Search for "detailed leaves" pictures
We found $localcount "detailed leaves" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (2015)
Long, Narrow Coastal Plain Willow Leaves
Tree Branch Shading an Area with Grass,…
Paurotis Palm Trunk
Hairy Flowers and Leaves of a White-Haired…
Chenille Plant with Banded Green Leaves…
White-Green Lavender Leaves
Simple, Glossy, Light-Green Burford Holly…
Multiple Shrubs with Thick Stems and Green…
"Alfred Martin" Rhododendron Leaves and…
Schizostachyum Brachycladum Leaves
A House behind the Trees
Ficus Sp. Leaves
Whitish-Pink Flower and Green Leaves
Linear, Pointed Buckley Yucca Leaves
Aloe Vanbalenii
Plant in St. Petersburg, FL
Black Bamboo Leaves
Forked Virbunum Leaf
Giant Dogwood Leaf
Yellowheart Leaves
Nandina with Green Leaves and Purple Stems
Upright, Flowering Stalk of a Showy Milkweed…
Laos Elaborate Fabric Figure in Traditional…
Amur Cork Tree Leaves
Succulent Plant with Long, Thin Leaves Radiating…
Shadowed Samaras and Leaves
Gray Sedum Leaves
A View of Fall Foliage along a Street in…
Rock Cotoneaster Leaves and Flower Buds
"Damarapa" Candy Cane Bamboo Leaves
Chaenomeles speciosa "Rubra Grandiflora"…
Bigleaf Hydrangea 'Blue Billow' Leaves and…
Brown Leaves and Light-Blue Water at Biscayne…
Japanese Maple Leaves
Carpet Resembling Birds and Leaves
Pinnate-Leaved Branches of a Fern
Clustered Leaves
Timor Black Bamboo Leaves
Purple Plum Loropetalum Branch with Small,…
Torch Azalea Flowers and Leaves
Trees During the Autumn Season
Tree Fern Leaves Near Stump
Fern With Green and Pink Leaves
Pinnate Leaves of a Small Tree
Tiny, Green, Broad Strawberry Begonia Leaves…
White Indigo-Berry Branch with Fruit and…
Blackbead Branches, Leaves, Flowers, and…
Katsura Tree Shadowed Leaves
Acer aizuense Leaves