"Schizodon fuscus...A genus of South American octodont rodents, related to Ctenomys" (Tuco-tuco). -Whitney,…
"It is about the same size of the gray rabbit, being fourteen inches long with a tail half an inch long.…
"A fetid animal of the American genus Mephitis, M. mephitica... The animal inhabits all of temperate…
"Two and a half inches long, with a tail of nearly equal length. It is of a grayish-brown, with a black…
"Is about either inches long, and the tail one-third as long; its color is grayish-brown, marked with…
"The leopard spermophile is one of the most beautiful of all striped species of spermophile. It resembles…
Cayenne Echimys, or spiny rat. Has a stout body, thick muzzle, short ears, long tail, and ample hair.
The Spiny Rat (Echimys cayennensis) is a rodent in the Echimyidae family of spiny rats.
An illustration of a squirrel wearing a robe and holding a candle standing near a four poster bed.
"Is about the size of the European squirrel, being nearly ten inches in length. It is grayish-brown,…
"Resemble the common squirrels, with a lateral membrane similar to that of the Pteromys. By means of…
The Smoky Flying Squirrel (Pteromyscus pulverulentus) is a species of rodent in the Squirrel (Sciuridae)…
The American Flying Squirrel (Sciuropterus volucella) is a small rodent in the Sciuridae family of squirrels.
The Fox Squirrel (Sciurus niger) is a rodent in the Sciuridae family of squirrels. The black fox squirrel…
The Eastern Gray Squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) is a tree squirrel native to eastern United States.
"The largest species of the genus, being the size of a cat. A part of the body above is brilliant red…
"It is about as large as our red squirrel; the tail rather longer than the body; the fur soft and beautiful;…
"A sub-genus of squirrels. They have a more lengthy cranium, with cheek-pounches, and are at least partially…
"A small, pretty, mouse-like animal, about three inches long, having a rostrated or beak-shaped snout,…
The Northern Red-Backed Vole (Myodes rutilus) is a small mammal in the Cricetidae family of rodents.
"A short-legged, thickset animal, the body two feet long, the tail half an inch long. It lives in burrows…
A blind mole rat native to the eastern regions of Europe and parts of Asia. Fur is soft and of a brown…