Search for "multiple leaves" pictures
We found $localcount "multiple leaves" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (1969)
Aesculus Flowers and Leaves
Succulent Shrub with Numerous, Tiny Leaves
Colorful Succulent Shrub with Sharp Leaves
Bahama Strongbark Tree Leaves and Branches
"Verdoni" Japanese Cypress Green and Yellow…
Green, Reflective 'White Lightening' Leaves
Coastal Plain Willow Leaves and Branches
Coastal Plain Willow Leaves Close-Up
Close-Up of Bald Cypress Branches with Tiny…
"Shanghai Lady" Camellia Flowers and Leaves
Glossy Pinwheel Jasmine Leaves
Variegated Schefflera Leaves
Indian Hawthorn Berries and Leaves
Bonsai Tree with Numerous Light-Green Leaves
Bonsai Tree with Small, Circular, Green…
Green Leaves with Serrated Edges
Scale-Like Leaves Extending from Branches…
Shiny, Rounded, Green Australian Laurel…
Maple Leaves
Green Leaves of a Timber Bamboo Plant
Shaded Leaves of a Timber Bamboo Plant
Southern Indica Azalea 'Duchess of Cypress'…
Leaves, Branches, and Fruit of a Weeping…
Pomegranate Branch with Multi-Colored Leaves
Glossy, Green and Purple Imperial Azalea…
Sapodilla Leaves
Dark Green, Shiny Meyer Lemon Leaves
River Banksia Leaves
Shrub With Red and Green Leaves
Shrub with Serrated Leaves
Coral Bean Leaves Close-Up
Tree with Large, Yellow Leaves at Evergreen…
Pachypodium lamerei var. ramosum…
Rue Stem and Leaves
Plant with Glossy Green Leaves at Anhinga…
Plant with Long, Green Leaves at the Flamingo…
Tree with Hanging Yellow and Green Leaves…
Bahama Lysiloma Branches, Leaves, and Stalks
Green Leaves of an Autumn Gold Ginkgo Tree
Small Leaves and Skinny Branches of a Bald…
Roughbark Lignum-Vitae Leaves
Spiny, Evergreen Agarita Leaves
Shrub with Green, Lanceolate Leaves and…
Atlantic White Cedar Leaves
Scale-Like Leaves with Green, Brown, and…
Pond Apple Branches and Leaves
Long Branch of a Mistletoe Honeysuckle Displaying…
Trunks, Branches, and Leaves
Scale-Like Leaves Extending from a Bald…
Skinny Bald Cypress Leaves Pointing Upward