"Marmot is a popular name of the best known European species of this genus." — S. G. Goodrich,…
"Is eighteen inches long, with a tail nearly as long as the body; its fur is chestnut-color, spotted…
The Cape Mole Rat (Georychus capensis) is a rodent in the Bathyergidae family of blesmols and was also…
"It is of a grayish-fawn color, with ten longitudinal brown strips along the back. Between the size…
"Quite larger than that of the brown rat, and lives, like that pecies, in the houses." — S. G.…
A small mouse. Their shape is neat and gracile; they have full eyes, shapely limbs, and long hairy tails.
Dormice are rodents of the family Gliridae. (This family is also variously called Myoxidae or Muscardinidae…
Dendromys Typicus. "Size of the common mice, and are of a pearly-gray color, and have a black band running…
"The smallest of mice, and perhaps the very minutest of mammalia, an English half-penny weighing down…
"It being four to five inches long, the tail nearly the length of the body. Its color is a yellowish-fawn…
A North american meadow mouse. About 4 inches long of a rich dark reddish brown color, with very smooth,…
"In its size and hte form of its tail it bears no inconsiderable resemblance to the common rat, the…
"In size and shape, it resembles the water rat. The fur is long and moderately soft; upper parts of…
"It has a pointed head, wide gape, numerous sharp teeth, a rough tounge, ears large and naked, small…
"Is of a grayish-fawn, six inches long, with a tail two and a half inches. it is found at the Cape of…
A pair of American barn-owls, one of which is grasping a small rodent in its claws.
A scops-eared owl feeding on a small rodent. It is common in Central and Southern Europe.
"This animal, which is found in Brazil and the adjacent countries, and which once exsisted in the West…
A mammal with a long tail furnished with distichous hairs towards the end, like a pen or feather.
"This is five inches long, of a black color, and has nearly naked ears; it feeds on vegetable substances,…
"Found on the Island of Lucon. It is a rare species, even in its native island, and its habits are little…
"This includes one animal, the P. melanurus, which has puzzled the naturalists, inasmuch as…
The porcupine is covered in spikes or quills that are its chief defense. If it can't escape, it stands…
"This includes certain rodents whose covering consists ofthe most parts of a kind of offensive and defensive…
An animal with many spines/quills up to a foot long. They are loosely attached and generally come loose…
"The Prairie Dog is not even related to the dog, but is so called from the fancied resemblance of its…
"The difference between the hare and this animal is numerous and striking. In a state of nature, the…
A mole—rat having the eyes open, though very small, ears naked and very short, thumb rudimentary,…
A common brown rat. Lives in houses of thier own construction. Lives in everything from meadows to human…
The Hispid Cotton Rat (Sigmodon hispidus) is a small rodent in the Cricetidae family of New World rats…
A medium sized rat with hind legs like a kangaroo. Mostly found in Rocky Mountain regions.
"Is a mild, timid creature, of the size of a rabbit; the body is formed somewhat like that of a rat,…
"Is of a reddish-brown color above, and dark-brown below; the body, which is stout and cylindrical,…
Petromys Typicus. "These animals move upon the hind-legs, which are not much larger than the fore-ones;…
Hapalotis Albipes. "Nearly the size of a rabbit, but of mouse-like form, and is chiefly found in New…
"These animals have a long body, small eyes, and short tails, and resemble mole-rats" — S. G.…