A Tetradrachm (which is an ancient Greek coin) with the head of Seleucus.

Tetradrachm of Seleucus

A Tetradrachm (which is an ancient Greek coin) with the head of Seleucus.

A greek vase of Serapis, an Egyptian god in Antiquity.

Greek Vase of Serapis

A greek vase of Serapis, an Egyptian god in Antiquity.

"The following cut represents a ship with its rudder. The pole by which it is fastened to the ship's side is the <em>clavus</em>." &mdash; Anthon, 1891

Ship with rudder

"The following cut represents a ship with its rudder. The pole by which it is fastened to the ship's…

An ancient Greek ship.

Greek Ship

An ancient Greek ship.

"The vessel is now broadside to the wind, the prow having swung around." — Anthon, 1891

Greek ship

"The vessel is now broadside to the wind, the prow having swung around." — Anthon, 1891

"The vessel is now broadside to the wind, the prow having swung around." — Anthon, 1891

Greek ship

"The vessel is now broadside to the wind, the prow having swung around." — Anthon, 1891

Greek ship with the sail reefed.

Greek ship

Greek ship with the sail reefed.

"The Sirens were sea nymphs who had the power of charming by their song all who heard them, so that the unhappy mariners were irresistibly impelled to cast themselves into the sea to their distruction." &mdash;Bulfinch, 1897


"The Sirens were sea nymphs who had the power of charming by their song all who heard them, so that…

Greek soldier with sling.


Greek soldier with sling.

A classical Greek philosopher. He has become known for his contribution to the field of ethics, and is credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy.


A classical Greek philosopher. He has become known for his contribution to the field of ethics, and…

Socrates was a Classical Greek philosopher. Credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy, he is an enigmatic figure known only through the classical accounts of his students. Plato's dialogues are the most comprehensive accounts of Socrates to survive from antiquity.

Bust of Socrates

Socrates was a Classical Greek philosopher. Credited as one of the founders of Western philosophy, he…

"Greek Soldier. (From an ancient Vase.)" &mdash; Smith, 1882

Greek soldier

"Greek Soldier. (From an ancient Vase.)" — Smith, 1882

"The early Greeks used a very short sword, as may be seen from the preceding cut. The ancient Homeric sword had generally a straight, two-edged blade, rather broad, and nearly of equal width from hilt to point." &mdash; Anthon, 1891

Greek soldier

"The early Greeks used a very short sword, as may be seen from the preceding cut. The ancient Homeric…

An ancient Greek soldier.

Greek soldier

An ancient Greek soldier.

"A group of Greek soldiers, drawn from sculptured figures in the temple pediment."&mdash;Gordy, 1912

Greek Soldiers

"A group of Greek soldiers, drawn from sculptured figures in the temple pediment."—Gordy, 1912

Soldiers of the Persian bodyguard. From frieze in the audience hall of Darius at Susa.

Persian Soldiers

Soldiers of the Persian bodyguard. From frieze in the audience hall of Darius at Susa.

(c. 496-406 BCE) Tragic playwright of Ancient Greece. He wrote many famous plays including Electra, Anitogne and Oedipus Rex.


(c. 496-406 BCE) Tragic playwright of Ancient Greece. He wrote many famous plays including Electra,…

(c. 496-406 B.C.) Tragic playwright of Ancient Greece. He wrote many famous plays including Electra, Antigone and Oedipus Rex.


(c. 496-406 B.C.) Tragic playwright of Ancient Greece. He wrote many famous plays including Electra,…

"Sophocles, the younger rival and immediate successor of Aeschylus in the tragic art, was born at Colonus, a village about a mile from Athens, in b.C. 495. We have already adverted to his wrestling the tragic prize from Aeschylus in 468, from which time he seems to have retained the almost undisputed posession of the Athenian stage, until a young but formidable rival arose in the person of Euripides." &mdash; Smith, 1882


"Sophocles, the younger rival and immediate successor of Aeschylus in the tragic art, was born at Colonus,…

The Greek square panel is found in Athens. This panel is divided into eight equal spaces that are decorated with a repeated design.

Greek Square Panel

The Greek square panel is found in Athens. This panel is divided into eight equal spaces that are decorated…

The Greek square panel is found on the coffer of the Propylaea ceiling, the entrance to the Acropolis in Athens. The design is of many rays of stars.

Greek Square Panel

The Greek square panel is found on the coffer of the Propylaea ceiling, the entrance to the Acropolis…

The Greek square panel is found on the coffer of the Propylaea ceiling, the entrance to the Acropolis in Athens. This panel is divided into eight equal spaces that are decorated with a repeated design.

Greek Square Panel

The Greek square panel is found on the coffer of the Propylaea ceiling, the entrance to the Acropolis…

The Greek square panel is found on the coffer of the Propylaea ceiling, the entrance to the Acropolis in Athens. This panel is divided into eight equal spaces that are decorated with a repeated design.

Greek Square Panel

The Greek square panel is found on the coffer of the Propylaea ceiling, the entrance to the Acropolis…

The Greek square panel is found on the coffer of the Parhtenon ceiling, a Greek Temple. This panel is divided into eight equal spaces that are decorated with a repeated design.

Greek Square Panel

The Greek square panel is found on the coffer of the Parhtenon ceiling, a Greek Temple. This panel is…

"Wine-jar, <em>Stamnos</em>." &mdash; The Delphian Society, 1913


"Wine-jar, Stamnos." — The Delphian Society, 1913

The Stele-crest is a Greek tomb-tone. It is an upright tablet that bears an inscription with decoration on the top.


The Stele-crest is a Greek tomb-tone. It is an upright tablet that bears an inscription with decoration…

The Stele-crest is a Greek tomb-tone. It is an upright tablet that bears an inscription with decoration on the top.


The Stele-crest is a Greek tomb-tone. It is an upright tablet that bears an inscription with decoration…

The Stele-crest is a Greek tomb-tone. It is an upright tablet that bears an inscription with decoration on the top.


The Stele-crest is a Greek tomb-tone. It is an upright tablet that bears an inscription with decoration…

The Stele-crest is a Greek tomb-tone. It is an upright tablet that bears an inscription with decoration on the top.


The Stele-crest is a Greek tomb-tone. It is an upright tablet that bears an inscription with decoration…

The Greek Sepulchral stele-crest is a form of an akroter. This design is an ornamental finish to the apex of a gable.

Greek Sepulchral Stele-Crest

The Greek Sepulchral stele-crest is a form of an akroter. This design is an ornamental finish to the…

"Painting of still life. On a wall of a house at Pompeii." —D'Anvers, 1895

Still Life Painting from Pompeii

"Painting of still life. On a wall of a house at Pompeii." —D'Anvers, 1895

The Greek Stool had a vase painting on the stool.

Greek Stool

The Greek Stool had a vase painting on the stool.

"Sylvanus and Faunus were Latin divinities, whose characteristics are so nearly the same as Pan that we may safely consider them as the same personage under different names." &mdash;Bulfinch, 1897


"Sylvanus and Faunus were Latin divinities, whose characteristics are so nearly the same as Pan that…

"Coin of Syracuse." &mdash; Smith, 1882

Syracuse, coin of

"Coin of Syracuse." — Smith, 1882

Temple at Assus, Greece.

Temple at Assus

Temple at Assus, Greece.

"Elevation of a Greek Ionic attached Tetrastyle in Antis." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893


"Elevation of a Greek Ionic attached Tetrastyle in Antis." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

"Castor and Pollux were the offspring of Leda and the Swan, under which disguise Jupiter had concealed himself. Leda gave birth to an egg, from which sprang the twins." &mdash;Bulfinch, 1897

The Dioscuri

"Castor and Pollux were the offspring of Leda and the Swan, under which disguise Jupiter had concealed…

One of the Panhellenic Games of Ancient Greece. They were held both the year before and the year after the Olympic Games.

The Isthmian Games

One of the Panhellenic Games of Ancient Greece. They were held both the year before and the year after…

"The fame of Theocritus, the prince of bucolic poetry, depends on his faithful pictures of natural scenery and the common Sicilian people. He is generally considered the only poet of the Alexandrean epoch whose works can rank with the brilliant Grecian songs of earlier days." &mdash; The Delphian Society, 1913


"The fame of Theocritus, the prince of bucolic poetry, depends on his faithful pictures of natural scenery…

Also known as the Temple of Hephaestus. An ancient Athenian temple built about 440 B.C.


Also known as the Temple of Hephaestus. An ancient Athenian temple built about 440 B.C.

"In the year 1234 B.C., Theseus came to the throne of Athens. He was one of the most renowned characters in the heroic age of Greece, not only on account of his warlike achievements, but from his political wisdom. In the latter part of his reign he is said to have accompanied Hercules in one of his expeditions, and carried off the beautiful Helen, daughter of Tyndarus, king of Lacedaemon." &mdash; Goodrich, 1844

Theseus and Helen

"In the year 1234 B.C., Theseus came to the throne of Athens. He was one of the most renowned characters…

"The Athenians were at that time in deep affiction on account of the tribute which they were forced to pay to Minos, king of Crete. This tribute consisted of seven youths and seven maidens, who were sent every year to be devoured by the Minotaur." &mdash;Bulfinch, 1897

Theseus and the minotaur

"The Athenians were at that time in deep affiction on account of the tribute which they were forced…

"The Athenians were at that time in deep affiction on account of the tribute which they were forced to pay to Minos, king of Crete. This tribute consisted of seven youths and seven maidens, who were sent every year to be devoured by the Minotaur." &mdash;Bulfinch, 1897

Theseus and the minotaur

"The Athenians were at that time in deep affiction on account of the tribute which they were forced…

The Greek Throne is a Harpy Monument from Xanthos in Lycia.

Greek Throne

The Greek Throne is a Harpy Monument from Xanthos in Lycia.

Thucydides was a Greek historian and author of the History of the Peloponnesian War, which recounts the 5th century B.C. war between Sparta and Athens to the year 411 B.C. Thucydides has been dubbed the father of "scientific history" due to his strict standards of evidence-gathering and analysis in terms of cause and effect without reference to intervention by the gods, as outlined in his introduction to his work.

Profile Bust of Thucydides

Thucydides was a Greek historian and author of the History of the Peloponnesian War, which recounts…

The Tower of the Winds, also called horologion (timepiece), is an octagonal Pentelic marble clocktower on the Roman agora in Athens. The structure features a combination of sundials, a water clock and a wind vane. It was supposedly built by Andronicus of Cyrrhus around 50 BC, but according to other sources might have been constructed in the 2nd century BC before the rest of the forum.

Tower of the Winds

The Tower of the Winds, also called horologion (timepiece), is an octagonal Pentelic marble clocktower…

"When tripods are said to be given in a present, or as prizes, vases or large bowls supported on three feet are said to be understood." &mdash; Anthon, 1891

Greek tripod

"When tripods are said to be given in a present, or as prizes, vases or large bowls supported on three…

"After his return Triptolemus built a magnificent temple to Ceres in Eleusis and established the worship of the goddess, under the name of the Eleusinian mysteries, which, in the splendor and solemnity of their observance, surpassed all other religious celebrations among the Greeks." &mdash;Bulfinch, 1897


"After his return Triptolemus built a magnificent temple to Ceres in Eleusis and established the worship…

An ancient ship used by Greeks and Romans. The ship has three rows of oars on each side, with a man operating each oar.

An Athenian Trireme

An ancient ship used by Greeks and Romans. The ship has three rows of oars on each side, with a man…

"Triton was the son of Neptune and Amphitrite, and the poets made him his father's trumpeter. Proteus was also a son of Neptune." &mdash;Bulfinch, 1897


"Triton was the son of Neptune and Amphitrite, and the poets made him his father's trumpeter. Proteus…

A banner of the faces of the heroes of the Trojan War.

Heroes of the Trojan War

A banner of the faces of the heroes of the Trojan War.

"Ulysses discovers Achilles." &mdash;Bulfinch, 1897

Ulysses Discovers Achilles

"Ulysses discovers Achilles." —Bulfinch, 1897

This Greek urn is designed with painted clay. Typically used in funeral rites as a repository for the ashes of the dead.

Greek Urn

This Greek urn is designed with painted clay. Typically used in funeral rites as a repository for the…

This Greek urn is designed with painted clay. Typically used in funeral rites as a repository for the ashes of the dead.

Greek Urn

This Greek urn is designed with painted clay. Typically used in funeral rites as a repository for the…

This vase with lid is an antique design, Greek or Roman. It was designed by famous potter Josiah Wedgwood.


This vase with lid is an antique design, Greek or Roman. It was designed by famous potter Josiah Wedgwood.

This vase with handle has an antique design, Greek or Roman. It was designed by famous potter Josiah Wedgwood.


This vase with handle has an antique design, Greek or Roman. It was designed by famous potter Josiah…

This vase is an antique design, Greek or Roman. Held on a pedestal of fish, it was richly designed by famous potter Josiah Wedgwood.


This vase is an antique design, Greek or Roman. Held on a pedestal of fish, it was richly designed by…

This vase is an antique design, Greek or Roman. It has two handles and a design of a figure in the center with a leaf design. This was designed by famous potter Josiah Wedgwood.


This vase is an antique design, Greek or Roman. It has two handles and a design of a figure in the center…

A drawing on a Greek vase.

Vase Drawings

A drawing on a Greek vase.

A drawing on a Greek vase.

Vase Drawings

A drawing on a Greek vase.