"The caterpillar of the [Lobster Moth] presents a strange appearance, though the moth has nothing remarkable…
"Among the larger and more splendid moths of our own country is the Luna Moth, or Green Emperor Moth,…
"Gracilaria salicifoliella. GRACILARIA. In entomology, the typical genus of Gracilariidae, containing…
The owl moth is a moth whose larvae are known to feed on a wide array of plants including a range of…
Wing of an owlet-moth, with all the markings defined and named.-Right wings: b, basal line; t.a., transverse…
The larva of a Margaronia nitidalis on a small cucumber which had been eaten into.
"Plum-moth (Grapholitha prunivora). GRAPHOLITHA. A genus of small and peculiarly marked tortricid moths,…
"The insects of the group Pterophorina, are remarkable from the peculiar conformation of their wings.…
"The insects of the group Pterophorina, are remarkable from the peculiar conformation of their wings.…
"The Poplar Hawk Moth lives on the poplar, the aspen, and sometimes on the willow and birch."
"Of all the caterpillars of the genus Sphinx, this is the one which, by its attitude when in…
"Three of four days before it buries itself in the earth to change itself into a chrysalis, its colors…
Females will take approximately three days to lay their eggs. When completed, they will have laid between…
The various stages of the Silkworm's life presented in a single diagram.
It is also called the Ram Sphinx. "It is common from June to the beginning of August."
"The Sphingina or Sphinx Moths, so callled from the curious havit which the larva have of raising the…
"The Sphingina or Sphinx Moths, so callled from the curious havit which the larva have of raising the…
The swallow-tailed moth (Ourapteryx sambucaria) and the many-plumed moth (Ourapteryx hexadactyla).
The garden tiger moth (Arctia caja) is named for the different and colorful patterns on its wings.
The Garden Tiger Moth (Arctia caja) is a species of tiger moths that are also known by the synonym Euprepia…
Tussock Moths, Lymantriidae or Liparidae, are a family of moths with about 350 known genera and over…
"The Orgyias comprise a great number of small species, of a dark color, which do a great deal…
An illustration of a wingless female moth. Most species of moth are nocturnal, but there are crepuscular…
"These creatures are found on many trees, but particularly n the oak, the foliage of which they often…
"These creatures are found on many trees, but particularly n the oak, the foliage of which they often…
"When they are full grown, and the time approaches for their metamorphosis, they abandon their food,…
This caterpillar builds a case around itself using bits of cotton taken from clothing. If it does not…
"This important insect is a native of the north of China; and a great portion of the supplies of silk…
The larva Milkweed Tiger Moth (Euchaetes egle) is also known as the Milkweed Tussock caterpillar.
The Milkweed Tiger Moth (Euchaetes egle) is an insect in the Arctiidae family of tiger moths.