Metacarpal bones and first phalanges of the second to the fifth of the right hand, with ligaments, from…
Section on a line with the deep palmar arch of the right hand.
Section through the distal end of the right metacarpal bones.
Section through the middle of the right metacarpal bones.
Horizontal section of the hand through the middle of the thenar and hypothenar eminences. Labels: a,…
Projections of two types of flexor tendon sheaths. Note that in the hand upon the right side there is…
"The hand-fork, a short-handled three-tined implement, is extremely handy for many purposes, such as…
"It is often essential that the land be compacted after it has been spaded or hoed, and some kind of…
"Hand-vices are used in the manner implied by their name, without being attached to a bench like the…
"For small beds of flowers or vegetables, hand-weeders of various patterns are essential to easy and…
A comparison of vertebrate hands. A, hand or anterior foot of the dog; B, that of the hog; C, that of…