"This image gives a good idea of how these drawf trees are to be manipulated, a showing the first year's…
"Pruning for Horizontally-Trained Tree, Third Year." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893
"Pruning for Horizontally-Trained Tree, Fifth Year." — Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893
"By the time [olive trees] are well grown the form of the young tree is established, and further pruning…
"Some plants, like pelargoniums, can only be kept handsomely formed and well furnished by cutting them…
"This pruning or shortening of the roots causes the production of a new set of fibres from the severed…
"If the plants are too tall or spindling, and you wish to have them dwarf and bushy, cut off the crown…
Any plum which dries readily, without fermentation, but more particularly to those which contain over…
"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees,…
"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees,…
"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees,…
"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees,…
"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees,…
"The nature of the cut itself in pruning is of more consequence, especially in the case of fruit trees,…
The florist and gardener use scissors with a curved blade for pruning, and a delicate pair for gathering…
"a shows a young tree with its second year's growth, the upright shoot of the maiden tree having been…
"Summer Pruning should be performed while the shoots are yet young and succulent, so that they may be…
"Summer Pruning should be performed while the shoots are yet young and succulent, so that they may be…
a top, or spinning top, is a toy that can be spun on an axis, balancing on a point. This motion is produced…
An image depicting a pruned vine that was trained according to the umbrella system. This system is also…
"Represents the falx vinitoria, or pruning-knife for vines, to which the ensis falcatus…