"Leptolaena multiflora. 1. a perpendicular section of its flower; 2. a diagram of its structure; 3. a section of its seed." -Lindley, 1853


"Leptolaena multiflora. 1. a perpendicular section of its flower; 2. a diagram of its structure; 3.…

A slender-fronded fern with straw-colored leaves. The fronds can reach between 9 inches and 12 inches in length. It is commonly found in Brazil.

Pteris Leptophylla

A slender-fronded fern with straw-colored leaves. The fronds can reach between 9 inches and 12 inches…

An 18th century English variety of Romaine lettuce.

Bath Cos Lettuce

An 18th century English variety of Romaine lettuce.

Cabbage Lettuce is distinguished by its broad leaves and low spreading habit. It is an annual plant, and has long been cultivated as a salad plant. It was grown by the Greeks and Romans for this purpose.

Cabbage Lettuce

Cabbage Lettuce is distinguished by its broad leaves and low spreading habit. It is an annual plant,…

Cos Lettuce, or Romaine Lettuce, is distinguished by its upright habit, and the oblong form of its leaves.

Cos Lettuce

Cos Lettuce, or Romaine Lettuce, is distinguished by its upright habit, and the oblong form of its leaves.

A head of Romain lettuce.

Romain lettuce

A head of Romain lettuce.

A plant which grows peculiar white fruits.

Pyrus Leucocarpa

A plant which grows peculiar white fruits.

Flowers of Leucolaena rotundifolia, from the Apiaceae family.


Flowers of Leucolaena rotundifolia, from the Apiaceae family.




"1. Shields of Variolaria amara; 2, a portion of the thallus of the same plant." -Lindley, 1853


"1. Shields of Variolaria amara; 2, a portion of the thallus of the same plant." -Lindley, 1853

"5. shield of Opegrapha scripta; 6. thallus of the same." -Lindley, 1853


"5. shield of Opegrapha scripta; 6. thallus of the same." -Lindley, 1853

"A. Lecanora esculenta; B. Lecanora affinis." -Lindley, 1853


"A. Lecanora esculenta; B. Lecanora affinis." -Lindley, 1853

"Glycrrhiza glabra. GLYCYRRHIZA. A plant with a sweet root, licorice, also spelled liquorice. A genus of leguminous perennial herbs, nearly allied to Astragalus, and including a dozen species, which are widely distributed through temperate regions." -Whitney, 1911


"Glycrrhiza glabra. GLYCYRRHIZA. A plant with a sweet root, licorice, also spelled liquorice. A genus…

Also known as Convallaria majalis. It is native throughout the Northern Hemisphere in Asia and Europe. The flowers are white tepals, bell-shaped, and sweetly scented.

Lily of the Valley

Also known as Convallaria majalis. It is native throughout the Northern Hemisphere in Asia and Europe.…

A type of flower.

Lily of the Valley

A type of flower.

The female reproductive organ of a Lily.

Lily Pistil

The female reproductive organ of a Lily.

Also known as Lilium longiflorum. They are native to Japan and Taiwan, and bears a number of trumpet-shaped, white, fragrant, outward-facing flowers

Easter Lily

Also known as Lilium longiflorum. They are native to Japan and Taiwan, and bears a number of trumpet-shaped,…

"Nymphaea coerulea. 1. a perpendicular section of a seed of N. alba; 2. half an embryo, showing the great plumule lying in the cavity of one cotyledon." -Lindley, 1853

Egyptian Blue Lily

"Nymphaea coerulea. 1. a perpendicular section of a seed of N. alba; 2. half an embryo, showing the…

"Arthropodium paniculatum. 1. A flower magnified; 2. a ripe capsule; 3. a transverse section of it; 4. a vertical section of a seed." -Lindley, 1853

Pale Vanilla Lily

"Arthropodium paniculatum. 1. A flower magnified; 2. a ripe capsule; 3. a transverse section of it;…

Leaves mostly differentiated into blades and petioles.


Leaves mostly differentiated into blades and petioles.

Long and narrow and with parallel sides.


Long and narrow and with parallel sides.

Plants decumbent at base and usually rooting at the lower nodes.


Plants decumbent at base and usually rooting at the lower nodes.

"Litsaea Baueri. 1. a male flower; 2. a female; 3. a stamen, with a gland at the base; 4. an anther, with the recurved valves; 5. a cluster of fruit; 6. a cotyledon seen from within, with the plumule adhering to the inner face." -Lindley, 1853


"Litsaea Baueri. 1. a male flower; 2. a female; 3. a stamen, with a gland at the base; 4. an anther,…

"Life-history of Liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha): 1 and 2, developing thallus; 2 shows the cup with gemmae; 3, section across thallus, showing chimney-shaped stoma and green cells under, and mucilage cell on left; 4, male hats; 5, development of antheridia; 6, antheridium nearly ripe; 7, antherozoid; 8, female hat; 9, 10, archegonia before fertilization; 11, 12, 13, fertilized egg dividing; 14, immature sporogonium, containing spores and elaters." -Hazeltine, 1894

Liverwort Life Cycle

"Life-history of Liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha): 1 and 2, developing thallus; 2 shows the cup with…

"Scale-mosses. 1, Ptilidium ciliare (fringewort); 2, Lophocolea minor (liverwort)." -Whitney, 1911


"Scale-mosses. 1, Ptilidium ciliare (fringewort); 2, Lophocolea minor (liverwort)." -Whitney, 1911

"Flowering branch of Lizardtail (Saururus cernuus). a, flower." -Whitney, 1911

Lizard's Tail

"Flowering branch of Lizardtail (Saururus cernuus). a, flower." -Whitney, 1911

Loasa Pentlandica is a flowering plant of the Loasaceae family used as an ornamental plant.


Loasa Pentlandica is a flowering plant of the Loasaceae family used as an ornamental plant.

With projection or divisions.


With projection or divisions.

Flower of Lobelia cardinalis, Cardinal flower; corolla making approach to the ligulate form; filaments (<em>st</em>) monadelphous, and anthers (<em>a</em>) syngenesious.

Lobelia cardinalis

Flower of Lobelia cardinalis, Cardinal flower; corolla making approach to the ligulate form; filaments…

"Lobelia siphilitica. 1. an entire flower; 2. the stamens; 3. perpendicular section of the ovary; 4 and 5 stigmas." -Lindley, 1853

Great Blue Lobelia

"Lobelia siphilitica. 1. an entire flower; 2. the stamens; 3. perpendicular section of the ovary; 4…

"1. Locusta of Corynephorus canescens (Grey Hair-grass); 2. paleae, &c. of the same; 3. locusta of Phalaris aquatica (Harding grass); 4. locusta of Alopecurus pratensis (Meadow Foxtail); 5. locusta of Aira caryophyllea (Silver hairgrass); 6. floret of the same; 7. locusta of Festuca duriuscula (Red Fescue); 8. locust of Glyceria fluitans (Water Mannagrass); 9. floret of the same; 10. locusta of Eragrostis poaeformis (Lovegrass)." -Lindley, 1853

Grass Locusta

"1. Locusta of Corynephorus canescens (Grey Hair-grass); 2. paleae, &c. of the same; 3. locusta of Phalaris…

"Lythrum salicaria. 1. a flower; 2. the calyx spread open; 3. the pistil; 4. a cross section of the ovary; 5. the capsule; 6. a section of a seed." -Lindley, 1853

Purple Loosestrife

"Lythrum salicaria. 1. a flower; 2. the calyx spread open; 3. the pistil; 4. a cross section of the…

Upper flowers with stamens only.


Upper flowers with stamens only.

"Loranthus chrysanthus. 1. section of a flower; 2. of a fruit." -Lindley, 1853


"Loranthus chrysanthus. 1. section of a flower; 2. of a fruit." -Lindley, 1853

"Loranthus memecylifolius. 1. corolla laid open; 2. ovary, &c." -Lindley, 1853


"Loranthus memecylifolius. 1. corolla laid open; 2. ovary, &c." -Lindley, 1853

"Nelumbium speciosum. 1. a section of its young carpel; 2. a section of the same when ripened into a bean, and showing the structure of the seed." -Lindley, 1853


"Nelumbium speciosum. 1. a section of its young carpel; 2. a section of the same when ripened into a…

"This is also a very well known flowering plant, of which there are many varieties - white, light and dark blue, single and double. The one most in cultivation with the finest large sweet-scented flowers is V. Marie Louise, which surpasses all other double blue Violets in the profusion of its flowers, richness of color, and delicious fragrance."&mdash;Heinrich, 1887

Violet, Marie Louise

"This is also a very well known flowering plant, of which there are many varieties - white, light and…

A winged female of the wheat plant louse species.

Wheat Plant Louse

A winged female of the wheat plant louse species.

flowers solitary in the axils of the leaves; leaves less than 3.5cm long.


flowers solitary in the axils of the leaves; leaves less than 3.5cm long.

Capsule or calyx tube short and stout, not reflexed.


Capsule or calyx tube short and stout, not reflexed.

"Moonwort, or moon&mdash;fern, in botany belonging to the order Ophioglossaceae. It has a tuberous root&mdash;stock and a stout fleshy glabrous fround 3 to 6 in. long, with a sterile and fertile portion." &mdash;Encyclopaedia Britannica

Botrychium Lunaria Moonwort Fern with Root

"Moonwort, or moon—fern, in botany belonging to the order Ophioglossaceae. It has a tuberous root—stock…

"3. a piece of the thallus of Sticta pulmonacea, with lacunae and soredia; 4. thallus of the same, bearing shields." -Lindley, 1853

Tree Lungwort

"3. a piece of the thallus of Sticta pulmonacea, with lacunae and soredia; 4. thallus of the same, bearing…

"Sticta pulmonaria, or Lungs of the Oak." -Lindley, 1853

Tree Lungwort

"Sticta pulmonaria, or Lungs of the Oak." -Lindley, 1853

Monadelphous stamens of Lupine.


Monadelphous stamens of Lupine.

Stems 4-angled; flowers small, in dense clusters in the axils of the leaves.


Stems 4-angled; flowers small, in dense clusters in the axils of the leaves.

Flowers small, white, gathered in dense, sessile clusters in the axils of the leaves.


Flowers small, white, gathered in dense, sessile clusters in the axils of the leaves.

Flowers purple; plant usually corky at base.


Flowers purple; plant usually corky at base.

"Maba elliptica. 1. a flower; 2. a male corolla cut open; 3. a calyx and pistil; 4. fruit; 5. its section; 6. a perpendicular section of a seed." -Lindley, 1853


"Maba elliptica. 1. a flower; 2. a male corolla cut open; 3. a calyx and pistil; 4. fruit; 5. its section;…

A type of flower.

Madonna Lily

A type of flower.

"Maerua angolensis. 1. a ripe fruit; 2. a seed; 3. a section of it." -Lindley, 1853


"Maerua angolensis. 1. a ripe fruit; 2. a seed; 3. a section of it." -Lindley, 1853

Leaves silvery beneath.


Leaves silvery beneath.

The branch of a Magnolia acuminata cordata, mostly found on the Blue Ridge in South Carolina.

Branch of Magnolia Acuminata Cordata

The branch of a Magnolia acuminata cordata, mostly found on the Blue Ridge in South Carolina.

An illustration of the magnolia flower's cone of ripe fruits.

Magnolia Cone of Ripe Fruits

An illustration of the magnolia flower's cone of ripe fruits.

Magnolia is a large genus of about 210 flowering plant species in the subclass Magnolioideae of the family Magnoliaceae.

Magnolia Flower

Magnolia is a large genus of about 210 flowering plant species in the subclass Magnolioideae of the…

The cone of the magnolia. It has a single carpel with one or several seeds.

Cone of the Magnolia

The cone of the magnolia. It has a single carpel with one or several seeds.

Three early stages in the growth of ovule of a Magnolia, showing the forming outer and inner coats, which, even in the later figure have not yet completely enclosed the nucleus.

Ovule of a Magnolia

Three early stages in the growth of ovule of a Magnolia, showing the forming outer and inner coats,…

"Magnolia glauca. 1. the pistil; 2. a section of the seed." -Lindley, 1853

Sweetbay Magnolia

"Magnolia glauca. 1. the pistil; 2. a section of the seed." -Lindley, 1853

Agave americana is also known as the Century Plant or Maguey and is used as an ornamental plant.


Agave americana is also known as the Century Plant or Maguey and is used as an ornamental plant.

Of the Mahogany family, "Ekebergia Senegalensis. 1. a flower; 2. the calyx and staminal tube; 3. a transverse section of the ovary; 4. a ripe fruit; 5. a vertical section of the latter." -Lindley, 1853


Of the Mahogany family, "Ekebergia Senegalensis. 1. a flower; 2. the calyx and staminal tube; 3. a transverse…

"Swietenia mahagoni. 1. a flower; 2. a cup of stamens spread open, and the pistil; 3. fruit; 4. a seed; 5. a section of it to show the crosscut embryo." -Lindley, 1853

West Indian Mahogany

"Swietenia mahagoni. 1. a flower; 2. a cup of stamens spread open, and the pistil; 3. fruit; 4. a seed;…