(1809-1865) U.S. President 1960-1865

Abraham Lincoln

(1809-1865) U.S. President 1960-1865

(1822-1885) Eighteenth president of the Unites states1869-1876 and Civil war general for the Union.

General Ulysses S. Grant

(1822-1885) Eighteenth president of the Unites states1869-1876 and Civil war general for the Union.

(1824-1863) Union soldier during the American Civil war

Thomas J. Jackson "Stonewall"

(1824-1863) Union soldier during the American Civil war

(1815-1872) U.S. general during the Civil War, born in Spain

General George G. Meade

(1815-1872) U.S. general during the Civil War, born in Spain

(1818-1898) General that helped organize Union troops in the Civil War.

General Buell

(1818-1898) General that helped organize Union troops in the Civil War.

(1809-1868) Frontiersmen who fought for the Union in the Civil War.

Kit Carson

(1809-1868) Frontiersmen who fought for the Union in the Civil War.

(1842-1899) Ornithologist who served as assistant surgeon in the Union Army. His <I>Birds of the Colorado Valley</I> is considered a classic.

Elliott Coues

(1842-1899) Ornithologist who served as assistant surgeon in the Union Army. His Birds of the Colorado…

(1829-1890) Soldier that commanded Union troops during the Civil War.

General Crook

(1829-1890) Soldier that commanded Union troops during the Civil War.

(1813-1890) American explorer and soldier know as the Pathfinder who commanded Union forces in the Civil War

John C. Fremont

(1813-1890) American explorer and soldier know as the Pathfinder who commanded Union forces in the Civil…

(1815-1872) The first mayor of San Francisco and General in the Union during the Civil War.

General Geary

(1815-1872) The first mayor of San Francisco and General in the Union during the Civil War.

(1850-1924) British labor leader who became a major figure in the American labor movement.

Samuel Gompers

(1850-1924) British labor leader who became a major figure in the American labor movement.

(1822-1885) Eighteenth president of the Unites states1869-1876 and Civil War general for the Union.

General Ulysses S. Grant

(1822-1885) Eighteenth president of the Unites states1869-1876 and Civil War general for the Union.

(1830-1909) Union soldier who was a part of Stonewall's attack and led troops in Sherman's March to the Sea

General O. O. Howard

(1830-1909) Union soldier who was a part of Stonewall's attack and led troops in Sherman's March to…

(1824-1863) Union soldier during the American Civil war

Stonewall Jackson

(1824-1863) Union soldier during the American Civil war

(1815-1862) Soldier in Mexican War and Civil War for the Union

Philip Kearny

(1815-1862) Soldier in Mexican War and Civil War for the Union

(1839-1898) American temperance reformer. President of the National Woman's Temperance Union and of the World's Woman's Temperance Union

Frances Elizabeth Willard

(1839-1898) American temperance reformer. President of the National Woman's Temperance Union and of…

(1822-1885) Eighteenth president of the Unites States (1869-1876) and Civil War general for the Union.

General Ulysses S. Grant

(1822-1885) Eighteenth president of the Unites States (1869-1876) and Civil War general for the Union.

(1818-1885) Soldier who served in the Mexican War and lead the Union Army in the Civil War at Bull Run

Irvin McDowell

(1818-1885) Soldier who served in the Mexican War and lead the Union Army in the Civil War at Bull Run

(1810-1883) Judge that struggled to maintain the Union during the Civil War.

Jeremiah Black

(1810-1883) Judge that struggled to maintain the Union during the Civil War.

(1818-1883) Soldier that served in the Seminole war then led Union troop in the Civil War

E. O. C. Ord

(1818-1883) Soldier that served in the Seminole war then led Union troop in the Civil War

(1827-1863) Civil War union general

Michael Corcoran

(1827-1863) Civil War union general

(1824-1863) Union soldier during the American Civil War

Thomas J. Jackson Stonewall

(1824-1863) Union soldier during the American Civil War

(1822-1885) Eighteenth president of the Unites States1869-1876 and Civil War general for the Union.

General Ulysses S. Grant

(1822-1885) Eighteenth president of the Unites States1869-1876 and Civil War general for the Union.

(1831-1888) Union soldier who forced out the Confederates from the Shenandoah Valley

Philip H. Sheridan

(1831-1888) Union soldier who forced out the Confederates from the Shenandoah Valley

United Kingdom, First union jack

United Kingdom, First Union Jack

United Kingdom, First union jack

United Kingdom, Union jack

United Kingdom, Union jack

United Kingdom, Union jack

(1839-1898) American temperance reformer. President of the National Woman's Temperance Union and of the World's Woman's Temperance Union

Frances Elizabeth Willard

(1839-1898) American temperance reformer. President of the National Woman's Temperance Union and of…

Depiction of a Civil War battle.

Civil War Battle

Depiction of a Civil War battle.

Confederate forces bombarding Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861

Bombardment of Fort Sumter, April 12, 1861

Confederate forces bombarding Fort Sumter on April 12, 1861

Group of soldiers escorting a corpse on a wagon.

Duryea's Zouaves at Big Bethel Brining Off Grebel's Body

Group of soldiers escorting a corpse on a wagon.

Battle between Confederate and Union forces at Sudley Church.

Sherman's Brigade at Sudley Church

Battle between Confederate and Union forces at Sudley Church.

Column of troops with wagons marching through the woods.

Marching to the Battlefield - Ball's Bluff

Column of troops with wagons marching through the woods.

The sinking Varuna, a Union ship.

The Last Broadside of the Varuna

The sinking Varuna, a Union ship.

Fighting between Union and Confederate forces.

Battle of Pittsburg Landing

Fighting between Union and Confederate forces.

Scene from a Civil War Battle,.

Battle of Malvern Hill

Scene from a Civil War Battle,.

Shows empty rural area, with a column of troops moving over a bridge.

Battlefield of Antietam

Shows empty rural area, with a column of troops moving over a bridge.

Depiction of the battle of Gettysburg.

Battle of Gettysburg

Depiction of the battle of Gettysburg.

Confederate and Union forces clash at Lookout Mountain.

Battle of Lookout Mountain

Confederate and Union forces clash at Lookout Mountain.

Naval battle between the Union Weehawken and Confederate Atlanta.

Action between the Weehawken and Confederate Iron-clad Atlanta

Naval battle between the Union Weehawken and Confederate Atlanta.

The bombardment of Fort Wagner, infantry in trenches.

Bombardment of Fort Wagner

The bombardment of Fort Wagner, infantry in trenches.

Castle Thunder, one of the Confederate prisons known for its abominable conditions.

Castle Thunder, Richmond, VA, Where Union Prisoners Were Confined

Castle Thunder, one of the Confederate prisons known for its abominable conditions.

Union soldiers being held at Andersonville, a Confederate prison.

Union Prisoners Confined at the Confederate Prison at Andersonville

Union soldiers being held at Andersonville, a Confederate prison.

Gunboat fight during the Civil War.

Gunboat Fight

Gunboat fight during the Civil War.

Famous Stalemate between the Monitor and Merrimac.

Moniter and Merrimac

Famous Stalemate between the Monitor and Merrimac.

The Mississippi at Port Hudson, Louisiana.

Mississippi at Port Hudson

The Mississippi at Port Hudson, Louisiana.

The sinking of the Alabama by the Union Kearsarge. Some Confederates aboard the Alabama escaped to England aboard the nearby British yacht Deerhound.

Kearsarge Sinking the Alabama

The sinking of the Alabama by the Union Kearsarge. Some Confederates aboard the Alabama escaped to England…

Union forces crossing a river.

Sherman's March to the Sea

Union forces crossing a river.

Soldiers outside a few tents.

Winter Scene in Camp

Soldiers outside a few tents.

Confederate General Lee surrendering to Union General Grant.

Lee Surrenders to Grant

Confederate General Lee surrendering to Union General Grant.

Genereal Johnson surrendering to Union General Sherman.

Surrender of General Johnson to General Sherman

Genereal Johnson surrendering to Union General Sherman.

(1828-1879) Union soldier who helped lead troops in Sherman's March to the Sea

Jefferson C. Davis

(1828-1879) Union soldier who helped lead troops in Sherman's March to the Sea

(1807-1865) Portrait of Florida Governor John Milton. As a Democratic governor, Milton encouraged the early secession of Florida from the Union. On April 1, 1865, as the southern cause was collapsing, Milton shot himself at his home near Marianna.

John Milton

(1807-1865) Portrait of Florida Governor John Milton. As a Democratic governor, Milton encouraged the…

Typical Union Soldier dressed in full uniform with weapon.

Union Soldier

Typical Union Soldier dressed in full uniform with weapon.

"Burning of the White House- the Federal troops, by command of General McClellan, abandoning their position at the White House, and breaking up the commisariat depot on the Pamunkey River- departure of the Union flortilla for the James River, June 26th, 1862. The Confederate raid of Stuart's cavalry at Garlick's Landing and Tunstall's Station had struck the occupants of the White House Landing with a deep sense of insecurity; and, consequently, when they received orders on Wednesday, June 25th, to prepare for the hasty removal of all the government stores, they set to work with great activity, and by Thursday the greater portion of the heavy stores were embarked on board the numerous transports lying in the river. Unfortunately, through some accident the White house took fire, and the house of Washington's wife was soon destroyed." &mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Burning of the White House

"Burning of the White House- the Federal troops, by command of General McClellan, abandoning their position…

"General Mitchel, born at Morganfield, Union County, Ky., August 28th, 1809, died at Hilton Head, S. C., October 30th, 1862, was graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1829. Immediately after his graduation he was made assistant professor of mathematics at the Military Academy, which position he held for two years, when he was assigned to duty at Fort Marion, St. Augustine, Fla. He soon resigned and moved to Cincinnati, where he commenced the study of law and was admitted to the bar. In 1861 he entered the Civil War in the cause of the Union, and was placed in command of a division of General Buell's army. He served with the Army of the Ohio during the campaigns of Tennessee and Northern Alabama, and reached the brevet title of major general of volunteers, April 11th, 1862. Afterward he was placed in command of the Department of the South at Hilton Hed, S. C., where he was fatally stricken with yellow fever in the prime of his career." &mdash;Leslie, 1896

General Ormsby MacKnight Mitchel

"General Mitchel, born at Morganfield, Union County, Ky., August 28th, 1809, died at Hilton Head, S.…

"'Fresh Bread!'- Impromptu oven built by the Nineteenth Regiment, New York Volunteers, in General Banks's division, Western Maryland. The impromptu oven which we illustrate testified to the Federal cleverness, and ministered to the wants of the brave defenders of the Union. The regiment undoubtedly contained men whose means gave them every epicurean indulgence; but we question if any French bread, fresh butter, with all the appliances of Delmonico, ever tasted so sweet as the newly baked bread they got from the primitive oven." — Frank Leslie, 1896


"'Fresh Bread!'- Impromptu oven built by the Nineteenth Regiment, New York Volunteers, in General Banks's…

"Bird's-eye view of the burning of a Confederate schooner in Quantico or Dumfries Creek, Potomac River, on the night of October 11th, 1861. On the 10th of October, 1861, Lieutenant Harrell, commanding the steamer <em>Union</em>, of the Potomac Flotilla, stationed at the mouth of Aquia Creek, learning that the Confederates had fitted out a large schooner in Quantico or Dumfries Creek, and had collected a considerable body of troops there, with the intention of crossing the Potomac, determined that the vessel should be destroyed. He accordingly organized an expedition, and with one boat and two launches entered the mouth of the creek about half-past two o'clock on the morning of the 11th. The schooner was discovered some distance up, in charge of a single sentry, who fled and gave the alarm. She was immediately boarded and set on fire; and when her destruction was rendered certain Lieutenant Harrell's men returned to their boats and pulled again for the steamer. Their position was fully revealed by the light of the burning schooner, and they were fired upon continuously from both banks of the narrow stream, but not one of them was injured, though their clothing in many instances was perforated with bullets. The success of the enterprise was complete."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Confederate Schooner

"Bird's-eye view of the burning of a Confederate schooner in Quantico or Dumfries Creek, Potomac River,…

"General Ord, born in Cumberland, Md., October 18th, 1818, died in Havana, Cuba, July 22nd, 1883, was graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1839, and assigned to the Third Artillery. He served with distinction in the Florida and Mexican Wars and during the war for the Union. The battle of Dranesville, in 1861, was won under his leadership, and he was severely wounded at the battle of Hatchie and at the assault on Fort Harrison. Having been several times promoted for gallant and meritous conduct, he became commander of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina in 1865, and led the Army of the James in the victorious engagements that ended the war. In March, 1865, he received the brevet of major general in the regular army, and he subsequently held successive command of the Departments of Arkansas, California, Texas and the Platte."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

General Edward O. C. Ord

"General Ord, born in Cumberland, Md., October 18th, 1818, died in Havana, Cuba, July 22nd, 1883, was…

"The mouth of the Yazoo River, Miss., with the Union Flotilla."— Frank Leslie, 1896

Yazoo River

"The mouth of the Yazoo River, Miss., with the Union Flotilla."— Frank Leslie, 1896

"Bombardment of Fort McAllister, Ogeechee River, Ga., by the union ironclads <em>Patapsco</em>, <em>Passaic</em> and <em>Nahant</em>, Tuesday, March 5th 1863."&mdash; Frank Leslie, 1896

Fort McAllister

"Bombardment of Fort McAllister, Ogeechee River, Ga., by the union ironclads Patapsco, Passaic