Search for "9th regiment massachusetts volunteer infantry" pictures
We found $localcount "9th regiment massachusetts volunteer infantry" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (999)
Bunker Hill Monument
Bunker Hill Monument
Flag of New England, Bunker Hill Monument
Revolutionary War Powder Pouch
Bunker Hill Monument Plaque
North Entrance, Old State House
West Entrance, Old State house
Bunker Hill Neighborhood
John Hancock's Pepper Box
Samuel Adams Statue
Samuel Adams Statue
Samuel Adams Statue
Samuel Adams Statue
East Balcony, Old State House
Exhibit Lodge, Bunker Hill Monument
Exhibit Lodge, Bunker Hill Monument
Bunker Hill Monument and Exhibit Lodge
Bunker Hill Monument and Exhibit Lodge
East Front, Old State House
Royal Coat of Arms
Colonel William Prescott Statue, Bunker…
Colonel William Prescott Statue, Bunker…
Massachusetts Hand Made Stuffed Yarn Doll…
Massachusetts Stuffed Yarn Doll with Pilgrim…
Debbie is Dead
A Row of Headstones
A Cemetery near a Building
Tombs on the Perimeter
Inscriptions above the Entrances to Tombs
Boston Skyline, Bunker Hill Monument
A Headstone with a Chipped Top
Shouldered Tablets on a Sunny Hill
Part of a Gee Family Monument
The Layers of a Slate Headstone
The Upper Half of Daniel Malcolm's Epitaph
The Lower Half of Daniel Malcolm's Epitaph
A Crown and Two Cherubs
A Few Mathers Honored with a Plaque
Tree Growing Among the Tombstones
A Sundial in a Cemetery
Multiple Rows of Headstones in a Cemetery
A Variety of Shouldered Tablets
Two Box Tombs, One with a Heart
The Face of a Cherub
Looking through a Fence at Tablet Headstones
A Cherub Motif on a Grave Marker
Pitted Paint over Rusted Metal
A Shouldered Tablet Headstone with Vertical…
Paint Peeling on Rusted Metal
A Few Grave Mathers to Discuss