Union soldiers being held at Andersonville, a Confederate prison.
An illustration of military barracks. Barracks are living quarters for personnel on a military post.…
"Village of Clarksburg, Western Virginia, headquarters of General Rosecrans. Clarksburg, a post village,…
"Village of Clarksburg, Western Virginia, headquarters of General Rosecrans. Clarksburg, a post village,…
"Village of Clarksburg, Western Virginia, headquarters of General Rosecrans. Clarksburg, a post village,…
A close up view of a fourteenth century gabled house in Weobly, Herefordshire. The gabled house illustrates…
"The Nelson Mansion. This view is from the street looking northwest. A long wooden building, with steep…
An illustration of Battery Park is a landmark promenade in Charleston, South Carolina famous for it's…
"Perspective- Place roofs and tree tops above the horizon line, and the tree trunks and main part of…
A drawing of one section of the graffiti found on the house of Dioscuri in Pompeii. A gladiator descends…
Two figures play tennis across the road from a pair of sparsely distributed houses.
Outlines of buildings (house, lighthouse) made from tangram pieces. Tangrams, invented by the Chinese,…
Solutions for outlines of buildings (house, lighthouse) made from tangram pieces. Tangrams, invented…
Silhouette outlines of buildings (house, lighthouse) made from tangram pieces. Tangrams, invented by…
Solutions for silhouette outlines of buildings (house, lighthouse) made from tangram pieces. Tangrams,…
The Valley Farm. (Willy Lott's House.), a painting by John Constable.