"In some species the larvae, which are small, sluggish, oval-shaped creatures, and furnished with a…
"Assyrian bas-relief. Part of a Lion-hunt, from Nimrud." —D'Anvers, 1895
St. Jerome in his Cell is an engraving that was created by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1514.…
A hunting leopard. Has a short mane crest of hairs passing from the back of he head to the sholders.…
A fire breathing monster, the fore part of whose body, according to the Iliad, was that of a lion, the…
This Lion Coat of Arms is designed with inlayed marble work. It was found in St. Croce, Florence, Italy,…
This Lion Coat of Arms is designed with an intarsia panel. It was found in St. Maria Novella, Florence,…
The Annual Excursion of the Congo Fishing Club. Chorus of members :— "Hey, there, in the stern!…
The Annual Excursion of the Congo Fishing Club. The thick-skinned member :— "Beg pardon, were…
"Then the king arose very early in the morning, and went in haste unto the den of lions. And when he…
This margin drawing was created by German artist Albrecht Dürer in 1515. It is found in the prayer…
"A Lion's Head Erased. In heraldry, represented as having been forcibly torn off, the separated parts…
The shield of a knight of the time of Edward II. The lion's face is a common charge in heraldry.
"GAMBE. An obsolete French word, signifying a leg, and is still used in Heraldry, for the leg of a lion…
"Medieval Griffin. Porch of the Duomo, Verona, Italy. GRIFFIN. In mythology, an imaginary animal supposed…
"Griffin, from a Greek Sarcophagus. GRIFFIN. In mythology, an imaginary animal supposed to be generated…
"A griffin having the uppet part of the body of an eagle and the lower parts of a lion, with wings decorated…
The Greek Griffin is associated with Antiquity and fire, usually appears on Candelabras and friezes.…
The Renaissance Griffin is associated with Antiquity and fire, it appears on Candelabras and friezes.…
The Roman Griffin has the body of a Lion and the head and wings of an Eagle. The Griffin is usually…
"The griffin is a monster with the body of a lion, the head and wings of an eagle, and back covered…
Illustration of Ignatius of Antioch, also called Ignatius Theophorus, tied to a post by his neck and…
This jug is lavishly decorated with two figures at the base supporting the jug. The handle is in the…
The leopard (Felis pardus) is a carnivore closely allied to the lion and the tiger, but differing it…
A magestic carnivorous animal, the largest of the cat genus. It is one of the most active of the large…
"The lion holds an important place among the animals born in coat-armor. As early as the 12th century,…
"The lion holds an important place among the animals born in coat-armor. As early as the 12th century,…
An illustration of a lion being hit by a palm tree and a photographer riding away on a horse.
"The English crest is a crown surmounted by a lion statant guardant crowned, or. CREST. The ornament…
"Argent, a lion rampant guardant gules, debruised by a fess azure. DEBRUISED. Any animal that has an…
This Antique Lion Head shows the front view of the antique head. This Lion's Head is found at the Vatican.
This Antique Lion Head shows the side view of the antique head. This Lion's Head is found at the Vatican.
This Gargoyle Lion Head is made out of terracotta and is found in Athens, Greece.