The Comber (Serranus cabrilla) is a small fish of the Serranidae family of perch-like fishes.
Genus Gypohierax, is about the size of a goose, and is found in Western Africa, particularly…
"An embiotocoid fish, with small scales, uniserial and jaw teeth, and lip free and deeply cut along…
A genus of fish including many species, and found widely distributed both in salt and fresh water. They…
"Brain of Perch. Upper aspect. a, cereoellum; b, optic lobes; c, hemispheres; e, lobi inferiores; f,…
"Brain of Perch. Lower aspect. a, cereoellum; b, optic lobes; c, hemispheres; e, lobi inferiores; f,…
"The bones of fishes are of a less dense and compact nature than in the higher order of animals; in…
"One of the best and handsomest of the freshwater fishes of that quarter of the globe." — Goodrich,…
This is an illustration of the Yellow Perch. A perch is a freshwater bony fish belonging to the family…
A fish resembling the herring, but thicker and rounder, with the under jaw shorter, the back more elevated,…
Steel rods connecting the pump inside well tubing down-hole to the pumping jack on the surface.
"A European species, six to eight inches long, closely resembling the perch, and valued for its flesh."…
Fishes are sometimes classed, in accordance with the structure of their scale, into Ctenoid, Ganoid,…
The fieldfare (Turdus pilaris) is a bird in the Turdidae family of thrushes.