A large number of parrots and cockatoos roosting in the jungle.

Parrots and Cockatoos

A large number of parrots and cockatoos roosting in the jungle.

Found in California, the California partridge averages aproximately nine and a quarter inches in length, with a crest of six long feathers on its head.

California Partridge

Found in California, the California partridge averages aproximately nine and a quarter inches in length,…

The common partridge of Europe, or gray partridge, is found throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa. Its diet consists of grains, seeds, tender herbage, and insects.

Common Partridge of Europe

The common partridge of Europe, or gray partridge, is found throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa. Its…

The red-legged partridge (or Gurnsey partridge) averages thirteen inches and length and is found in Southern Europe.

Red-Legged Partridge

The red-legged partridge (or Gurnsey partridge) averages thirteen inches and length and is found in…

An assortment of passeres, one order of birds. The legs, feet, and talons are generally smaller than those of predatory birds.


An assortment of passeres, one order of birds. The legs, feet, and talons are generally smaller than…

Resembling a starling, the rose-colored pastor can often be found living in the vicinity of livestock, where it mounts their backs and eats the insects imbedded in their hair.

Rose-Colored Pastor

Resembling a starling, the rose-colored pastor can often be found living in the vicinity of livestock,…

The bloody pavao (<em>coracina scutata</em>) is a mostly black bird, which gets its name from the blood red feathers on its neck and breast resembling a wound.

Bloody Pavao

The bloody pavao (coracina scutata) is a mostly black bird, which gets its name from the blood…

The males of the peacock species are known for their magnificent plumage. For this reason they have been domesticated in Europe and Asia.


The males of the peacock species are known for their magnificent plumage. For this reason they have…

The males of the peacock species are known for their magnificent plumage. For this reason they have been domesticated in Europe and Asia.


The males of the peacock species are known for their magnificent plumage. For this reason they have…

A female pelican feeding its young fish.

Pelican feeding its young

A female pelican feeding its young fish.

The common white pelican measures about five to six feet in length, with a wingspan of approximately twelve to thirteen feet; it is the largest of the web-footed birds.

Common White Pelican

The common white pelican measures about five to six feet in length, with a wingspan of approximately…

The jackass penguin gets its name from its strange cry, which is said to resemble the braying of a donkey.

Jackass Penguin

The jackass penguin gets its name from its strange cry, which is said to resemble the braying of a donkey.

Also known as the pantagonian penguin, the king penguin is found in the far southern latitudes of South America and surrounding islands.

King Penguin

Also known as the pantagonian penguin, the king penguin is found in the far southern latitudes of South…

Distributed throughout the northern regions of the Atlantic, the fulmar petrel prefers to nest in the rocky precipices of the coast.

Fulmar Petrel

Distributed throughout the northern regions of the Atlantic, the fulmar petrel prefers to nest in the…

The smallest of the web-footed birds, the stormy petrel averages only about six inches in length.

Stormy Petrel

The smallest of the web-footed birds, the stormy petrel averages only about six inches in length.

Preferring aquatic environment, the females of the gray phalarope species are slightly larger than the males.

Gray Phalarope

Preferring aquatic environment, the females of the gray phalarope species are slightly larger than the…

The common pheasant of Europe is prized as a game bird, and prefers to make its home in marshes, thickets, and other wet areas.

Pheasant of Europe

The common pheasant of Europe is prized as a game bird, and prefers to make its home in marshes, thickets,…

Native to Sumatra and India, the argus pheasant can measure up to five feet in length.

Argus Pheasant

Native to Sumatra and India, the argus pheasant can measure up to five feet in length.

Also known as Hastings' tragopan, the horned pheasant is native to the northern reaches of the Himalayas.

Horned Pheasant

Also known as Hastings' tragopan, the horned pheasant is native to the northern reaches of the Himalayas.

About the size of a hen turkey, the impeyan pheasant is found in Nepal.

Impeyan Pheasant

About the size of a hen turkey, the impeyan pheasant is found in Nepal.

A pair of ring-necked pheasants, native to China.

Ring-Necked Pheasant

A pair of ring-necked pheasants, native to China.

Also known as the pewee fly-catcher, the phoebe bird feeds mostly on small insects.


Also known as the pewee fly-catcher, the phoebe bird feeds mostly on small insects.

Native to New Guinea, the pie of paradise is renowned for its brilliant plumage.

Paradise Pie

Native to New Guinea, the pie of paradise is renowned for its brilliant plumage.

A goura crowned pigeon, which prefers to spend most of its time on the ground.

Goura Crowned Pigeon

A goura crowned pigeon, which prefers to spend most of its time on the ground.

Once one of the most numerous bird species in the world, the common wild pigeon of the United States is now extinct.

Wild Pigeons

Once one of the most numerous bird species in the world, the common wild pigeon of the United States…

Found in South Africa, the pinc-pinc is about the size of a wren, and is named after its distinctive cry.


Found in South Africa, the pinc-pinc is about the size of a wren, and is named after its distinctive…

Also known as the titlark, the meadow pipit prefers to live on steep and arid slops, subsisting on a diet of insects, worms, and slugs.

Meadow Pipit

Also known as the titlark, the meadow pipit prefers to live on steep and arid slops, subsisting on a…

The giant pitta inhabits Sumatra, feeding mostly on ants.

Giant Pitta

The giant pitta inhabits Sumatra, feeding mostly on ants.

The Chilian plant-cutter frequents the wooded parts of the country, where they feed on buds, fruits and herbage. They frequently destroy farmers crops.

Chilian plant-cutter

The Chilian plant-cutter frequents the wooded parts of the country, where they feed on buds, fruits…

Eleven inches in length, the golden plover of Europe is a migratory bird.

Golden Plover

Eleven inches in length, the golden plover of Europe is a migratory bird.

The great plover, also known as the thick-knee averages about seventeen inches in length and ranges from Southern Europe to Africa.

Great Plover

The great plover, also known as the thick-knee averages about seventeen inches in length and ranges…

The pochard (or dun-hen) averages about nineteen and a half inches in length, and is found in parts of Europe. In England it is sometimes known as the red-headed poker and red-eyed poker.


The pochard (or dun-hen) averages about nineteen and a half inches in length, and is found in parts…

Found in New Guinea, the grand promerops is renowned for its beautiful plumage.

Grand Promerops

Found in New Guinea, the grand promerops is renowned for its beautiful plumage.

Native to South America, the males of this species are known for their pair of prominent tail feathers.

Fork-Tailed Psalurus

Native to South America, the males of this species are known for their pair of prominent tail feathers.

A trio of ptarmigans (also known as white grouses) found in colder regions at higher altitudes. They feed on seeds and berries, and the tender shoots of plants.


A trio of ptarmigans (also known as white grouses) found in colder regions at higher altitudes. They…

This bird is native to Sumatra.


This bird is native to Sumatra.

Averaging about twelve inches in length, the arctic puffin feeds chiefly on young fish, crustaceans, and insects.

Arctic Puffin

Averaging about twelve inches in length, the arctic puffin feeds chiefly on young fish, crustaceans,…

A group of birds standing on a shore, with icebergs eveident in the background.

Puffins, guillemots, the great northern diver, etc

A group of birds standing on a shore, with icebergs eveident in the background.

Also known as the <em>hemipode</em>, the Andelusian quail is found in Spain, North Africa, and Sicily.

Andelusian Quail

Also known as the hemipode, the Andelusian quail is found in Spain, North Africa, and Sicily.

A pair of American quails, esteemed as a game bird.

American Quails

A pair of American quails, esteemed as a game bird.

A pair of European quails, which migrate between Europe and Africa annually.

European Quails

A pair of European quails, which migrate between Europe and Africa annually.

Also known as the Carolina rail, soree rail, and the English rail, the common American rail is found in the temperate wetlands of the United States.

Common American Carolina Rail

Also known as the Carolina rail, soree rail, and the English rail, the common American rail is found…

Generally inhabiting Europe, the land-rail is also known as the corn-crake. It averages about seven inches in length.

Land Rail

Generally inhabiting Europe, the land-rail is also known as the corn-crake. It averages about seven…

The common European water-rail is native to warmer parts of Europe, as well as portions of Asia.

Common European Water Rail

The common European water-rail is native to warmer parts of Europe, as well as portions of Asia.

A group of birds of the order <em>Rasores</em>, settled around a farmyard scene.


A group of birds of the order Rasores, settled around a farmyard scene.

The raven has a broat palate, its diet including worms, brubs, reptiles, birds' eggs, fish, and shell-fish.


The raven has a broat palate, its diet including worms, brubs, reptiles, birds' eggs, fish, and shell-fish.

The common red-shank averages about twelve inches in length, and makes its home along sea-shores, and the banks of rivers and streams.

Spotted Redshank

The common red-shank averages about twelve inches in length, and makes its home along sea-shores, and…

A black redstart perched on a branch in front of a stone building. It greatly resembles the redstart.

Black Redstart

A black redstart perched on a branch in front of a stone building. It greatly resembles the redstart.

Also known as the kinglet, the golden-crested regulus is found throughout Europe and is noted for its cup-shaped nest of moss and feathers.

Golden-Crested Regulus

Also known as the kinglet, the golden-crested regulus is found throughout Europe and is noted for its…

Found in Southern Pantagonia, the Pantagonian rhea's plumage is of a dark, mottled color.

Pantagonian Rhea

Found in Southern Pantagonia, the Pantagonian rhea's plumage is of a dark, mottled color.

Found in the temperate regions of Europe, the robin redbreast can often be found around homes.

European Robin Redbreast

Found in the temperate regions of Europe, the robin redbreast can often be found around homes.

The American Robin (known as the migratory thrush among naturalists) feeds on small insects and various berries.

American Robin

The American Robin (known as the migratory thrush among naturalists) feeds on small insects and various…

The common roller, which subsists on a diet of fruits and insects. It builds its nests in the holes of trees, or sometimes in the banks of rivers.

Common Roller

The common roller, which subsists on a diet of fruits and insects. It builds its nests in the holes…

Greatly resembling the common crow, the rook is approximately nineteen inches in length and feeds on insects and worms.


Greatly resembling the common crow, the rook is approximately nineteen inches in length and feeds on…

The ruff is a migratory species, ranging from Europe to Asia. They are known for fighting with one another.


The ruff is a migratory species, ranging from Europe to Asia. They are known for fighting with one another.

"The broad-billed sandpiper.. [is] six and a half inches long, variegated above with black, rufous, and gray; beneath grayish-white, tinged with buffish-red; rare, but distributed throughout Europe." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Broad-Billed Sandpiper

"The broad-billed sandpiper.. [is] six and a half inches long, variegated above with black, rufous,…

Averaging about eight inches in length, the curlew sandpiper can be found in Northern Europe, Asia, parts of Africa, as well as North America. It is an uncommon species.

Curlew Sandpipers

Averaging about eight inches in length, the curlew sandpiper can be found in Northern Europe, Asia,…

An assortment of scansores sitting in a tree.


An assortment of scansores sitting in a tree.

Common in Europe and North America, the velvet scoter is also known as the white-winged coot.

Velvet Scoter

Common in Europe and North America, the velvet scoter is also known as the white-winged coot.

Also known as the kamichi, the horned screamer gets its name from the three inch horn on its head, as well as its loud, distinctive cries.

Horned Screamer

Also known as the kamichi, the horned screamer gets its name from the three inch horn on its head, as…