Horsetail, view spore-case from the under side of the shield-shaped body.


Horsetail, view spore-case from the under side of the shield-shaped body.

Horsetail, view of a spore with the attached arms moistened.


Horsetail, view of a spore with the attached arms moistened.

Horsetail, view of a spore with the attached arms dry.


Horsetail, view of a spore with the attached arms dry.

Cross section of an ovary of Hypericum graveolens with the placentae now separate and rounded.

Hypericum graveolens

Cross section of an ovary of Hypericum graveolens with the placentae now separate and rounded.

The double peristome of a Hypnum.


The double peristome of a Hypnum.

Capsule of Iris, with loculicidal dehiscence; below, cut across.

Capsule of Iris

Capsule of Iris, with loculicidal dehiscence; below, cut across.

Plant of Isoetes


Plant of Isoetes

Base of a leaf and contained sporocarp filled with microspores cut across.


Base of a leaf and contained sporocarp filled with microspores cut across.

Base of a leaf and contained sporocarp filled with microspores cut lengthwise.


Base of a leaf and contained sporocarp filled with microspores cut lengthwise.

Section of a spore-case containing macrospores


Section of a spore-case containing macrospores

"And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness a small round thing, small as the hoar-frost on the ground. And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, What is it? For they knew not what it was. And Moses said unto them, It is the bread which Jehovah hath given you to eat. Exodus 16:14-15 ASV
<p>Illustration of Moses standing among the Israelites in the desert as they gather the manna sent by God to feed them. Moses holds a staff and his left hand is raised to the heavens. Pieces of the food can be seen on the ground. Men, women, and children are all gathering the manna. The opening of a tent can be seen on the right and mountains are pictured in the background.

The Israelites Gather Manna Sent by God

"And when the dew that lay was gone up, behold, upon the face of the wilderness a small round thing,…

"1. Hedera Helix; 2. a flower of Dimorphanthus edulis; 3. perpendicular section of the ovary; 4. undivided ovary; 5. ripe fruit; 6. cross section of it; 7. section of seed of H. Helix." -Lindley, 1853


"1. Hedera Helix; 2. a flower of Dimorphanthus edulis; 3. perpendicular section of the ovary; 4. undivided…

This shows the cluster of two leaves, bright green, of the Jersey Pine, Pinus virginiana, (Keeler, 1915).

Jersey Pine Needles

This shows the cluster of two leaves, bright green, of the Jersey Pine, Pinus virginiana, (Keeler, 1915).

Larch, or Larix, is a genus of hardy, deciduous, coniferous trees of very graceful habit. They bear monoecious flowers, the male catkins being small and oval, whilst the female ones are much longer. The leaves are bright green, linear, soft, and usually produced in short bundles on each side of the spray. They appear very early in the spring. The timber, which is very hard and tough, is much used in shipbuilding and for railway sleepers, and in cabinet work is capable of taking a very high polish. The species most commonly planted is 'L. europaea', whcich grows to about 100 ft in height. Other species are 'L. occidentalis', a tall and handsome American tree and 'L. laricina', the tamarack, or hackmatack, of North America. This is a straggling tree, most common in swampy soils, with smaller cones than has the the European species. It reaches a height of 70 ft., and the wood is valuable for the same purposes  as that of other larches.
(1. Scale of cone with two seeds; 2. anther)

Larch, Cone and Flowers (male and female)

Larch, or Larix, is a genus of hardy, deciduous, coniferous trees of very graceful habit. They bear…

This shows the fruiting ament of Large-toothed Aspen, Populus grandidentata, (Keeler, 1915).

Large-Toothed Aspen Flowers

This shows the fruiting ament of Large-toothed Aspen, Populus grandidentata, (Keeler, 1915).

Flower of a Larkspur


Flower of a Larkspur

Its calyx and corolla displayed; the five large parts are the sepals; the four smaller, of two shapes, are the petals; the place of the fifth petal is vacant.


Its calyx and corolla displayed; the five large parts are the sepals; the four smaller, of two shapes,…

Diagram of the calyx and corolla, the place for the missing petal marked by a dotted line.


Diagram of the calyx and corolla, the place for the missing petal marked by a dotted line.

Seed of a Larkspur (anatropous): <em>a</em>, hilum; <em>b</em>, rhaphe; <em>c</em>, chalaza.


Seed of a Larkspur (anatropous): a, hilum; b, rhaphe; c, chalaza.

Seed of a Larkspur (anatropous), cut lengthwise: <em>a</em>, the hilum; <em>c</em>, chalaza; <em>d</em>, outer seed-coat; <em>e</em>, inner seed-coat; <em>f</em>, the albumen; <em>g</em>, the minute embryo.


Seed of a Larkspur (anatropous), cut lengthwise: a, the hilum; c, chalaza; d,…

"Cassytha filiformis. 1. a flower; 2. a fruit; 3. a section of it transversely." -Lindley, 1853

Laurel Dodder

"Cassytha filiformis. 1. a flower; 2. a fruit; 3. a section of it transversely." -Lindley, 1853

Top of a leaf, cut across; it consists of a single layer of cells.


Top of a leaf, cut across; it consists of a single layer of cells.

This illustration shows a lentil plant. Lentils are the round, flat seeds of a small leguminous plant <i>(Vicia (Lens) hirsuta)</i>, of which numerous varieties are cultivated in the countries bordering the Mediterranean and elsewhere. The seeds are highly nitrogenous, and of great food value. They form the principal constituent of the well-known <i>Revalenta arabica</i> of commerce. They consist of -- starch, 50 percent; casein, 24 percent; fat, 2 percent; and water, 14 percent. The dark green German lentils are much more palatable than the reddish-yellow Egyptian variety.

The Lentil Plant

This illustration shows a lentil plant. Lentils are the round, flat seeds of a small leguminous plant…

Two of the asci and contained double spores, quite like those of a Lichen


Two of the asci and contained double spores, quite like those of a Lichen

A stone on which various Lichens are growing, such as (passing from left to right) a Parmelia, a Sticta, and on the right, Lecidia geographica, so called from its patches resembling the outline of islands or continents as depicted upon maps.


A stone on which various Lichens are growing, such as (passing from left to right) a Parmelia, a Sticta,…

Two asci of the same, and contained spores, and accompanying filaments.


Two asci of the same, and contained spores, and accompanying filaments.

A leaf of the Lily of the Valley

Lily of the Valley

A leaf of the Lily of the Valley

"Nymphaea coerulea. 1. a perpendicular section of a seed of N. alba; 2. half an embryo, showing the great plumule lying in the cavity of one cotyledon." -Lindley, 1853

Egyptian Blue Lily

"Nymphaea coerulea. 1. a perpendicular section of a seed of N. alba; 2. half an embryo, showing the…

Limes grow on trees in tropical regions.


Limes grow on trees in tropical regions.

Diagram of a flower of Linden, showing the calyx valvate and corolla imbricate in the bud, etc.


Diagram of a flower of Linden, showing the calyx valvate and corolla imbricate in the bud, etc.

One of the frondose Liverworts, Steetzia, otherwise like a Jungermannia; the spore-case not yet protruded from its sheath.


One of the frondose Liverworts, Steetzia, otherwise like a Jungermannia; the spore-case not yet protruded…

This shows the cluster of three, slightly twisted leaves of the Loblolly Pine, Pinus taeda, (Keeler, 1915).

Loblolly Pine Needles

This shows the cluster of three, slightly twisted leaves of the Loblolly Pine, Pinus taeda, (Keeler,…

These are the seeds or racemes of the Locust blossoms, Robinia pseudoacacia,(Keeler, 1915).

Locust Blossom Seeds

These are the seeds or racemes of the Locust blossoms, Robinia pseudoacacia,(Keeler, 1915).

Leaves, flowers, and seeds from the Logwood tree (Haematoxylum campechianum).


Leaves, flowers, and seeds from the Logwood tree (Haematoxylum campechianum).

This shows the leaf of the Longleaf Willow, Salix fluviatilis, (Keeler, 1915).

Longleaf Willow Leaf

This shows the leaf of the Longleaf Willow, Salix fluviatilis, (Keeler, 1915).

Inside view of one of the bracts and spore-case.

Lycopodium Carolinianum

Inside view of one of the bracts and spore-case.

"Maerua angolensis. 1. a ripe fruit; 2. a seed; 3. a section of it." -Lindley, 1853


"Maerua angolensis. 1. a ripe fruit; 2. a seed; 3. a section of it." -Lindley, 1853

Outer-most bud-scale detached


Outer-most bud-scale detached

Stage in the growth of ovule of a Magnolia.


Stage in the growth of ovule of a Magnolia.

A completely anatropous ovule of a Magnolia


A completely anatropous ovule of a Magnolia

Longitudinal section of a completely anatropous ovule.


Longitudinal section of a completely anatropous ovule.

Transverse section of a completely anatropous ovule of a Magnolia.


Transverse section of a completely anatropous ovule of a Magnolia.

The cone of the magnolia. It has a single carpel with one or several seeds.

Cone of the Magnolia

The cone of the magnolia. It has a single carpel with one or several seeds.

Of the Mahogany family, "Ekebergia Senegalensis. 1. a flower; 2. the calyx and staminal tube; 3. a transverse section of the ovary; 4. a ripe fruit; 5. a vertical section of the latter." -Lindley, 1853


Of the Mahogany family, "Ekebergia Senegalensis. 1. a flower; 2. the calyx and staminal tube; 3. a transverse…

A young prothallus of a Maiden-hair and an older one with the first fern-leaf developed from near the notch.


A young prothallus of a Maiden-hair and an older one with the first fern-leaf developed from near the…

A young prothallus of a Maiden-hair, middle portion of the younger one, partly among the rootlets, the antheridia or fertilizing organs, and above, near the notch, three pistillidia to be fertilized.


A young prothallus of a Maiden-hair, middle portion of the younger one, partly among the rootlets, the…

Amphitropous ovule of Mallow: <em>f</em>, orifice; <em>h</em>, hilum; <em>r</em>, rhaphe; <em>c</em>, chalaza.


Amphitropous ovule of Mallow: f, orifice; h, hilum; r, rhaphe; c,…

Cells of young root of a seedling Maple.


Cells of young root of a seedling Maple.

Surface of a young Maple wood from which the bark has been torn away, showing the bark (on the left) to beginning of pith (on the right), and a medullary ray extending from one to the other.


Surface of a young Maple wood from which the bark has been torn away, showing the bark (on the left)…

Lower end of Maple root magnified, the root seen just as root-hairs are beginning to for a little behind the tip.

End of Maple Root

Lower end of Maple root magnified, the root seen just as root-hairs are beginning to for a little behind…

Seedling Maple, of the natural size; the root well supplied with root hairs, here large enough to be seen by the naked eye.

Maple Seedling

Seedling Maple, of the natural size; the root well supplied with root hairs, here large enough to be…

A Red Maple seedling with next joint of stem and leaves apparent.

Maple Seedling

A Red Maple seedling with next joint of stem and leaves apparent.

A Red Maple seedling with parts full-grown and bud at apex for further growth.

Maple Seedling

A Red Maple seedling with parts full-grown and bud at apex for further growth.

Here is a representation of two seeds of the maple, with their wings. They always grow in this way, in pairs.

Maple Seeds

Here is a representation of two seeds of the maple, with their wings. They always grow in this way,…

"Marignia obtusifolia. 1. a flower; 2. the same divided vertically; 3. a fruit; 4. a section of the same." -Lindley, 1853


"Marignia obtusifolia. 1. a flower; 2. the same divided vertically; 3. a fruit; 4. a section of the…

Follicle of Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris)


Follicle of Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris)

Pod of a Marsh St. John's-wort, with septicidal dehiscence.

Marsh St. John's-wort

Pod of a Marsh St. John's-wort, with septicidal dehiscence.

"Mayaca vandellii; 1. a flower; 2. a cross section of its ovary; 3. a seed vessel; 4. two seeds, one of which is cut perpendicularly in order to show the embryo." -Lindley, 1853


"Mayaca vandellii; 1. a flower; 2. a cross section of its ovary; 3. a seed vessel; 4. two seeds, one…

Akene of Mayweed (no pappus)


Akene of Mayweed (no pappus)

Ternately decompound leaf of Meadow Rue.

Meadow Rue

Ternately decompound leaf of Meadow Rue.