A blast furnace measuring 42 feet high and 15 feet across that contains 4356 cubic feet of space.

Blast Furnace

A blast furnace measuring 42 feet high and 15 feet across that contains 4356 cubic feet of space.

A blast furnace measuring 47.5 feet high and 16.5 feet across that contains 6174 cubic feet of space.

Blast Furnace

A blast furnace measuring 47.5 feet high and 16.5 feet across that contains 6174 cubic feet of space.

A blast furnace measuring 55 feet high and 16 feet across that contains 7175 cubic feet of space.

Blast Furnace

A blast furnace measuring 55 feet high and 16 feet across that contains 7175 cubic feet of space.

A blast furnace measuring 58 feet high and 17 feet across that contains 8000 cubic feet of space.

Blast Furnace

A blast furnace measuring 58 feet high and 17 feet across that contains 8000 cubic feet of space.

A blast furnace measuring 60 feet high and 20 feet across that contains 12778 cubic feet of space.

Blast Furnace

A blast furnace measuring 60 feet high and 20 feet across that contains 12778 cubic feet of space.

A blast furnace measuring 75 feet high and 16.5 feet across that contains 11983 cubic feet of space.

Blast Furnace

A blast furnace measuring 75 feet high and 16.5 feet across that contains 11983 cubic feet of space.

A blast furnace measuring 80 feet high and 20.5 feet across that contains 15500 cubic feet of space.

Blast Furnace

A blast furnace measuring 80 feet high and 20.5 feet across that contains 15500 cubic feet of space.

A blast furnace measuring 95.5 feet high and 16 feet across that contains 15050 cubic feet of space.

Blast Furnace

A blast furnace measuring 95.5 feet high and 16 feet across that contains 15050 cubic feet of space.

A blast furnace measuring 95.5 feet high and 22 feet across that contains 25940 cubic feet of space.

Blast Furnace

A blast furnace measuring 95.5 feet high and 22 feet across that contains 25940 cubic feet of space.

A blast furnace measuring 95.5 feet high and 24 feet across that contains 28950 cubic feet of space.

Blast Furnace

A blast furnace measuring 95.5 feet high and 24 feet across that contains 28950 cubic feet of space.

A blast furnace measuring 85 feet high and 25 feet across that contains 26000 cubic feet of space.

Blast Furnace

A blast furnace measuring 85 feet high and 25 feet across that contains 26000 cubic feet of space.

A blast furnace measuring 90 feet high and 30 feet across that contains 41149 cubic feet of space.

Blast Furnace

A blast furnace measuring 90 feet high and 30 feet across that contains 41149 cubic feet of space.

"A peculiar furnace, known as Ferrie's self-coking furnace after the name of its inventor, in which raw coal is employed, has been used at the Monkland Iron Works and elsewhere during the last few years. On the top of an ordinary furnace of about 53 feet in height and 7000 cubic feet capacity were erected four chambers or retorts about 20 feet in depth, each having a capacity of 500 cubic feet; external flues, in which a portion of the waste gases were burnt, served to heat these chambers in such a way as to coke the raw coal." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Ferrie's Furnace

"A peculiar furnace, known as Ferrie's self-coking furnace after the name of its inventor, in which…

A kind of reverberatory furnace in which iron is puddled.

Puddling Furnace

A kind of reverberatory furnace in which iron is puddled.

A furnace that causes reverberations.

Reverberatory Furnace

A furnace that causes reverberations.

A type of furnace for smelting metal ore.

Hot Blast-furnace

A type of furnace for smelting metal ore.

A plumber's tool with a bulbous head, for finishing soldered work.

Round Iron

A plumber's tool with a bulbous head, for finishing soldered work.

A snow melting machine is a type of snow removal machine employed to melt snow as a means of snow removal.

Snow Melting Machine

A snow melting machine is a type of snow removal machine employed to melt snow as a means of snow removal.

"A representation of one of the class of mechanical rabbles known as Witham's machine rabble applied to a double puddling furnace." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Mechanical Rabble

"A representation of one of the class of mechanical rabbles known as Witham's machine rabble applied…

"The general arrangement of a puddling furnace; a is the charging door for the fuel, d the bridge with an air course to cool it, c the bed supported on iron plates with air courses under them, f the exit flue leading to the chimney stack, which is surmounted with a damper k worked by a chain i from within the shen in which the forge is placed; b is the ashpit, g the slag-hole, and e the working door suspended by a chain from a lever with the counterpoise attached h, resting on the front side of the furnace roof." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Puddling Furnace

"The general arrangement of a puddling furnace; a is the charging door for the fuel, d the bridge with…

"The general arrangement of a puddling furnace; a is the charging door for the fuel, d the bridge with an air course to cool it, c the bed supported on iron plates with air courses under them, f the exit flue leading to the chimney stack, which is surmounted with a damper k worked by a chain i from within the shen in which the forge is placed; b is the ashpit, g the slag-hole, and e the working door suspended by a chain from a lever with the counterpoise attached h, resting on the front side of the furnace roof." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893

Puddling Furnace

"The general arrangement of a puddling furnace; a is the charging door for the fuel, d the bridge with…

"The term "refining," although in strictness applicable to all methods by which impure iron is purified, is in practice restricted to one particular operation practised as a preliminary stage in the puddling process, viz., melting pig iron on a hearth, on which the fuel is piled, the combustion being urged by a blast of air, which also partially oxidizes the iron, both as it melts and subsequently; the molten mass when the operation is complete is either run out into moulds, chilled by throwing water on it." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"The term "refining," although in strictness applicable to all methods by which impure iron is purified,…

"The term "refining," although in strictness applicable to all methods by which impure iron is purified, is in practice restricted to one particular operation practised as a preliminary stage in the puddling process, viz., melting pig iron on a hearth, on which the fuel is piled, the combustion being urged by a blast of air, which also partially oxidizes the iron, both as it melts and subsequently; the molten mass when the operation is complete is either run out into moulds, chilled by throwing water on it." — The Encyclopedia Britannica, 1893


"The term "refining," although in strictness applicable to all methods by which impure iron is purified,…

A rolling pair of cylinders which metal is passed through to form bars, plates, or sheets.

Spiral Roller

A rolling pair of cylinders which metal is passed through to form bars, plates, or sheets.

"Common in Europe, called <em>Spirling</em> and <em>Sparling</em> in Scotland; it inhabits the rivers the greater part of the year, that is, from August to May." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859


"Common in Europe, called Spirling and Sparling in Scotland; it inhabits the rivers…

"Five or six inches long; it is esteemed for the table, and resembles the common smelt in flavor; found in European waters." &mdash; Goodrich, 1859

Sand Smelt

"Five or six inches long; it is esteemed for the table, and resembles the common smelt in flavor; found…

"A furnace in which metals are separated from their ores. a, fire-brick lining; b, masonry; c, opening in the side of the upper part of the furnace through which it is charged; e, boshes; f, throat; g, hearth or crucible; h, dam-stone; i, twyer; That part lying below the widest diameter, above the boshes, is called the shaft." &mdash;Whitney, 1889

Smelting Furnace with Fire Burning

"A furnace in which metals are separated from their ores. a, fire-brick lining; b, masonry; c, opening…

"Smelting is the act or process of obtaining metal from ore by the combined action of heat, air, and fluxes. In smelting iron the ore is first roasted in a kiln in order to drive off the water, sulphur, and arsenic with which it is more or less combined in its native state, and is then subjected to the heat of a blast furnace along with certain proportions of coke or coal and limestone, varying according to the composition of the ore to be heated."&mdash;(Charles Leonard-Stuart, 1911)

Hot Blast Smelting Furnace

"Smelting is the act or process of obtaining metal from ore by the combined action of heat, air, and…