A tall yellow flower that is grown in the Andean region. The tubers of this plant are edible.

Polumnia Edulis

A tall yellow flower that is grown in the Andean region. The tubers of this plant are edible.

"Sambucus nigra; 1. a flower; 2. a young pistil; 3. a cross section of its ovary; 4. a perpendicular section of the fruit." -Lindley, 1853


"Sambucus nigra; 1. a flower; 2. a young pistil; 3. a cross section of its ovary; 4. a perpendicular…

"Branch with Inflorescence of Elder (Sambucus Canadensis). (a), part of the inflorescence; (b), fruits." -Whitney, 1911

American Elderberry

"Branch with Inflorescence of Elder (Sambucus Canadensis). (a), part of the inflorescence; (b), fruits."…

The Elecampane (Inula helenium) is a flowering plant in the Asteraceae family of daisies.


The Elecampane (Inula helenium) is a flowering plant in the Asteraceae family of daisies.

"Ulmus campestris. 1. its flower; 2. its pistil; 3. its fruit; 4. its embryo." -Lindley, 1853


"Ulmus campestris. 1. its flower; 2. its pistil; 3. its fruit; 4. its embryo." -Lindley, 1853

Now known as Ulmus procera, the image shows a "Flowering Branch and Foliage of English Elm (Ulmus campestris), with flower and fruit on larger scale." -Whitney, 1911

English Elm

Now known as Ulmus procera, the image shows a "Flowering Branch and Foliage of English Elm (Ulmus campestris),…

The orders pictured are empetraceae, coriariaceae, anacaridaceae, and cyrillaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated include (1) empetrum, (2) coriaria, (3) rhus, (4) anacardium, and (5) cyrilla.

Orders of Empetraceae, Coriariaceae, Anacaridaceae, and Cyrillaceae

The orders pictured are empetraceae, coriariaceae, anacaridaceae, and cyrillaceae. The flowers of these…

Endocarp with seed


Endocarp with seed

"Sulphurators are instruments for distributing flowers of sulphur, for the purpose of destroying mildew. In the case of greenhouse plants, such as heaths, simply dusting with sulphur through a muslin bag or dredger is sufficient." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Epps's Sulphurator

"Sulphurators are instruments for distributing flowers of sulphur, for the purpose of destroying mildew.…

Though gloxinia flowers were originally drooping there are now many erect varieties.

Erect Flowered Gloxinia

Though gloxinia flowers were originally drooping there are now many erect varieties.

Though gloxinia flowers were originally drooping there are now many erect varieties.

Erect Flowered Gloxinia

Though gloxinia flowers were originally drooping there are now many erect varieties.

The common name of eryngium is eryngo. Eryngium giganteum flowers are blue and oval shaped. Each stem branches in two. The plant grows between three and four feet high.

Eryngium Giganteum

The common name of eryngium is eryngo. Eryngium giganteum flowers are blue and oval shaped. Each stem…

The common name of eryngium planum is eryngo. Eryngium planum flowers are blue with round heads. There are six to eight leaves with serrated edges.

Eryngium Planum

The common name of eryngium planum is eryngo. Eryngium planum flowers are blue with round heads. There…

The common name of erythraea is centaury. Erythraea diffusa flowers are a bright, deep rose. The plant grows between two and three inches tall. This plant can be found in Europe.

Flowers of Erythraea Diffusa

The common name of erythraea is centaury. Erythraea diffusa flowers are a bright, deep rose. The plant…

The common name of erythraea is centaury. Erthraea muhlenbergi has deep pink flowers with greenish-white stars in the center. The plant has numerous, slender branches.

Flowering Stem of Erythraea Muhlenbergi

The common name of erythraea is centaury. Erthraea muhlenbergi has deep pink flowers with greenish-white…

The common name of erythrina crista-galli is the common coral-tree. This tree has bright, deep scarlet flowers. The leaves are oval shaped and the stems are woody.

Portion of Annual Herbaceous Flowering Shoot of Erythrina Crista-Galli

The common name of erythrina crista-galli is the common coral-tree. This tree has bright, deep scarlet…

The common name of erythronium dens-canis is dog's tooth violet. The flowers are a purplish-rose or whitish color. The flowers are about two inches in diameter and droop at the end of the stem.

Large White Variety of Erythronium Dens-Canis

The common name of erythronium dens-canis is dog's tooth violet. The flowers are a purplish-rose or…

Pictured are the orders of erythroxylaceae, zygophyllaceae, and rutaceae. The flowers of these orders that are illustrated are (1) erythroxylon, (2) zygophyllum, and (3) ruta.

Orders of Erythroxylaceae, Zygophyllaceae, and Rutaceae

Pictured are the orders of erythroxylaceae, zygophyllaceae, and rutaceae. The flowers of these orders…

"Escallonia pulverulenta. 1. a flower; 2. a cross section of the ovary; 3. fruit; 4. seed; 5. its perpendicular section." -Lindley, 1853


"Escallonia pulverulenta. 1. a flower; 2. a cross section of the ovary; 3. fruit; 4. seed; 5. its perpendicular…

Eucharis grandiflora flowers are four to five inches wide and they droop at the end of the stems. The flowers are pure white. The bulb is egg shaped with a long neck.

Leaves and Inflorescence of Eucharis Grandiflora

Eucharis grandiflora flowers are four to five inches wide and they droop at the end of the stems. The…

Eucomis punctata is native to South Africa. The flowers are green and brown. The leaves are oblong and spread from the base.

Eucomis Punctata

Eucomis punctata is native to South Africa. The flowers are green and brown. The leaves are oblong and…

The common name of euphorbia is milkwort or spurge. Euphorbia meloformis is melon shaped with greenish flowers.

Euphorbia Meloformis

The common name of euphorbia is milkwort or spurge. Euphorbia meloformis is melon shaped with greenish…

A violet-colored flower that has an erect stem, with many branches.

Plumbago Europaea

A violet-colored flower that has an erect stem, with many branches.

The common name of eurycles cunninghami is brisbane lily. The flowers are white. The plant grows to be one foot tall. This plant is native to Australia.

Eurycles Cunninghami

The common name of eurycles cunninghami is brisbane lily. The flowers are white. The plant grows to…

"Evening Primrose: a, flower divested of calyx and corolla, to show the parts or fructification; b, tuberous root." — Chambers, 1881

Evening Primrose

"Evening Primrose: a, flower divested of calyx and corolla, to show the parts or fructification; b,…

Helichrysum bracteatum aureum are everlastings with golden yellow flower heads.

Habit and Detached Flower Head of Everlastings (Helichrysum Bracteatum Aureum)

Helichrysum bracteatum aureum are everlastings with golden yellow flower heads.

Helichrysum bracteatum compositum is a fine, double strain of everlastings. The flower heads come in various colors.

Flower Heads of Everlastings (Helichrysum Bracteatum Compositum)

Helichrysum bracteatum compositum is a fine, double strain of everlastings. The flower heads come in…

Helichrysum foetidum is a variety of everlastings with light yellow flower heads. The flowers bloom June through September. The shrub grows two feet high.

Habit and Detached Single Flower Head of Everlastings (Helichrysum Foetidum)

Helichrysum foetidum is a variety of everlastings with light yellow flower heads. The flowers bloom…

A genus of plants of natural order Scropulariaceæ. having a tubular calyx, the upper lip of the corolla divided, the lower of three nearly equal lobes, the cells of the athers spurred at the base, a two-celled capsule and striated seeds.


A genus of plants of natural order Scropulariaceæ. having a tubular calyx, the upper lip of the…

Of the Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae), the eyebright (Euphrasia americana).


Of the Figwort family (Scrophulariaceae), the eyebright (Euphrasia americana).

Shown are the orders of Fagaceae, Ulmaceae, and Moraceae. Illustrated are various flowers and flower parts of these orders. These flower are quercus, castanea, ulmus, morus, humulus, cudrania, and ficus.

Fagaceae, Ulmaceae, and Moraceae Orders

Shown are the orders of Fagaceae, Ulmaceae, and Moraceae. Illustrated are various flowers and flower…

The common name of fagus sylvatica is common beech. The male flowers have drooping heads. The female flowers grow two to four together.

Branchlet of Fagus Sylvatica with Male and Female Flowers

The common name of fagus sylvatica is common beech. The male flowers have drooping heads. The female…

The plant and fruit of the False Rue Anemone (Isopyrum biternatum). It is a flowering plant in the Ranunculaceae family of buttercups.

False Rue Anemone

The plant and fruit of the False Rue Anemone (Isopyrum biternatum). It is a flowering plant in the Ranunculaceae…

"7. a flower of Chenopodium album; 8. a section of the same, showing the superior ovary; 9. its seed cut through to show the embryo." -Lindley, 1853


"7. a flower of Chenopodium album; 8. a section of the same, showing the superior ovary; 9. its seed…

Also known as Polygonum orientale. A flower that is commonly found in southeastern Asia and Australia. It consists of red drooping flowers and ovate leaves.

Prince's Feather

Also known as Polygonum orientale. A flower that is commonly found in southeastern Asia and Australia.…

Fedia cornucoplae has red flowers that grow in clusters. The stem is a purplish color. The plant grows six inches tall.

Flowering Branch of Fedia Cornucoplae

Fedia cornucoplae has red flowers that grow in clusters. The stem is a purplish color. The plant grows…

The flowers of ferraria undulata are greenish brown. The leaves overlap and taper to a slim point.

Flowering Spike of Ferraria Undulata

The flowers of ferraria undulata are greenish brown. The leaves overlap and taper to a slim point.

A plant with bright yellow flowers and short stems. They tend to bloom between March and May in Europe.

Ranunculus Ficaria

A plant with bright yellow flowers and short stems. They tend to bloom between March and May in Europe.

An illustration of the inflorescence of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious, is a species in the genus Knautia. It is a perennial plant that grows between 25 and 100 cm. It prefers grassy places and dry soils, avoiding heavy soils, and flowers between July and September. The flowered head is flatter than similar species Devils bit scabious and Small Scabious. There are 4 stamens in each flower, and 1 notched long stigma. The fruit is nut like, cylindrical and hairy, 5-6mm in size. It has a tap root. The stem has long stiff hairs angled downwards. There are no stipules. The leaves form a basal rosette, are paired on the stem, the lowest typically 300mm long, spear shaped, whereas the upper are smaller.

Inflorescence of Field Scabious

An illustration of the inflorescence of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field…

An illustration of a ray-floret of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious, is a species in the genus Knautia. It is a perennial plant that grows between 25 and 100 cm. It prefers grassy places and dry soils, avoiding heavy soils, and flowers between July and September. The flowered head is flatter than similar species Devils bit scabious and Small Scabious. There are 4 stamens in each flower, and 1 notched long stigma. The fruit is nut like, cylindrical and hairy, 5-6mm in size. It has a tap root. The stem has long stiff hairs angled downwards. There are no stipules. The leaves form a basal rosette, are paired on the stem, the lowest typically 300mm long, spear shaped, whereas the upper are smaller.

Ray-floret of Field Scabious

An illustration of a ray-floret of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious,…

An illustration of a ray-floret of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious, is a species in the genus Knautia. It is a perennial plant that grows between 25 and 100 cm. It prefers grassy places and dry soils, avoiding heavy soils, and flowers between July and September. The flowered head is flatter than similar species Devils bit scabious and Small Scabious. There are 4 stamens in each flower, and 1 notched long stigma. The fruit is nut like, cylindrical and hairy, 5-6mm in size. It has a tap root. The stem has long stiff hairs angled downwards. There are no stipules. The leaves form a basal rosette, are paired on the stem, the lowest typically 300mm long, spear shaped, whereas the upper are smaller.

Ray-floret of Field Scabious

An illustration of a ray-floret of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious,…

An illustration of the seed of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious, is a species in the genus Knautia. It is a perennial plant that grows between 25 and 100 cm. It prefers grassy places and dry soils, avoiding heavy soils, and flowers between July and September. The flowered head is flatter than similar species Devils bit scabious and Small Scabious. There are 4 stamens in each flower, and 1 notched long stigma. The fruit is nut like, cylindrical and hairy, 5-6mm in size. It has a tap root. The stem has long stiff hairs angled downwards. There are no stipules. The leaves form a basal rosette, are paired on the stem, the lowest typically 300mm long, spear shaped, whereas the upper are smaller.

Seed of Field Scabious

An illustration of the seed of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious,…

An illustration of the young inflorescence of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as Field Scabious, is a species in the genus Knautia. It is a perennial plant that grows between 25 and 100 cm. It prefers grassy places and dry soils, avoiding heavy soils, and flowers between July and September. The flowered head is flatter than similar species Devils bit scabious and Small Scabious. There are 4 stamens in each flower, and 1 notched long stigma. The fruit is nut like, cylindrical and hairy, 5-6mm in size. It has a tap root. The stem has long stiff hairs angled downwards. There are no stipules. The leaves form a basal rosette, are paired on the stem, the lowest typically 300mm long, spear shaped, whereas the upper are smaller.

Young Inflorescence of Field Scabious

An illustration of the young inflorescence of the field scabious. Knautia arvensis, commonly known as…

"The inflorescence of Maryland Figwort (Scrophularia Marylandica). a, the flower; b, the fruit; c, a seed; d, a leaf." -Whitney, 1911

Maryland Figwort

"The inflorescence of Maryland Figwort (Scrophularia Marylandica). a, the flower; b, the fruit; c, a…

Filbert is a shrub that produces nuts, similar to the hazelnut. Filberts can be distinguished by the extension beyond the point of the enclosed nut.

Fruiting Branchlet of Filbert

Filbert is a shrub that produces nuts, similar to the hazelnut. Filberts can be distinguished by the…

In the early spring the pollen-bearing catkins appear before the female flowers. A shows the male catkins, B shows the sessile female flowers.

Leafless Twig of Filbert

In the early spring the pollen-bearing catkins appear before the female flowers. A shows the male catkins,…

The medieval grill finial is made out of wrought-iron and is in the shape of a flower.

Medieval Grill Finial

The medieval grill finial is made out of wrought-iron and is in the shape of a flower.

The part of grill finial is a 15th century design found on the Toulouse Cathedral in France. It is made out of wrought-iron and is in the shape of a flower.

Part of Grill Finial

The part of grill finial is a 15th century design found on the Toulouse Cathedral in France. It is made…

This is part of a spanish trellis gate. Designed during the 14th century, it is made of wrought-iron in the shape of a flower.

Spanish Trellis Gate Finial

This is part of a spanish trellis gate. Designed during the 14th century, it is made of wrought-iron…

The terminal finial is a 17th century design found in Bruges, Belgium. It is made out of wrought-iron in the shape of a flower.

Terminal Finial

The terminal finial is a 17th century design found in Bruges, Belgium. It is made out of wrought-iron…

The termination of fountain finial is a 15th century design found in the Cluny museum in Paris, France. It is made out of wrought-iron in the shape of a flower.

Termination of Fountain Finial

The termination of fountain finial is a 15th century design found in the Cluny museum in Paris, France.…

The wrought-iron finial is a 16th century design in the shape of a flower.

Wrought-Iron Finial

The wrought-iron finial is a 16th century design in the shape of a flower.

The habit of fittonia gigantea is branching and erect. The flowers are pale red. The leaves are broad with red veins.

Fittonia Gigantea

The habit of fittonia gigantea is branching and erect. The flowers are pale red. The leaves are broad…

Common Flax (Linum usitatissimum) is a flowering plant in the Linaceae family of flaxes.

Common Flax

Common Flax (Linum usitatissimum) is a flowering plant in the Linaceae family of flaxes.

Flax-flower in section; the parts all free,-hypogenous.


Flax-flower in section; the parts all free,-hypogenous.

A flower symbol used as a charge in heraldry, often seen as a stylized lily.


A flower symbol used as a charge in heraldry, often seen as a stylized lily.

A flower symbol used as a charge in heraldry, often seen as a stylized lily.


A flower symbol used as a charge in heraldry, often seen as a stylized lily.

A flower symbol used as a charge in heraldry, often seen as a stylized lily.


A flower symbol used as a charge in heraldry, often seen as a stylized lily.

The heraldic charge borne by the sixth eldest son in a family.

The Fleur-de-lis

The heraldic charge borne by the sixth eldest son in a family.

Floral banner

Floral banner

Floral banner