Karatas scheremetiewi flowers are white or blue. The leave are green. The floral leaves are bright red…
The flowers of kerria japonica are orange yellow. The flowers grow alone at the end of the stems. The…
"Kielmeyera rosea. 1. the pistil; 2. a transverse section of it; 3. a ripe fruit; 4. embryo." -Lindley,…
Also known as Polygonum sachalinense. It is native to northeastern Asia and northern Japan. The flowers…
Also known as Polygonum cuspidatum. It has hollow stems and has a similar appearance to bamboo. The…
Koellikeria argyrostigma flowers are white or cream colored spotted with red. The flowers bloom in the…
The flowers of koelreuteria paniculata are yellow. There are many flowers on each branch. The leaves…
The common name of laburnum alpinum is Scotch Laburnum. The flowers are yellow and bloom in June. The…
A greenish-red plant with laciniate-cut leaves. In the spring, edible crimson berries are produced and…
"Lacistema serrulatum. 1. amentum in flower; 2. pistil and stamen. 3. pistil and calyx; 4. fruit in…
"Lady's Slipper is a genus of plants. The genus is remarkable for the large inflated lip of the corolla.…
Style of a Lady's Slipper (Cypripedium), and stamens united with it; the anther of the two good stamens;…
The flowers of laelia albida are very fragrant. The sepals and petals are a mealy white. The lips is…
The sepals are the three narrower parts situated behind, and overlapped by, the petals. The dark, central…
The flowers of laelia anceps are very fragrant and are two to four inches across. The sepals and petals…
Lagenaria vulgaris is commonly known as the bottle gourd. The flowers are large and white. The fruit…
Lamium album (White Deadnettle) is a flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae, native throughout Europe…
Lamium album (also known as the white dead-nettle, or archangel) is a member of the Lamium, a genus…
Lapageria rosea flowers are a rich, rosy crimson. The flowers usually grow alone on each stem.
Larch, or Larix, is a genus of hardy, deciduous, coniferous trees of very graceful habit. They bear…
The Delphinium tricorne or Dwarf Larkspur: "1. petals and stamens; 2. carpels; 3. a branch of ripe fruit."…
"Melastoma polyanthum. 1. flower; 2, 2. stamens; 3. base of anther; 4. fruit; 5. section of ditto; 6.…
The common name of lathyrus odoratus is sweet pea. The flowers are very fragrant and come in various…
The flowers of lathyrus sylvestris are red and variegated with pale crimson, violet, and tints of green.…
"1. Leaf of Ouvirandra fenestralis; 2. a flower cut open; 3. section of a ripe carpel of O. Bernieriana;…
"Cassytha filiformis. 1. a flower; 2. a fruit; 3. a section of it transversely." -Lindley, 1853
The common name of laurus nobilis is common laurel or sweet bay tree. The flowers are yellow and inconspicuous.…
The common name of lavatera arborea is tree mallow. The flowers are pale purple Variegata is a showy,…
Lavatera trimestris flowers are rose colored. The flowers bloom in the summer. The plant grows between…
"Polygonaceae, a natural order of Dicotyledons, containing 30 genera with about 700 species, chiefly…
"Leschenaultia splendens. 1. calyx, stamens, and style, with stigma and indusium, all magnified." -Lindley,…
Leschenaultia biloba or the blue lechenaultia is a flowering plant of the Goodeniaceae family.
Pictured are the orders of Lecythidaceae, Rhizophoraceae, Combretaceae, Myrtaceae, and Melastomaceae.…
"An annual plant of the same genus with tares, a native of countries near the Mediterranean, and which…
Leontice altaica flowers are about twelve per plant. The flowers bloom in April. The plant grows between…
The common name of leontopodium alpinum is Edelweiss. The flowers heads grow at the end of the stems.…
"Leptolaena multiflora. 1. a perpendicular section of its flower; 2. a diagram of its structure; 3.…
Leptospermum laevigatum flowers are white. The flowers grow alone on each stem, sometimes with two on…
Leucocoryne ixiodes flowers are white or pale blue. The umbels have four to six flowers. The plant grows…
These are detached flower heads of two different varieties of leucocoryne ixiodes. One flower head has…
The common name of leucoium aestivum is Summer Snowflake. The flowers are pure white and about one inch…
The common name of leucoium vernum is Spring Snowflake. The flowers are white with green spots on the…
Lewisia reiviva flowers are pink with a nearly white center. The flowers are about three to four inches…
Leycesteria formosa flowers are white with a tinge of purple. The plant grows between four and six feet…
The common names of liatris are blazing star and button snake root. The spicata variety has purple flowers…
Libertia formosa flowers are white. The leaves are linear and sword shaped. The stem is sixteen inches…
The flowers are lietzia brasiliensis are green, richly mottled with brown. The leaves are hairy and…