The Common Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas) is a species of male fern in the Dryopteridaceae family.

Common Male Fern

The Common Male Fern (Dryopteris filix-mas) is a species of male fern in the Dryopteridaceae family.

Flower of a Mallow, with calyx and corolla cut away; showing monadelphous stamens.


Flower of a Mallow, with calyx and corolla cut away; showing monadelphous stamens.

"Byttneria celtoides. 1. an expanded flower; 2. cup of stamens; 3. abortive stamen; 4. pistil." -Lindley, 1853


"Byttneria celtoides. 1. an expanded flower; 2. cup of stamens; 3. abortive stamen; 4. pistil." -Lindley,…

An illustration of a mallow branch with flower (a), fruit (b), and one of the carpels (C). Malvaceae, or the mallow family, is a family of flowering plants containing over 200 genera with close to 2,300 species.

Mallow Branch

An illustration of a mallow branch with flower (a), fruit (b), and one of the carpels (C). Malvaceae,…

A plant widespread throughout temperate, subtropical and tropical regions.

Common Mallow

A plant widespread throughout temperate, subtropical and tropical regions.

An illustration of a floor malt house with a power shovel and bucket elevator for the green malt.

Malt House

An illustration of a floor malt house with a power shovel and bucket elevator for the green malt.

The branch of a Malus rivularis tree, native throughout the northwestern coast of the United States.

Branch of Malus Rivularis

The branch of a Malus rivularis tree, native throughout the northwestern coast of the United States.

"Melochia graminifolia. 1. flower; 2. stamens and pistil; 3. ripe fruit; 4. a coccus; 5. section of a seed." -Lindley, 1853


"Melochia graminifolia. 1. flower; 2. stamens and pistil; 3. ripe fruit; 4. a coccus; 5. section of…

"Mandrake is a perennial herb. From the rude resemblance of the bifurcated root to the human figure many superstitious notions have gathered round this plant."—(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Mandrake is a perennial herb. From the rude resemblance of the bifurcated root to the human figure…

An illustration of a flowering mandrake plant. Mandrake is the common name for members of the plant genus Mandragora belonging to the nightshades family (Solanaceae). Because mandrake contains deliriant hallucinogenic tropane alkaloids such as hyoscyamine and the roots sometimes contain bifurcations causing them to resemble human figures, their roots have long been used in magic rituals, today also in neopagan religions such as Wicca and Germanic revivalism religions such as Odinism.

Flowering Mandrake Plant

An illustration of a flowering mandrake plant. Mandrake is the common name for members of the plant…

The leaves, flowers, and fruit of the mango tree.


The leaves, flowers, and fruit of the mango tree.

"1. Kandelia Rheedii; 2. its flower spread open; 3. a perpendicular section of its ovary; 4. the germinating seed; 5. the anther of Rhisophora macrorhiza." -Lindley. 1853


"1. Kandelia Rheedii; 2. its flower spread open; 3. a perpendicular section of its ovary; 4. the germinating…

Inflourescence made up of bony, bead-like joints.


Inflourescence made up of bony, bead-like joints.

"Arctostaphylos pungens. 1. a stamen; 2. a cross section of an ovary." -Lindley, 1853

Pointleaf Manzanita

"Arctostaphylos pungens. 1. a stamen; 2. a cross section of an ovary." -Lindley, 1853

An illustration of the cotyledon of a maple. A cotyledon is a significant part of the embryo within the seed of a plant. Upon germination, the cotyledon may become the embryonic first leaves of a seedling.

Cotyledon of a Maple

An illustration of the cotyledon of a maple. A cotyledon is a significant part of the embryo within…

"1. Acer circinatum. 2. flower of A. campestre; 3. its samara; 4. the same, with the seed laid bare; 5. the embryo unfolded." -Lindley, 1853

Vine Maple

"1. Acer circinatum. 2. flower of A. campestre; 3. its samara; 4. the same, with the seed laid bare;…

"Haemodorum spicatum. 1. A flower spread open; 2. a cross section of the ovary; 3. an anther." -Lindley, 1853


"Haemodorum spicatum. 1. A flower spread open; 2. a cross section of the ovary; 3. an anther." -Lindley,…

"Hippuris vulgaris. 1. a complete flower; 2. a section of the pistil, showing the position of the ovule; 3. a section of the ripe fruit and seed." -Lindley. 1853

Common Mare's Tail

"Hippuris vulgaris. 1. a complete flower; 2. a section of the pistil, showing the position of the ovule;…

An illustration of a flowering branch of common mare's tail; a, flower before athesis; b, flower after athesis; c, fruit. The Common Mare's tail, Hippuris vulgaris, is a common aquatic plant of Eurasia and North America. The species is also sometimes called Horsetail, a name which is better reserved to the Horsetails of genus Equisetum. These are unrelated to the water plant, though there is some resemblance in appearance.

Common Mare's Tail

An illustration of a flowering branch of common mare's tail; a, flower before athesis; b, flower after…

"Marignia obtusifolia. 1. a flower; 2. the same divided vertically; 3. a fruit; 4. a section of the same." -Lindley, 1853


"Marignia obtusifolia. 1. a flower; 2. the same divided vertically; 3. a fruit; 4. a section of the…

"Eschscholtzia maritima of florists." — Baily, 1898

Escholzia Maritima

"Eschscholtzia maritima of florists." — Baily, 1898

The double-row marker, used for marking off the rows where seed or plants are to be planted.

Double-Row Marker

The double-row marker, used for marking off the rows where seed or plants are to be planted.

A type of marigold flower.

Marsh Marigold

A type of marigold flower.

Once a popular fad, these fruits can be pickled and used in lieu of cucumber pickles.


Once a popular fad, these fruits can be pickled and used in lieu of cucumber pickles.

Matico or Piper aduncum is a pepper crop also known as Artanthe elongata.


Matico or Piper aduncum is a pepper crop also known as Artanthe elongata.

Leaves crowded on stem; flowers three petaled, pink and fairly conspicuous.


Leaves crowded on stem; flowers three petaled, pink and fairly conspicuous.

"Mayaca vandellii; 1. a flower; 2. a cross section of its ovary; 3. a seed vessel; 4. two seeds, one of which is cut perpendicularly in order to show the embryo." -Lindley, 1853


"Mayaca vandellii; 1. a flower; 2. a cross section of its ovary; 3. a seed vessel; 4. two seeds, one…

Matricaria is a genus of flowering plants in the sunflower family (Asteraceae). Some of the species have the common name of "mayweed," but this name also refers to plants not in this genus. Most are very common in the temperate regions of Europe, Asia, and America, as well as in northern and southern Africa, and some are naturalised in Australia. M. occidentalis is native to North America; other species have been introduced there.


Matricaria is a genus of flowering plants in the sunflower family (Asteraceae). Some of the species…

"1. Spiraea ulmaria; 4. section of the flower of a Spiraea." -Lindley, 1853


"1. Spiraea ulmaria; 4. section of the flower of a Spiraea." -Lindley, 1853

"1. Medinilla macrocarpa; 2. stamens of M. radicans; 3. perpendicular section of its ovary; 4. a section of its seed; 5. embryo." -Lindley. 1853


"1. Medinilla macrocarpa; 2. stamens of M. radicans; 3. perpendicular section of its ovary; 4. a section…

Medinilla Sieboldiana is a flowering plant of the Melastomataceae family.

Siebold's Medinilla

Medinilla Sieboldiana is a flowering plant of the Melastomataceae family.

The Common Medlar (Mespilus germanica) is a large shrub or small tree, and the name of the fruit of this tree. Despite its Latin name, which means German or Germanic Medlar, it is indigenous to southwest Asia and possibly also southeastern Europe, and was introduced to Germany by the Romans.

Leaves and Fruit of Common Medlar

The Common Medlar (Mespilus germanica) is a large shrub or small tree, and the name of the fruit of…

"A genus of clover-like plants of the natural order Leguminosae, with ternate leaves, differing from the clovers in the generally elongated racemes o flowers, the stamens not adhering to the corolla, and the 1-3 seeded tumid pods. All species have a strong peculiar sweetish smell, which becomes more agreeable when they are dried, and is owing to the presence of Coumarin." — Chambers, 1881


"A genus of clover-like plants of the natural order Leguminosae, with ternate leaves, differing from…

"An annular vessel taken from the Melon plant." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

Melon Plant

"An annular vessel taken from the Melon plant." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893

"A plant of the same genus with the Cucumber, much cultivated for its fruit, which is sweet, with a delicious though peculiar flavor and smell." — Chambers, 1881


"A plant of the same genus with the Cucumber, much cultivated for its fruit, which is sweet, with a…

Also known as Cupressus pigmaea. Native to California.

Branch of Mendocino Cypress

Also known as Cupressus pigmaea. Native to California.

Also known as Sabal mexicana. The branch of a Mexican Palmetto tree.

Branch of Mexican Palmetto

Also known as Sabal mexicana. The branch of a Mexican Palmetto tree.

Also known as Populus mexicana. A branch of a Mexico Poplar tree.

Branch of Mexico Poplar

Also known as Populus mexicana. A branch of a Mexico Poplar tree.

"Daphne Mezereum. 1. a flower cut open; 2. a vertical section of an ovary; 3. the fruit." -Lindley, 1853


"Daphne Mezereum. 1. a flower cut open; 2. a vertical section of an ovary; 3. the fruit." -Lindley,…

Stem not finely pubescent; flowers not more than 1.5mm long.


Stem not finely pubescent; flowers not more than 1.5mm long.

"Micromelum monophyllum. 1. a flower; 2. the pistil when the calyx is rolled back; 3. a cross section of an ovary; 4. longitudinal section of a seed." -Lindley, 1853


"Micromelum monophyllum. 1. a flower; 2. the pistil when the calyx is rolled back; 3. a cross section…

Main rib of normal lleaf running from base to apex.


Main rib of normal lleaf running from base to apex.

"Miersia chilensis; 2. its flower; 3. the interior coloured petaloid bracts; 4. a perpendicular section of the perianth." -Lindley, 1853

Miersia chilensis

"Miersia chilensis; 2. its flower; 3. the interior coloured petaloid bracts; 4. a perpendicular section…

"Reseda mediterranea. 1. a flower seen from above, much magnified; 2. a section of the same, showing the great disk on one side of the ovary, and within which the stamens arise; 3. a cross section of the ovary; 4. a seed; 5. a section of it." -Lindley, 1853


"Reseda mediterranea. 1. a flower seen from above, much magnified; 2. a section of the same, showing…

Leaves opposite, with wavy margins or angularly toothed.


Leaves opposite, with wavy margins or angularly toothed.

An illustration of powdery mildew showing the ascus containig eight ascospores.

Powdery Mildew Ascus Containing Eight Ascospores

An illustration of powdery mildew showing the ascus containig eight ascospores.

An illustration of powdery mildew showing conidia bearing hypha.

Powdery Mildew Conidia Bearing Hypha

An illustration of powdery mildew showing conidia bearing hypha.

An illustration of the sporocarp and mycelium of powdery mildew.

Powdery Mildew Sporocarp & Mycelium

An illustration of the sporocarp and mycelium of powdery mildew.

An illustration of downy mildew in a grape plant.

Downy Mildew

An illustration of downy mildew in a grape plant.

An illustration of erysiphe communis, powdery mildew, that is on the epidermis of the leaf of the flower, Indian beet.

Powdery Mildew

An illustration of erysiphe communis, powdery mildew, that is on the epidermis of the leaf of the flower,…

Pollen, a pair of pollinia of a Milkweed, Asclepias, attached by stalks to a gland.

Polllinia of a Milkweed

Pollen, a pair of pollinia of a Milkweed, Asclepias, attached by stalks to a gland.

"Polygala erioptera. 1. an entire flower seen from the side; 2. the same cut open to exhibit the stamens; 3. the pistil; 4. a section of a ripe seed; in the middle is the embryo; at the apex, which represents the real base, is seen a caruncula." -Lindley, 1853


"Polygala erioptera. 1. an entire flower seen from the side; 2. the same cut open to exhibit the stamens;…

"Flowering Branch of Glaux maritima. GLAUX. A primulaceous genus of plants, consisting of a single species, G. maritima, known as sea-milkwort or black saltwort." -Whitney, 1911

Sea Milkwort

"Flowering Branch of Glaux maritima. GLAUX. A primulaceous genus of plants, consisting of a single species,…

Steel mill where metal is rolled into sheets and bars

Rolling Mill

Steel mill where metal is rolled into sheets and bars

Calyx bearing no crest.


Calyx bearing no crest.

An illustration of a mistletoe plant attached to the host plant. Mistletoe is the common name for a group of hemi-parasitic plants in the order Santalales that grow attached to and within the branches of a tree or shrub.

Mistletoe Attached to Host Plant

An illustration of a mistletoe plant attached to the host plant. Mistletoe is the common name for a…

An illustration of the flower of the mistletoe plant. Mistletoe is the common name for a group of hemi-parasitic plants in the order Santalales that grow attached to and within the branches of a tree or shrub.

Mistletoe Flower

An illustration of the flower of the mistletoe plant. Mistletoe is the common name for a group of hemi-parasitic…

An illustration of one staminate flower in section, magnified twelve times. Mistletoe is the common name for a group of hemi-parasitic plants in the order Santalales that grow attached to and within the branches of a tree or shrub.

Mistletoe Staminate

An illustration of one staminate flower in section, magnified twelve times. Mistletoe is the common…

An illustration of one pistillate flower of mistletoe. Mistletoe is the common name for a group of hemi-parasitic plants in the order Santalales that grow attached to and within the branches of a tree or shrub.

One Pistillate Flower of Mistletoe

An illustration of one pistillate flower of mistletoe. Mistletoe is the common name for a group of hemi-parasitic…

An illustration of pistillate flowers of mistletoe. Mistletoe is the common name for a group of hemi-parasitic plants in the order Santalales that grow attached to and within the branches of a tree or shrub.

Pistillate Flowers of Mistletoe

An illustration of pistillate flowers of mistletoe. Mistletoe is the common name for a group of hemi-parasitic…