A cartoon of a young girl sitting on a stool, while a man takes her photograph.
In the Roman Republic, and later the Empire, the curule seat was the chair upon which senior magistrates…
This curule chair is ornamented in a Grecian style with hoof legs, and animal heads on each top end…
A chair is a raised surface used to sit on, commonly for use by one person. Chairs often have the seat…
This chair is composed of a raised surface used to sit on, commonly for use by one person. These chairs…
This is a plumbing fixture, with disposing system, intended for the disposal of bodily wastes.
"An apparatus at one time in use in Britain for the punishment of wives. The ducking-stool grew out…
"1. Tumbrel preserved at Leominster; 2. Ducking-chair in the museum at Scarborough." — Chambers'…
The Chinese Garden Seat Stool introduced from China. This stool was made of burned and glazed clay.
"A Ducking Stool is a chair in which scolding and vixenish wives were formerly securely fastened, to…
The Modern Stool is round or polygonal and classed with the Taboret. It is also upholstered and draped.
The Music Stool is primarily used in an office or for music performers. The stool can spin around and…
The Modern Revolving stool is primarily used in an office or for music performers. The stool can spin…
The Roman Bisellium Stool also called the Roman double stool, was made of bronze but did not have a…
"Many cells, but without differentiation into stem and leaf; growing horizontally in spreading shoots…
This is an illustration by artist Charles Robinson. It is found in novelist Robert Louis Stevenson's…
A stool used to stack hay on so that it becomes ready faster than when it is stacked on the ground.