Andrew Harcla, the march-warden, whom Edward II made an earl and executed as a traitor, bore the arms…
"First naval battle in Hampton Roads between the Confederate iron-plated steamers Merrimac, Yorktown,…
"Bombardment of Fort Henry, Tennessee River, Tenn., by the Mississippi Flotilla, Flag Officer Foote,…
"The Confederate privateer steamer Alabama (290). Captain Raphael Semmes. Our illustration…
"Is of a reddish-brown color above, and dark-brown below; the body, which is stout and cylindrical,…
"Lake Providence, La., headquarters of General McPherson and the Federal division under his command.…
"Confederate rams from Charleston Harbor attacking the Federal blockading squadron, January 31st, 1863.…
"Sherman's Campaign in Georgia- the attack of the Fourteenth, Sixteenth and Twentieth Army Corps on…
Common in England and distributed across Europe, the lesser spotted woodpecker measures about five and…
Military establishment at St. John's. This view is taken from the eastern side of the river, near the…
Found in California, the California partridge averages aproximately nine and a quarter inches in length,…
"The New England flag. This is copied from an old Dutch work, preserved in the library of the New York…
"One of the best and handsomest of the freshwater fishes of that quarter of the globe." — Goodrich,…
"Place of execution. The place of Andre's execution is now designated by a stone, lying on the right…
"View of the battle-ground near Princeton. This view, looking north, is from the carriage gate of Mr.…
"Bombardment of Fort Henry, Tennessee River, Tenn., by the Mississippi Flotilla, Flag Officer Foote,…
"Bombardment of Fort Henry, Tennessee River, Tenn., by the Mississippi Flotilla, Flag Officer Foote,…
"Bombardment of Fort Henry, Tennessee River, Tenn., by the Mississippi Flotilla, Flag Officer Foote,…
"Pyle's Pond. About a quarter of a mile northwest from this pond, is the spot where the battle occurred.…
"The Blue Carabus, C. cyaneus, is an inch and a quarter long, the body oval, flat, and above…
"The Eagle is a gold coin of the United States, value $10; half-eagle, $5; quarter-eagle, $2.50, double…
"New York is a city in Southern New York; coextensive with New York, Kings, Queens, and Richmond counties,…
"Sphinx is a Greek word signifying 'strangler,' applied to certain symbolical forms of Egyptian origin,…
"A diminutive through osculum from os, meaning "a little face," was the term applied to faces or heads…
"To construct a sighting rest for the pistol take a piece of wood about ten inches long, one and a quarter…
"All histories of England commence with the invasion of Julius Caesar, the earliest event in that quarter…
A roman moulding, called a Scotia. It consists of two quarter circles one of which has a radius…
A roman moulding, called a Cavetto. It consists of a quarter circle with a sunk fillet below.…
A roman moulding, called a Cyma Recta. It is a moulding of double curvature and two fillets.…
A roman moulding, called a Cyma Reversa. This like the cyma recta, is composed of two quarter…
A small beetle, about a quarter of an inch long. Usually a brilliant golden green color.
"The family Morphidae contains the largest and most splendid of the South American butterflies. Their…
"The Satyridae are found in every quarter of the globe, and seem equally at home on open plains, in…
"The front view of a large quarter clock of Sir E. Beckett's design, with all the wheels on the great…
"Atwood's Machine. This difficulty has however been overcome by a curious piece of machinery invented…
"Let S be the Sun, E the Earth, and A, B, C, D, F, the Moon in different parts of her orbit. Now when…
During new and full moon, the earth, moon, and sun are all in the same straight line, but, that during…