"General outline of leaves. a, linear; b, lanceolate; c, wedge-shaped; d, spatulate; e, ovate; f, obovate;…
"Crenae.--Notches, or round teeth, bordering a leaf or the petals of a flower." -Newman, 1850
"Decurrent.--When leaves run down the stem to a point considerably below the place where they diverge…
"Imbricate.--When leaves are laid one over another, like tiles on a roof, they are said to be imbricated."…
"Lyrate.--Lyre-shaped: cut into many transverse segments, becoming larger towards the extremity of the…
"Pinnate.--Term applied to a leaf when cut into many parallel segments, like the rose." -Newman, 1850
"Pinnate.--Term applied to a leaf when cut into many parallel segments, like the rose." -Newman, 1850
"Spatulate.--Having the form of a spatula; a kind of knife, almost spoon-shaped, but flat." -Newman,…
"Stipulae.--Two small leaves, placed usually at the base of the floral leaf, and on opposite sides of…
The various types of oak leaves: "a. Bur oak, b. Live oak, c. Willow oak, d. White oak." -Foster, 1921