view is from the lawn in front, looking down the Potomac. The mansion is built of…
Mrs. Mathews' house. This sketch was made from the left bank of the Rahway, at the site of the old bridge.…
"The Nelson Mansion. This view is from the street looking northwest. A long wooden building, with steep…
"The Nelson Tombs. This view is from the burial-ground looking down the York River toward Chesapeake…
"View at Nelson's Ferry, the spot here portrayed, was an important locality during the Revolution. It…
"About forty miles northwest of Charleston, near the line between Charleston and Orangeburg counties,…
"The New England flag. This is copied from an old Dutch work, preserved in the library of the New York…
"New London Harbor, looking north. This little sketch shows the relative position of the forts. Fort…
With the Newburgh Addresses was privately circulated a notification of a meeting of officers at a large…
The interior of a room of General Washington's headquarters in Newburgh, New York.