This apparatus illustrates the principle stating that liquids tend to find their own level.
"The lymph vessels of the body. rc, the thoracic duct; lac, the lacteals taking the lymph and fatty…
A scene from the book The Young Wrecker, showing the hero Fred Ransom as he "plunged into the arms of…
The Bacchus Mask (Greek God of wine) is a Graeco Italic style. It is a fragment of a vessel or utensil.
A receptacle having a narrow neck, usually no handles, and a mouth that can be plugged, corked, or capped.
The monstrance is a device used in the Roman Catholic, Old Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran Churches…
"Principal Muscles on the Right, Certain Organs of the Chest and Abdomen, and the Larger Blood Vessels…
"Mushroom anchors, first proposed for ships, are now only used for moorings." — Encyclopedia Britanica,…
"The parting vessels are of porcelain which, to protect them against fracture by irregular heating,…
This Antique Patera has a lip and is made out of bronze. It is a larger spoon shaped vessel or handled…
This illustration displays an elevation view of the proa. A proa is a type of sailing vessel with multi…
This illustration displays an end view of the proa. A proa is a type of sailing vessel with multi hulls.
This illustration displays a plan view of the proa. A proa is a type of sailing vessel with multi hulls.
"Railway, with single traveler in detail. Nautical, iron jackstays bolted on the under side of standing…
"A peculiar-shaped vessel called a retort is half filled with a volatile liquid and heated; the steam,…
"Running-part. Naut., that part of a rope which is hauled upon is called the hauling-part (b), the part…
A piece of cloth or tissue of some kind spread to the wind to impel or assist in impelling a vessel…
A small fast-sailing sharp-built vessel with two mass, and the principals sails of the fore-and aft…
"A glass vessel used to separate liquids which differ in specific gravity and are not miscible." -Whitney,…
"Settee. A vessel with one deck and a very long sharp prow, carrying two or three masts with lateen…
"Diagram of Ship's Bow. B, bowsprit; F, forecastle; F', forecastle-deck; L, lower deck; M, main deck…
"A bent tube with one limb longer than the other, by means of which a liquid can be drawn off to a lower…
"G, G, garboard strakes; F, frame, K, keel. Nautical, the first range or strake of planks laid on a…
"Scalariform or ladder-like prismatic vessels of a Tree Fern." — Encyclopedia Britanica, 1893
This vase is sculpted to resemble a flower. It has several shaped petals at the top, with an open center.…
"A Vase is a vessel of various forms and materials, applied to the purposes of domestic life, sacrificial…
"A Vase is a vessel of various forms and materials, applied to the purposes of domestic life, sacrificial…
A hollow utensil, such as a cup, vase, or pitcher, used as a container, especially for liquids.
This Egyptian vessel is bucket-like without a handle. It was used to transport water from the Nile.
This Graeco-Italic vessel is made out of bronze. It was used partly for secular and partly for religious…
This Greek vessel has a mouth that is pinched in on the sides. Made out of painted clay, this vessel…
This Greek vessel has a mouth that is pinched in on the sides. Made out of painted clay, this vessel…