Major arteries of the body. The kidneys and spleen are also shown with their respective arteries. Labels: 1, cheek arteries; 2, coeliac axis; 3, gastric artery; 4, hepatic artery; 5, spleenic artery; 6, supra-renal artery on right side; 7, right renal artery; 8, lumbar arteries; 9, upper mesenteric artery; 10, the two spermatic arteries; 11, the lower mesenteric; 12, the middle sacras; 13, the common iliac; 14, internal iliac of the right side; 15, external iliac; 16, episgastric artery; 17, circumflex iliac artery; 18, femoral artery.

Major Arteries

Major arteries of the body. The kidneys and spleen are also shown with their respective arteries. Labels:…

"The spinal column below the twelfth dorsal vertebra at <em>A</em> has been removed, as well as the various layers of the great muscles of the back. The two kidneys with the renal arteries and veins are plainly shown, in their normal positions. The relative positions of adjacent vessels and organs with their names printed upon them are also shown. <em>B</em>, portion of the diaphragm on the left side; <em>C</em>, receptaculum chyli; <em>D</em>, a part of the small intestine on the left side." — Blaisedell, 1904

Vertical Section of the Back

"The spinal column below the twelfth dorsal vertebra at A has been removed, as well as the…

Plan of the blood vessels connected with the tubules. "The blood passes downwards in straight vessels between the uriniferous tubules, to be returned by more or less straight veins to the venous arches, whence it is conveyed by large branches into the renal vein, which leaves the kidney at the hilus and pours its contents into the inferior vena cava... Urine is secreted from the blood in two ways. It is partly removed by a process of transudation or filtration, and partly by the secretary action of the cells lining the uriniferous tubules." &mdash;Kimber, 1907.

Plan of the Blood Vessels Connected with the Tubules

Plan of the blood vessels connected with the tubules. "The blood passes downwards in straight vessels…

Diagram of the course of two uriniferous tubules. Labels: M, Malpighian capsule, or dilated extremity, C, convoluted portion of tube; H, loop, consisting of a descending and ascending limb; D, collecting tubule.

Plan of the Blood Vessels Connected with the Tubules

Diagram of the course of two uriniferous tubules. Labels: M, Malpighian capsule, or dilated extremity,…

"Central organs of the circulaion, gills, and renal organs of Sepia officinalis. a, aorta; v, vena cava; v' visceral veins; c, systemic heart; d, dilatations of branchial veins on entering the heart; e, branchial hearts; b, branchiae; r, renal organs." &mdash; Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Cuttlefish Organs

"Central organs of the circulaion, gills, and renal organs of Sepia officinalis. a, aorta; v, vena cava;…

"<em>A</em>, pyramids of the kidney; <em>B</em>, apices, or papillae, of the pyramids; <em>C</em>, pelvis of the kidney; <em>D</em>, upper end of the ureter</em>." &mdash; Blaisedell, 1904


"A, pyramids of the kidney; B, apices, or papillae, of the pyramids; C, pelvis…

"Diagram of the blood vessels in the kidney." &mdash;Davison, 1910


"Diagram of the blood vessels in the kidney." —Davison, 1910

Circulation in the kidney. Labels: ai, small branch of renal artery giving off the branch va, which enters glomerulus, issues as ve, and then breaks up into capillaries, which after surrounding the tubule find their way by v into vi, branch of the renal vein; m, capillaries around tubules in parts of the cortical substance where there are no glomeruli.

Kidney Circulation

Circulation in the kidney. Labels: ai, small branch of renal artery giving off the branch va, which…

Section through the kidney showing the medullary and cortical portions, and the beginning of the ureter. Labels: ct, cortex; M, medulla; py, papilla of pyramidal section projecting into one of the calices of pelvis; RA, renal artery; RV, renal vein; U, ureter.

Section through the Kidney

Section through the kidney showing the medullary and cortical portions, and the beginning of the ureter.…

Section through the right kidney from its outer to inner border. Labels: 1, cortex; 2, medulla; 2', pyramid of Malpighi; 2'', pyramid of Ferrein; 5, small branches of the renal artery entering between the pyramids; A, a branch of the renal artery; C, the pelvis of the kidney; U, ureter; C, a calyx.

Kidney Section

Section through the right kidney from its outer to inner border. Labels: 1, cortex; 2, medulla; 2',…

The minute structure of the kidney, which commences in the cortical substance of the organ as the Malpighian bodies, small round masses of deep-red color, averaging about 1/120 inches in diameter, and each consisting of a central glomerulus of vessels and a membranous envelope or Bowman's capsule (c), the latter being the commencement of the uriniferous tubule (d). The renal artery (a) and renal vein (v) are also shown.

Minute Structure of the Kidney

The minute structure of the kidney, which commences in the cortical substance of the organ as the Malpighian…

Section through the right kidney from its outer to its inner border. Labels: 1, cortex; 2, medulla; 2' , pyramid of Malpighi; 2", pyramid of Ferrein; 5, small branches of the renal artery entering between the pyramids; A, a branch of the renal artery; D, the pelvis of the kidney; U, ureter; C, a calyx.

Section of the Right Kidney

Section through the right kidney from its outer to its inner border. Labels: 1, cortex; 2, medulla;…

The basic structure of the kidney, which consists of the cortical portion, the medullary substance, and the sinus. The kidneys are two organs, situated in the back part of the abdominal cavity, one on each side of the vertebral column, behind the peritoneum.

The Kidney

The basic structure of the kidney, which consists of the cortical portion, the medullary substance,…

Vascular supply of kidney. Labels: a, partof arterial arch; b, arterial branch passing upwards through the cortex; c, glomerulus; d, efferent vessel; e, meshwork of capillaries; f, straight arterial vessels of medulla; g, venous arch; h, straight veins of medulla.

Vascular Supply of Kidney

Vascular supply of kidney. Labels: a, partof arterial arch; b, arterial branch passing upwards through…

"The renal organs, viewed from behind. R, right kidney; A, aorta; Ar, right renal artery; Vc, inferior vena cava; Vr, right renal vein; U, right ureter; Vu, bladder; Ua, commencement of urethra." &mdash;Martin, 1917

Renal Organs

"The renal organs, viewed from behind. R, right kidney; A, aorta; Ar, right renal artery; Vc, inferior…

The renal organs viewed from behind. labels: R, right kidney; A, aorta; Ar, right erenal artery; Vc, inferior vena cava; Vr, right renal vein; U, right ureter; Vu, bladder; Ua, urethra.

The Renal Organs Viewed from Behind

The renal organs viewed from behind. labels: R, right kidney; A, aorta; Ar, right erenal artery; Vc,…