Leaves - simple; alternate; edge slightly lobed at the upper part (edge of the lobes entire). Outline…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge lobed (edge of the lobes mostly entire, but oftenest with a few teeth…
Leaves - simple; alternate; lobed (the edge of the lobes entire, or of the larger ones sometimes wavy).…
The Charter Oak. This venerable relic is still virgorous, and is a "gnarled oak" indeed. It stands upon…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge coarsely and evenly wavy-toothed. Outline - reverse egg-shape or sometimes…
Oaks are easily recognized by their characteristic leaves and especially by their peculiar fruit, the…
A genus of trees and shrubs widely distributed in the temperate zones of all the continents, but most…
An illustration of a large oak tree. Oaks have spirally arranged leaves, with a lobed margin in many…
"Acorn and cupule of Quercus Skinneri, natural size; 2. cross section of the acorn, showing the lobed…
Eastern Black oak (Quercus velutina), or more commonly known as simply Black Oak is an oak in the red…
"Cross-sections of leaves of an oak (Quercus novimexicana), showing the effect of different light conditions…
The various types of oak leaves: "a. Bur oak, b. Live oak, c. Willow oak, d. White oak." -Foster, 1921
"The Charter Oak. In Hartford the colonial government met to deliver up the charter. It was evening,…
The famous oak tree that stood upon the northern slope of the Wyllys Hill, in Hartford.
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge lobed (edges of the lobes mostly entire, but notched and toothed towards…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge lobed (edge of the lobes entire, or sometimes hollowed more or less…
Leaves simple; alternate; edge lobed (edges of the lobes mostly entire, but slightly toothed toward…
This shows the staminate flower of Scarlet Oak, Quercus coccinea, (Keeler, 1915).
This shows the pistillate flower of Scarlet Oak, Quercus coccinea, (Keeler, 1915).
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge deeply lobed (edges of lobes mostly entire, but notched and toothed…
Leaves - simple; alternate; edge entire. Outline - long and narrow. Apex - pointed and bristle-tipped.…