"Melastoma polyanthum. 1. flower; 2, 2. stamens; 3. base of anther; 4. fruit; 5. section of ditto; 6.…
"Leptolaena multiflora. 1. a perpendicular section of its flower; 2. a diagram of its structure; 3.…
The common name of libocedrus is Incense Cedar. The chilensis variety is native to Chili and grows thirty…
"Arthropodium paniculatum. 1. A flower magnified; 2. a ripe capsule; 3. a transverse section of it;…
The common linnet of Europe is a small, active bird that feeds primarily on seeds.
"Lobelia siphilitica. 1. an entire flower; 2. the stamens; 3. perpendicular section of the ovary; 4…
Also known as a carob tree or Ceratonia siliqua. It is a flowering shrub or tree native to the Mediterranean…
"Lythrum salicaria. 1. a flower; 2. the calyx spread open; 3. the pistil; 4. a cross section of the…
"Nelumbium speciosum. 1. a section of its young carpel; 2. a section of the same when ripened into a…
The capsule of lychnis githago usually has one compartment. The seeds are borne on a central placenta.
"Maba elliptica. 1. a flower; 2. a male corolla cut open; 3. a calyx and pistil; 4. fruit; 5. its section;…
"Swietenia mahagoni. 1. a flower; 2. a cup of stamens spread open, and the pistil; 3. fruit; 4. a seed;…
"Melochia graminifolia. 1. flower; 2. stamens and pistil; 3. ripe fruit; 4. a coccus; 5. section of…
"Arctostaphylos pungens. 1. a stamen; 2. a cross section of an ovary." -Lindley, 1853
"1. Acer circinatum. 2. flower of A. campestre; 3. its samara; 4. the same, with the seed laid bare;…
"Haemodorum spicatum. 1. A flower spread open; 2. a cross section of the ovary; 3. an anther." -Lindley,…
"Hippuris vulgaris. 1. a complete flower; 2. a section of the pistil, showing the position of the ovule;…
"Marignia obtusifolia. 1. a flower; 2. the same divided vertically; 3. a fruit; 4. a section of the…
"1. Medinilla macrocarpa; 2. stamens of M. radicans; 3. perpendicular section of its ovary; 4. a section…
"Daphne Mezereum. 1. a flower cut open; 2. a vertical section of an ovary; 3. the fruit." -Lindley,…
"Micromelum monophyllum. 1. a flower; 2. the pistil when the calyx is rolled back; 3. a cross section…
Mignonette seeds must be collected as it begins turning brown. If allowed to become ripe before being…
"Polygala erioptera. 1. an entire flower seen from the side; 2. the same cut open to exhibit the stamens;…
Section of the seed of Mirabilis or Four-o'clock, showing the embryo coiled round the outside of the…
"Cocculus macrocarpus. 1. male flower; 2. a petal and stamen; 3. a cluster of fruit; 4. seed; 5. section…
Embryo taken out whole and unfolded; the broad and very thin cotyledons notched at summit; the caulicle…
Seed of Morning Glory divided, moderately magnified; shows a longitudinal section through the centre…
Seedling of Morning Glory more advanced (root cut away); cotyledons well developed into foliage-leaves:…
"Napoleona imperialis. 1. a flower-bud just expanding; 2. the fleshy cup, and table-shaped stigma; 3.…
"Chymocarpus pentaphyllus; 2. a longitudinal section of its flower; 3. ovary of Tropaeolum majus; 4.…
"Apostasia odorata; 1. a flower; 2. the stamens and style; 3. a cross section of the ovary; 4. a seed."…
A section of an ovule. An ovule is a structure found in seed plants that develops into a seed after…
"Sagus Rumphii. 1. a flower; 2. the same opened; 3. a section of an ovary; 4. a section of a seed of…
"Inflorescence of Chamaerops humilis, in its spathe; 2. a portion of the same, with the fruit ripening;…
"Dorystigma. 1. a corolla laid open; 2. calyx and pistil; 3. seed; 4. section of ditto." -Lindley, 1853
"And he spake to them many things in parables, saying, Behold, the sower went forth to sow; and as he…
"Another parable set he before them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man that sowed…
"Paris quadrifolia. 1. A transverse section of an ovary; 2. perpendicular section of the ripe fruit;…
Embryo of pea, i.e. a pea with the coats removed; the short and thick caulicle presented to view.
Pea germination: the plumule has developed four or five internodes, bearing single leaves; but the first…
"Vinca minor. 1. corolla opened; 2. style and stigma; 3. perpendicular section of the double ovary;…
"Pysostemon lanceolatum. 1. a flower of the natural size; 2. the calyx, stamens, and ovary; 3. the ripe…
"Cone of Pinus muricata, showing the difference between the outer and inner sides of the same strobilius…
Section of a Pine-seed, showing its polycotyledonous embryo in the centre of the albumen; moderately…
Seedling of pine-seed, showing the freshly expanded six cotyledons in a whorl, and the plumule just…
"Nepenthes distillatoria. 1. male; 2. female; 3. ripe fruit; 4. a section of a seed very highly magnified."…