An ancient radiate from the Carboniferous Age, the Actinocrinus proboscidialis.
"The impressions of the large rain-drops of a short shower made on a half-dry mud, have often been preserved…
"The vertical crystallographic axis is one of trigonal symmetry, and the three horizontal crystallographic…
"The rhombohedron is a form consists of six rhombic-shaped faces, which correspond in their position…
"The rhombohedron is a form consists of six rhombic-shaped faces, which correspond in their position…
A mollusk radiate from the Paleozoic time, Rhynchotreta cuneata from the United States and Great Britain.
Marks made by water spreading over shells of stones that are lodged in the sand, in this image in Silurian…
"Diagrammatic structure section of the Wasatch Range in Ogden Canyon." -Lee, 1915
"Cross section of Marsh Creek valley at McCammon, Idaho." -Lee, 1915
Basaltic rock is a common extrusive volcanic rock. Fingal's Cave is a sea cave composed of basaltic…
"This form consists of twelve scalene triangular faces. These faces correspond in their position to…
"A crystal of scapolite, upon which the faces of the third-order pyramid are shown." — Ford, 1912
"Tetragonal; tri-pyramidal. Crystals usually simple pyramids of first order. Closely resemble isometric…
"This is a form consisting of six rectangular vertical faces, each of which intersects two of the horizontal…
"This is a form composed of twelve isoceles triangular faces, each of which intersects two of the horizontal…
The floor of the sea was first formed or rocks that had cooled from a state of fusion. The few islands…
"inverted Vertical Pendulum Seismograph. Marvin System. A stiff vertical tube, pivoted at its bottom…
"Shear is a particular form of strain produced by causing plane layers of a material to slide parallel…
"It consists of four isoceles triangular faces which intersect all three of the crystallographic axes,…
"It consists of four isoceles triangular faces which intersect all three of the crystallographic axes,…
"It consists of four isoceles triangular faces which intersect all three of the crystallographic axes,…
"The Sphenoidal Class corresponds in the Tetragonal system to the Tetrahedral class in the Isometric…
Two cases of springs: "In one, the water descends through the porous bed e to the layer d, which is…
"Orthohombic. Habit prismatic, showing usually a combination of prism with large angle, brachypinacoid,…
"Monoclinic. Uniform in cruciform twins. Commonly tabular parallel to clinopinacoid. Crystals usually…
"In some places a series of strata A, having a certain dip, rest directly upon the eroded surface of…
"Unconformability between horizontal and inclined strata. Inferior Oolite (a b) resting on Carboniferous…