"Heliamphora nutans. 1. the stamens and pistil; 2. the latter separate; 3. a cross section of the ovary; 4. a perpendicular section of a seed." -Lindley, 1853

Marsh Pitcher Plant

"Heliamphora nutans. 1. the stamens and pistil; 2. the latter separate; 3. a cross section of the ovary;…

"Pyxidanthera barbulata. 1. corolla cut open; 2. perpendicular section of the ovary; 3. anther; 4. seed; 5. embryo." -Lindley, 1853

Flowering Pixiemoss

"Pyxidanthera barbulata. 1. corolla cut open; 2. perpendicular section of the ovary; 3. anther; 4. seed;…

"Plantago lanceolata. 1. flower and bract; 2. pistil; 3. ovary cut across; 4. seed; 5. section of it." -Lindley, 1853

Ribwort Plantain

"Plantago lanceolata. 1. flower and bract; 2. pistil; 3. ovary cut across; 4. seed; 5. section of it."…

The Cole corn planter, well-suited for planting large acreages of corn.

Cole Corn Planter

The Cole corn planter, well-suited for planting large acreages of corn.

"Phytolacca decandra. 1. its flower; 2. its stamens and pistil; 3. a section of a seed." -Lindley, 1853

Poke Root

"Phytolacca decandra. 1. its flower; 2. its stamens and pistil; 3. a section of a seed." -Lindley, 1853

An illustration of a poppy bud.

Poppy Bud

An illustration of a poppy bud.

"Zannichellia palustris. 1. A flower; 2. a cluster of ripe ovaries; 3. an ovary opened to exhibit the ovule; 4. a vertical section of a seed, showing the folded up embryo." -Lindley, 1853


"Zannichellia palustris. 1. A flower; 2. a cluster of ripe ovaries; 3. an ovary opened to exhibit the…

Illustration of a seed-potato.


Illustration of a seed-potato.

Section of a Potato-seed, showing the embryo coiled in the albumen.


Section of a Potato-seed, showing the embryo coiled in the albumen.

"On that day went Jesus out of the house, and sat by the sea side. And there were gathered unto him great multitudes, so that he entered into a boat, and sat; and all the multitude stood on the beach. And he spake to them many things in parables..." Matthew 13:1-3 ASV
<p>Illustration of Jesus sitting in the stern of a small fishing boat, reaching out to the people on shore and teaching in parables. A man sits in the bow on a fishing net. Several people stand on shore. One woman holds a baby and has a small child standing beside her. Another woman is sitting on the shore. There are mountains in the background and a single tree in the center of the image.

Jesus Teaches the Multitude on the Shore While He Sits in a Boat

"On that day went Jesus out of the house, and sat by the sea side. And there were gathered unto him…

Young pumpkin seedling.

Pumpkin Seedling

Young pumpkin seedling.

Embryo of Pumpkin-seed, partly open.


Embryo of Pumpkin-seed, partly open.

Also known as Raphanus sativus. An edible root vegetable whose seeds can also be used for oil production. They have a fast harvest cycle, and are in season between April and June and from October to January.

China Rose Radish

Also known as Raphanus sativus. An edible root vegetable whose seeds can also be used for oil production.…

"Pangium edule. 1. a male flower; 2. an ovary with its sterile stamens; 3. a cross section of an ovary; 4. a perpendicular section of a seed." -Lindley, 1853


"Pangium edule. 1. a male flower; 2. an ovary with its sterile stamens; 3. a cross section of an ovary;…

One of the pair of keys or winged fruits of Red Maple; the seed-bearing portion cut open to show the seed.

Red Maple

One of the pair of keys or winged fruits of Red Maple; the seed-bearing portion cut open to show the…

Embryo taken out and partly opened.

Red Maple Embryo

Embryo taken out and partly opened.

Seed enlarged, and divided to show the crumpled embryo which fills it.

Red Maple Seed

Seed enlarged, and divided to show the crumpled embryo which fills it.

A newly germinated seed of the Red Maple, seed leaves, and the roots.

Red Maple Seedling

A newly germinated seed of the Red Maple, seed leaves, and the roots.

A more advanced seedling of the Red Maple,.

Red Maple Seedling

A more advanced seedling of the Red Maple,.

Seedling with stem joints and pair of leaves.

Red Maple Seedling

Seedling with stem joints and pair of leaves.

"Ribes rubrum. 1. perpendicular section of a flower; 2. cross section of the ovary; 3. seed; 4. a perpendicular section of it." -Lindley, 1853


"Ribes rubrum. 1. perpendicular section of a flower; 2. cross section of the ovary; 3. seed; 4. a perpendicular…

"Rhabdia lycioides. 1. its flower; 2. the corolla opened; 3. a cross section of the ovary; 4. a perpendicular section of a seed." -Lindley, 1853


"Rhabdia lycioides. 1. its flower; 2. the corolla opened; 3. a cross section of the ovary; 4. a perpendicular…

"Rhododendron pumilum; 1. a calyx and pistil, with all stamens removed; 2. an anther; 3. a ripe capsule burst; 4. a vertical section of a seed." -Lindley, 1853


"Rhododendron pumilum; 1. a calyx and pistil, with all stamens removed; 2. an anther; 3. a ripe capsule…

"The female of Hydrostachys verruculosa. 1. the calyx; 2. the same opened to show the ovary; 3. a seed; 4. a vertical section of it." -Lindley, 1853


"The female of Hydrostachys verruculosa. 1. the calyx; 2. the same opened to show the ovary; 3. a seed;…

The Florida Rosemary: "Ceratiola ericoides. 1. a male flower; 2. a female; 3. a view of the ovary, with its side removed to show the ovules; 4. ripe fruit; 5. section across a seed." -Lindley, 1853

Florida Rosemary

The Florida Rosemary: "Ceratiola ericoides. 1. a male flower; 2. a female; 3. a view of the ovary, with…

"Roxburghia gloriosoides; 1. the fruit; 2. a seed; 3. the same divided longitudinally." -Lindley, 1853


"Roxburghia gloriosoides; 1. the fruit; 2. a seed; 3. the same divided longitudinally." -Lindley, 1853

"Ruyschia amazonica. 1. a calyx and pistil; 2. a section of the ovary; 3. a seed; 4. the same, with a portion of the testa torn open to show the cotyledons." -Lindley, 1853


"Ruyschia amazonica. 1. a calyx and pistil; 2. a section of the ovary; 3. a seed; 4. the same, with…

Callitris quadrivalvis (or Tetraclinis articulata) is a coniferous tree in the cypress family known as the Sandarac.

Sandarac Tree

Callitris quadrivalvis (or Tetraclinis articulata) is a coniferous tree in the cypress family known…

The fruit of Hura crepitans, the sandbox tree.

Sandbox Tree

The fruit of Hura crepitans, the sandbox tree.

"Smilax glycyphylla; 1. a male flower seen from above; 2. a female flower; 3. a transverse section of an ovary; 4. a seed; 5. a section of a seed, showing the embryo." -Lindley, 1853

Sweet Sarsaparilla

"Smilax glycyphylla; 1. a male flower seen from above; 2. a female flower; 3. a transverse section of…

A newly germinated seed, showing the cotyledons or seed leaves, and the roots.


A newly germinated seed, showing the cotyledons or seed leaves, and the roots.

A grain of corn.


A grain of corn.

Seed of the Wild Geranium.


Seed of the Wild Geranium.

Seed of the Wild Geranium, cut in half.


Seed of the Wild Geranium, cut in half.

Cross-section of a bean seed, showing the cotyledon, plumule, and caulicle.

Bean seed

Cross-section of a bean seed, showing the cotyledon, plumule, and caulicle.

The outer coat is sometimes close and even, and fitted to the kernel, as in this Morning-glory, (Gray, 1858).


The outer coat is sometimes close and even, and fitted to the kernel, as in this Morning-glory, (Gray,…

The outer coat is extended into a thin border or wing as in this Trumpet Creeper, (Gray, 1858).


The outer coat is extended into a thin border or wing as in this Trumpet Creeper, (Gray, 1858).

The outer seed-coat of the milkweed is furnished with a tuft of long hairs, (Gray, 1858).


The outer seed-coat of the milkweed is furnished with a tuft of long hairs, (Gray, 1858).

A newly germinated seed, seed leaves, and the roots.


A newly germinated seed, seed leaves, and the roots.

A newly germinated seed, seed leaves, and the roots.


A newly germinated seed, seed leaves, and the roots.

A newly germinated seed, seed leaves, and the roots.


A newly germinated seed, seed leaves, and the roots.

A seedling of the bean.


A seedling of the bean.

A more advanced seedling of the bean.


A more advanced seedling of the bean.

A more advanced seedling of the cherry.


A more advanced seedling of the cherry.

A seedling of the oak with a section of acorn.


A seedling of the oak with a section of acorn.

A seedling of the pea plant .


A seedling of the pea plant .

A seedling from a grain of corn.


A seedling from a grain of corn.

A more advanced seedling from a grain of corn.


A more advanced seedling from a grain of corn.

One stage of growth seen in a wild oats seedling.

Wild Oats Seedling

One stage of growth seen in a wild oats seedling.

A growth stage of a wild oats seedling, showing later growth.

Wild Oats Seedlng

A growth stage of a wild oats seedling, showing later growth.

"Seeds cut vertically, showing their Embryos and Albumen."-Whitney, 1902


"Seeds cut vertically, showing their Embryos and Albumen."-Whitney, 1902

"Selago distans. 1. a flower; 2. an anther; 3. a perpendicular section of an ovary; 4. section of seed of Microdon ovatum." -Lindley, 1853


"Selago distans. 1. a flower; 2. an anther; 3. a perpendicular section of an ovary; 4. section of seed…

"Sesamum indicum. 1. a ripe fruit; 2. one of its halves; 3. a seed; 4. a cross section of it." -Lindley, 1853


"Sesamum indicum. 1. a ripe fruit; 2. one of its halves; 3. a seed; 4. a cross section of it." -Lindley,…

"Plant with Flowers and Fruits of Shepherd's-purse" (Capsella bursa-pastoris) "a, flower; b, a pod." -Whitney, 1911

Shepherd's Purse

"Plant with Flowers and Fruits of Shepherd's-purse" (Capsella bursa-pastoris) "a, flower; b, a pod."…

Shoot of Horse-chestnut, of one year's growth, taken in autumn after the leaves have fallen; showing the large terminal bud and smaller auxiliary buds.

Shoot of Horse-chestnut

Shoot of Horse-chestnut, of one year's growth, taken in autumn after the leaves have fallen; showing…

The shortleaf pine is mostly associated with with deciduous-leaved trees, often the predominant forest growth in parts of North America.

Shortleaf pine (pinus echinata Mill.). Natural size. seed

The shortleaf pine is mostly associated with with deciduous-leaved trees, often the predominant forest…

Fruit of Silver Maple, Acer dasycarpum, of natural size, the seed-bearing portion divided to show seed.

Silver Maple Key

Fruit of Silver Maple, Acer dasycarpum, of natural size, the seed-bearing portion divided to show seed.

Embryo of the seed taken out.

Silver Maple seed

Embryo of the seed taken out.

Silver Maple seed open out, to show the thick cotyledons and the little plumule or bud between them.

Silver Maple Seed Open

Silver Maple seed open out, to show the thick cotyledons and the little plumule or bud between them.

"Careya arborea. 1. one of the bundles of stamens; 2. a perpendicular section of the ovary; 3. section of the seed." -Lindley, 1853

Slow Match Tree

"Careya arborea. 1. one of the bundles of stamens; 2. a perpendicular section of the ovary; 3. section…