"Reseda mediterranea. 1. a flower seen from above, much magnified; 2. a section of the same, showing the great disk on one side of the ovary, and within which the stamens arise; 3. a cross section of the ovary; 4. a seed; 5. a section of it." -Lindley, 1853


"Reseda mediterranea. 1. a flower seen from above, much magnified; 2. a section of the same, showing…

Seed of Milkweed, with a <em>Coma</em> or tuft of long silky hairs at one end.


Seed of Milkweed, with a Coma or tuft of long silky hairs at one end.

"Milkweed (Asclepias sp.). a, flower-bud; b, flower; c, very young pod; d, older pod in section, showing seeds; e, section of flower; f, top view of flower, showing the 5 hoods f the crown, each with a horn incurving to the stigma; between the horns are the cleft glands to which the pollinia are attached." -Gager, 1916

Milkweed Stages

"Milkweed (Asclepias sp.). a, flower-bud; b, flower; c, very young pod; d, older pod in section, showing…

A machine used to separate immature seeds from wheat, oats, rye, barley, and other grains. This diagram shows the process of how the machine works.

Diagram of a Fanning Mill

A machine used to separate immature seeds from wheat, oats, rye, barley, and other grains. This diagram…

Mnium cuspidatum plant


Mnium cuspidatum plant

Mnium cuspidatum's calyptra detached


Mnium cuspidatum's calyptra detached

Mnium cuspidatum's spore-case, with top of stalk.


Mnium cuspidatum's spore-case, with top of stalk.

Mnium cuspidatum's spore-case, with top of stalk, focusing on the lid and outside of the peristome.


Mnium cuspidatum's spore-case, with top of stalk, focusing on the lid and outside of the peristome.

Mnium cuspidatum's part of a cellular ring which was under the lid, outside of the peristome.


Mnium cuspidatum's part of a cellular ring which was under the lid, outside of the peristome.

Mnium cuspidatum, some of the outer and of the inner peristome (consisting of jointed teeth).


Mnium cuspidatum, some of the outer and of the inner peristome (consisting of jointed teeth).

Antheridia and a pistillidium of the Mnium cuspidatum, at the end of a stem of same plant, the leaves torn away.


Antheridia and a pistillidium of the Mnium cuspidatum, at the end of a stem of same plant, the leaves…

A bursting antheridium, and some of the accompanying jointed threads.


A bursting antheridium, and some of the accompanying jointed threads.

This is the fruit of Mockernut, Hicoria alba, (Keeler, 1915).

Mockernut Fruit

This is the fruit of Mockernut, Hicoria alba, (Keeler, 1915).

Flower of a Monkshood


Flower of a Monkshood

Its parts displayed: five speals, the upper forming the hood; the two lateral alike, broad and flat; the two lower small. The two pieces under the hood represent the corolla, reduced to two odd-shaped petals; in centre the numerous stamens and three pistils.


Its parts displayed: five speals, the upper forming the hood; the two lateral alike, broad and flat;…

Diagram of the calyx and corolla; the three dotted lines in the place of missing petals.


Diagram of the calyx and corolla; the three dotted lines in the place of missing petals.

Funnelform corolla of a common Morning Glory, detached from its polysepalous calyx.

Morning Glory

Funnelform corolla of a common Morning Glory, detached from its polysepalous calyx.

Early state of germination.

Morning Glory Germination

Early state of germination.

Twining or voluble stem of Morning-Glory.


Twining or voluble stem of Morning-Glory.

Summit of an open spore-case of a Moss, which has a peristome of 16 pairs of teeth.


Summit of an open spore-case of a Moss, which has a peristome of 16 pairs of teeth.

The seeds of the Mountain Maple, Acer spicatum, (Keeler, 1915).

Mountain Maple Seed

The seeds of the Mountain Maple, Acer spicatum, (Keeler, 1915).

The Mulberry contains masses of simple fruits belonging to different flowers, compacted together,(Gray, 1858).


The Mulberry contains masses of simple fruits belonging to different flowers, compacted together,(Gray,…

The fruit is a multiple fruit, 2-3 cm long, red ripening to dark purple, edible, and sweet with a good flavor in several species.


The fruit is a multiple fruit, 2-3 cm long, red ripening to dark purple, edible, and sweet with a good…

Grain of a mulberry with fleshy calyx cut across.


Grain of a mulberry with fleshy calyx cut across.

One of the grains younger, seen to be a pistillate flower with calyx becoming fleshy.

Mulberry Grains

One of the grains younger, seen to be a pistillate flower with calyx becoming fleshy.

Flower of Mustard


Flower of Mustard

Its stamens and pistil separate and enlarged.


Its stamens and pistil separate and enlarged.

The ambiguous leaf of Myrsiphyllum.


The ambiguous leaf of Myrsiphyllum.

"Nelumbium is the typical and only genus of the order Nelumbiace&aelig;. The species are remarkable for the beauty of their flowers. N. speciosum has magnificent flowers, magenta or white. It does not now grow in Egypt, but is found in India. The rhizome, stalks, and seeds are eaten by the Hindus. A fiber derived from the stalk is used as a wick for lamps in Hindu temples, the plant being considered sacred. The North American Indians eat the rhizomes of N. luteum."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)


"Nelumbium is the typical and only genus of the order Nelumbiaceæ. The species are remarkable…

There are many types of nuts that grow on trees. They are hard to protect the growing embryo encased within.


There are many types of nuts that grow on trees. They are hard to protect the growing embryo encased…

This shows a sprouting acorn (Keeler, 1915).


This shows a sprouting acorn (Keeler, 1915).

An oak seedling.


An oak seedling.

Convulate eastivation, as in the corolla-lobes of Oleander


Convulate eastivation, as in the corolla-lobes of Oleander

Germinating onion, morre advanced; the chink at base of cotyledon opening for the protrusion of the plumule, consisting of a thread-shaped leaf.


Germinating onion, morre advanced; the chink at base of cotyledon opening for the protrusion of the…

Section of the base of germinating onion, showing plumule enclosed.


Section of the base of germinating onion, showing plumule enclosed.

Section of the base of germinating onion, showing plumule emerging.


Section of the base of germinating onion, showing plumule emerging.

Later stage of germinating onion, upper part cut off.


Later stage of germinating onion, upper part cut off.

Seed of an onion, in an early germination stage.


Seed of an onion, in an early germination stage.

Diagram of an opposite-leaved plant, with a single terminal flower.


Diagram of an opposite-leaved plant, with a single terminal flower.

Diagram of opposite-leaved plant with a cyne of three flowers; <em>a</em> the first flower, of the main axis: <em>b b</em>, those of branches.


Diagram of opposite-leaved plant with a cyne of three flowers; a the first flower, of the main…

Diagram of opposite-leaved plant with a cyne of three flowers; <em>a</em> the first flower, of the main axis: <em>b b</em>, those of branches. Flowers of the third order.


Diagram of opposite-leaved plant with a cyne of three flowers; a the first flower, of the main…

Pollinium of an Orchis with some of the packets or partial pollinia.


Pollinium of an Orchis with some of the packets or partial pollinia.

One of the partial pollinia, torn up at top to show the grains (which are each composed of four).


One of the partial pollinia, torn up at top to show the grains (which are each composed of four).

Fruit (cremocarp) of Osmorrhiza; the two akene-like ripe carpals separating at maturity from a slender axis or carpophores.


Fruit (cremocarp) of Osmorrhiza; the two akene-like ripe carpals separating at maturity from a slender…

A cluster of ovules, pendulous on their funicles


A cluster of ovules, pendulous on their funicles

The papaya or fruit from the Carica Papaya plant.


The papaya or fruit from the Carica Papaya plant.

This shows the pendulous strobiles, or fruit, of the Paper Birch, Betula papyrifera, (Keeler, 1915).

Paper Birch Fruit

This shows the pendulous strobiles, or fruit, of the Paper Birch, Betula papyrifera, (Keeler, 1915).

"And he spake to them many things in parables, saying, Behold, the sower went forth to sow; and as he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the birds came and devoured them: and others fell upon the rocky places, where they had not much earth: and straightway they sprang up, because they had no deepness of earth: and when the sun was risen, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. And others fell upon the thorns; and the thorns grew up and choked them: and others fell upon the good ground, and yielded fruit, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty." Matthew 13:3-8
<p> Illustration of a man sowing seed. Around the man are rocky places, birds, thorns, and good soil. There is a bag of seed in the background.

Parable of the Sower

"And he spake to them many things in parables, saying, Behold, the sower went forth to sow; and as he…

"And he spake to them many things in parables, saying, Behold, the sower went forth to sow; and as he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the birds came and devoured them:" Matthew 13:3-4 ASV
<p>Illustration of a man sowing seed. He tosses the seed onto rocks. The plowed fields stretch out behind him. A bag of seed is sitting in the field. Birds are eating the seed that fell on the road. More birds approach in the background The man is wearing a short tunic and he is wearing a bag over his shoulder and across his body.

The Parable of the Sower - Birds Eat the Seed by the Wayside

"And he spake to them many things in parables, saying, Behold, the sower went forth to sow; and as he…

Piece of thallus of Parmelia conspersa, with section through an apothecium.


Piece of thallus of Parmelia conspersa, with section through an apothecium.

Longitudinal section of a peach, showing flesh, stone, and seed.


Longitudinal section of a peach, showing flesh, stone, and seed.

Longitudinal and transverse sections of a pear.


Longitudinal and transverse sections of a pear.

"Celastrus paniculatus. 1. a flower; 2. a perpendicular section of the ovary; 3. a cross section of the ovary; 4. a vertical section of a seed; 5. a cross section of it." -Lindley, 1853


"Celastrus paniculatus. 1. a flower; 2. a perpendicular section of the ovary; 3. a cross section of…

"The Pepo is an inferior fruit, with a thick and fleshy rind, with two or more fleshy parietal placentas, projecting more or less inward."&mdash;Darby, 1855

A Section of the Pepo

"The Pepo is an inferior fruit, with a thick and fleshy rind, with two or more fleshy parietal placentas,…

A piece of the running rootstock of the Peppermint, with its node or joint, and an axillary bud ready to grow.


A piece of the running rootstock of the Peppermint, with its node or joint, and an axillary bud ready…

Single plant of Physcomitrium pyriforme.


Single plant of Physcomitrium pyriforme.

Spore-case of a Physcomitrium Pyriforme.

Physcomitrium Pyriforme

Spore-case of a Physcomitrium Pyriforme.

Detached calyptra of a Physcomitrium Pyriforme.

Physcomitrium Pyriforme

Detached calyptra of a Physcomitrium Pyriforme.

Spore-case and detached lid of a Physcomitrium Pyriforme.

Physcomitrium Pyriforme

Spore-case and detached lid of a Physcomitrium Pyriforme.

Utricle of the common Pigweed (Chenopodium album).

Common Pigweed

Utricle of the common Pigweed (Chenopodium album).