The Chrysanthemum flower is used as an ornament design in flat and relief forms.
Slice of a head of flowers of Coreopsis, with one ray flower, and one perfect disk-flower with its bract…
"The Corn flower is a well-known composite weed of cornfields, universally known and admired for the…
"The Corn flower is a well-known composite weed of cornfields, universally known and admired for the…
Flower of nasturtium cut through the middle to show the spur (s) and the nectar (n).
This is the flower cluster of the Mountain Laurel, Kalmia latifolia, (Keeler, 1915).
"Contains both stamens and pistils, and the flowers are said to be perfect." —Fuller, 1910
"The stamens are situated on the calyx, and they may be artificially removed or suppressed by nature,…
This gigantic flower, one of the marvels of the vegetable world, was discovered in the interior Sumatra…
"As the Strawberry belongs to the Rose family, its flowers should in their natural state contain both…
The flower of the Flowering Rush (Butomus umbellatus), the sole species in the Butomaceae family.
Flowering spurge is the common name of euphorbia corollata. Illustrated is the cyathium, which is a…
"The hanging basket is filled with dried Everlasting Flowers and Grasses, in their natural colors. Some…
Fly orchis is the common name of ophrys muscifera. The flowers have green sepals and dark red, linear…
Fontanesia fortunei flowers are pale yellow and grow in clusters at the end of each stem. The leaves…
Forsythia suspensa is a deciduous shrub. The flowers are yellow and scattered on slender branches.
An illustration of: 1, Coralla cut open showing the four stamens; 2, Unripe fruit (lengthwise); 3, ripe…
A biennial herb native to Europe. Its leaves and flowers are poisonous to humans and some animals.
The flowers of the pine strawberry are white and frow on thick stalks. The plant grows one foot high.…
The common name of fragaria chilensis is the chili strawberry. The flowers are white and grow on thick,…
Fragaria vesca, or wild strawberry, has white flowers. The plant grows between six and twelve inches…
Also known as Plumeria. It is native of tropical America, and is made up of thickish branches and white,…
The common name of frankenia is sea heath. Frankenia pulverulenta flowers are red. The petals are wavy.
Flowers of freesia refracta alba are pure white, without the orange blotches usually seen in freesia…
French marigold is the common name of tagetes patula. The flowers are yellow or rich velvety brown.…
"A winter annual of the mustard family, which is quite sure to be found producing much seed on roadsides…
The leaves of freycinetia cumingiana spread horizontally. It is a slender grower.
The flowers of fritillaria aurea are yellow and bell shaped. There are about ten leaves per stem. The…
The common name of fritillaria imperialis is the crown imperial. The flowers vary in color from yellow…
The common name of fritillaria meleagris is common fritillary or snake's head. The flowers are checked…
Fritillaria pallidiflora flowers are yellow with checkered insides. The leaves are large and are a greenish…
Fritillaria pudica flowers are dark yellow and bell shaped. They usually grow alone on the stem, sometimes…
Fritillaria recurva flowers are bright scarlet. Stems have one to nine flowers. The height of the plant…
Fritillaria verticillata thunbergii flowers are greenish spotted with pale purple. The flowers are bell…
"Diagram of the symmetrical trimerous flower of Fritillary, having three divisions of the two outer…
Cross section of the ovary of Frost-Weed (Helianthemum), with three parietal placenta, bearing ovules.
Composite, or compound flowers, form the largest of all botanical orders. 3, receptacle with fruit adhering.
A shrubby flower with white petals. It can grow up to 3 feet, and is native to the Canary Islands.
The flowers of fuchsia apetala are red and pale yellow lobes. The flowers are one and a half inches…