The flowers of fuchsia corymbiflora are scarlet and two inches long. The flowers grow in clusters at…
The flowers of fuchsia earl of beaconsfield are a rosy carmine color. This plant is a hybrid.
The flowers of fuchsia erecta superba stand nearly erect. This shrub is a strong growing garden hybrid.
The flowers of fuchsia fulgens are scarlet and two inches long. The petals are shorter than the sepals.…
Fuchsia gipsy queen flowers have scarlet sepals and a violet corolla.
The flowers of fuchsia macrostema globosa are globular in shape. The petals are a purplish violet and…
Fuchsia macrostema gracilis flowers have purple petals and scarlet sepals. The flowers grow in a twisted…
Fuchsia macrostema pumila is very similar to fuchsia macrostem gracilis. It is the dwarf variety.
The flowers of fuchsia microphylla are deep red and funnel shaped. The shrub grows to be two feet tall.…
Fuchsia miss lucy finnis flowers are very large. The tube and sepals are coral red. The corolla is pure…
The flowers of fuchsia serratifolia are scarlet. The flowers bloom in the summer. The shrub grows between…
Fucraea gigantea flowers are milk white on the inside and greenish on the outside. The scape is between…
Fucraea gigantea flowers are milk white on the inside and greenish on the outside. The scape is between…
An illustration of a longitudinal section of the fumitory flower. Fumaria is a genus of about fifty…
An illustration of the side-view of the fumitory flower Fumaria is a genus of about fifty annual herbaceous…
An illustration of a fumitory flower anther. Fumaria is a genus of about fifty annual herbaceous flowering…
"Fumaria officinalis. 1. a flower seen from below; 2. the same from the side; 3. the pistil, stamens,…
A plant which produces flowers with 7 to 8 white petals. The stamens are very numerous. They bloom between…
The common name of funkia is the plantain lily. Funkia sieboldiana flowers are white with a pale lilac…
The common name of funkia is the plantain lily. Funkia subcordata flowers are pure white and about four…
The flowers of furcraea curensis are a greenish color. There are twenty five to thirty bright green…
The flower heads of gaillardia aristata grandiflora are yellow with reddish styles in the disk. The…
The common name of galanthus is snowdrop. The flowers of galanthus elwesii are white with green spots…
The common name of galanthus nivalis is common snowdrop. The flowers are white with the inner three…
The common name of galanthus nivalis imperati is the common snowdrop. This a large form of galanthus…
The common name of galanthus nivalis reflexus is the cremean snowdrop. This flower is different from…
Galax aphylla has numerous, small white flowers growing towards the point of a scape. The flowers bloom…
The common name of galega is goat's rue. Galega orientalis flowers are blue and bloom in the summer…
A variable flower with red petals and leathery, ovate leaves. The prickles are unequally distributed,…
The flowers of galtonia candicans are pure white and funnel shaped. The flowers are large, fragrant,…
The flowers of gardenia thunbergia are large, fragrant, and white. The flowers grow alone at the end…
The common names of gaultheria procumbens are creeping wintergreen and Canada tea. The berries are red…
The flowers of gaultheria shallon are white tinged with red. The berries are round and purple. The berries…
Gaura lindheimeri flowers are a rose white color. The flowers are produced in elegant spikes during…
Used as landscaping in Florida, the Geiger tree is a tropical plant known for its flowers. "Cordia Sebestena.…
Used as landscaping in Florida, the Geiger tree is a tropical plant known for its flowers. "Cordia Sebestena.…
"6. flower of Geissoloma marginatum; 7. ditto divided perpendicularly; 9. ovule; 10. anther." -Lindley,…
A genus of hardy plants, Gentians belong to the order Gentianaceae. They have a bitter taste, and one…
The Great Yellow Gentian (Gentian lutea) is a flowering plant in the Gentian family, Gentianaceae.
Gentianaceae, or the Gentian family, is a family of flowering plants of 87 genera and over 1500 species.
The common name of gentiana acaulis is gentianella. The flowers are blue with five yellow marks inside.…
The common name of gentiana affinis is gentian. Gentiana affinis flowers are blue and funnel shaped.…
Gentiana algida flowers are milk colored with bluish dots and stripes. The plant is three to six inches…
The common name of gentiana pneumonanthe is wind flower. The flowers are deep blue with small, green…
Gentiana septemfida flowers are azure blue. One to seven flowers grow in a cluster at the end of the…
Pictured are the orders of geraniacea, tropaeolaceae, and linaceae. The flowers of these orders that…
The flowers of geranium argenteum are pale red with darker stripes. The leaves are hoary or silky and…
The flowers of geranium ibericum platypetalum are deep violet with reddish streaks. The flowers are…
The flowers of geranium wallichianum are large and purple. The leaves are five parted and have silky…
Corolla of a purple Gerardia laid open, showing the four stamens; the cross shows where the fifth stamen…
Gerardia Quercifolia flowers are yelow and two inches long. The corolla is tube shaped. The plant grows…
Gesnera Elliptica Lutea flowers are yellow. The flowers bloom in May. The plant grows to be one foot…
Gesnera refulgens flowers are a rich, deep red color. The flowers bloom in summer. The plant grows between…
Geum montanum flowers a yellow and erect. The leaves are softly hairy. The plant grows between six and…
Geum urbanum is a member of the genus Geum, a genus of hardy plants (Rosaceae). Not usually used decoratively,…
Gilia androsacea flowers are lilac, pink, or nearly white with a yellow or dark throat. The height of…
The Ginger plant (Zingiber officinale) is a flowering plant in the Zingiberaceae family.