"Part of the inflorescence of Heliconia angustifolia; a, stamens and pistil, the surrounding parts being…
The flowers have heliconia bicolor at white and tipped with a greenish color. The ovaries and spathes…
Heliconia bihai flowers are red or orange. The flowers bloom in July and August. The plant grows to…
Heliophila pilosa incisa has blue flowers. The leaves are linear and divide in three parts at the point.…
The flowers heads of helipterum humboldtianum are bright yellow. There are numerous flower heads growing…
Helleborus caucasicus punctatus is a garden hybrid of hellebore. The flowers are pale green with rosy…
Helleborus niger altifolius is usually known as major, sometimes as maximus. The flowers are very large,…
Helleborus Olympicus flowers are a purplish color. The flowers bloom in spring. Each stem has two or…
The common name of hemerocallis is day lily. The middendorfii variety has deep, golden yellow flowers.…
The common names of heracleum are cow parsley and cow parsnip. The sibiricum variety has yellowish flowers.…
The common names of heracleum are cow parsley and cow parsnip. The sibiricum variety has yellowish flowers.…
"4. flower of Heterostemma acuminatum; 5. one of its anthers; 6. its pollen masses." -Lindley, 1853
The common name of heuchera is alum root. The glabra variety has small white flowers. The flowers bloom…
Hibbertia perfoliata flowers are pale yellow. The flowers bloom in summer. The leaves are edged with…
Hibiscus coccineus flowers are bright scarlet. The flowers bloom in July and August. The shrubs grow…
Magnified pollen of Hibiscus and other Mallow plants, beset with prickly projections.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flowers vary in color. The flowers are large and are single, semi, or wholly…
The flowers of hibiscus roseus are rose colored. The flowers are large and grow alone on the stems.…
The flowers of hibiscus syriacus vary in color. The flowers are large and grow single or double on the…
The common name of hibiscus trionum is bladder ketmia. The flowers are yellow with a purple center.…
"When the ovary is composed of several carpels, the carpels are arranged with the midrib placed outwardly,…
"Hippocratea Arnottiana. 1. a flower; 2. a cross section of the ovary; 3. ripe fruit." -Lindley, 1853
Also known as Yucca schottii. A branch from the Hoary Yucca, a species of plant from the agave family.
The flowers of holboellia latifolia are purple or greenish. The flowers are very fragrant. The flowers…
Pottery is the ceramic ware made by potters. Major types of pottery include earthenware, stoneware,…
Ilex aquifolium (Holly, or European Holly to distinguish it from related species) is a species of holly…
Holy Ghost Flower, or Dove Flower, is the common name of peristeria elata. The flowers are sweet scented…
Of the Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae), the bush honeysuckle (Diervilla Lonicera).
Also known as Quisqualis indica. A vine with red flower clusters that can grow between 2.5 meters and…
Hoop petticoat is the common name of narcissus bulbocodium. The flowers are bright yellow. The flowers…
The hop (Humulus) is a small genus of flowering plants, native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere.…
Common horse chestnut is the common name of Aesculus hippocastanum. The tree is large, between sixty…
"Moringa pterygosperma; 2. its fruit; 3, the section of a flower of M. aptera; 4. its anther; 5. a section…
An illustration of a fertile branch of horsetail and spore of equisetum with unrolled elaters.
The common name of houstonia caerulea is bluets. The flowers are usually a light blue color but they…
The common name of hoya carnosa is wax flower. This form has variegated leaves.
The common name of hoya carnosa is wax flower. The flowers are a pinkish white color. The flowers bloom…
The Huito (Genipa americana) is a small tree with edible fruit in the madder family, Rubiaceae.
The flower heads of humea elegans are brownish red, pink, or crimson. The flowers bloom July to October.…
A group of humming birds with particularly long and narrow beaks, well-adapted for sipping nectar from…
The common name of humulus lupulus is hop or common hop. The flowers are greenish yellow. The flowers…
Common hyacinth is the common name of hyacinthus orientalis. The flowers are fragrant and clustered.…
The flowers of the double flowered garden hyacinth are small and rosette like. This variety is not cultivated…
Hippeastrums are native to tropical South America. The flowers range in color from red to white. Some…
"1. Hydrangeaa virens and its flower. 2. seed-vessel of H. hortensis; 3. its seed; 4. a section of it."…
Hydrangea hortensis is the common hydrangea. The flowers vary in color according to the soil in which…
Hydrangea paniculata grandiflora has white flowers. The flowers are small and star shaped. The flowers…
The flowers of hydrolea spinosa are pale blue. The flowers bloom in July. The stem is thorny.
Hymenocallis andreana has white flowers. The flowers grow on slender, one flowered scapes. The leaves…
The orders of hypericacea, guttiferae, and tamaricaceae are pictured. The flowers of these orders that…
"Hypericum floribundum; 1. an entire flower; 2. a bundle of stamens; 3. a pistil with 3 carpels; 4.…
The common names of hypericum androsaemum are sweet amber and common tutsan. The flowers are large and…
Cross-section of an ovary of Hypericum graveolens, the three large placenta meeting in the centre, so…
The common names of hypericum perforatum are common hypericum and St. John's wort. The flowers are bright…
"Hypocyrta gracilis. 1. section of a flower; 2. cross section of a fruit; 3. seed with it embryo exposed…
Hypoxis erecta flowers are yellow and star shaped. Each scape has four flowers. The leaves are linear…