Search for "green ridged leaves" pictures
We found $localcount "green ridged leaves" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (2617)
Sawgrass Leaves Interwoven with Each Other
An Oak Leaf Cluster Motif
Leaves, Stems, and Woody Branches of a Grape…
Blue Sage Leaves
Justicia candicans Leaves
A Group of Trees along a Street in Corinth,…
Aloe with Thorny Leaves and Flowering Stalks…
Large-Flowered St. John's Wort Branches…
Serrated, Five-Lobed, Star-Shaped American…
Mexico Stuffed Doll with Red Green and White…
Red Mangrove Branches and Leaves Above Water…
A Thatched House Built of Palm Leaves in…
Congea tomentosa Leaves Close-Up
"Burgundy Lace" Maple Leaves
Coffee Plant Leaves
Watermelon Leaves
Shadows on Boardwalk
Haworthia cymbiformis
Agave ocahui
A Five-Lobed Leaf
Flower Buds, Leaves, and Branches of a Pomegranate…
Leaves of a Korean Maple
Dracaena Fragrans Leaves
Leaves and Emerging Flower Heads of a Butterfly…
Poland Handcrafted Wood Carving of Madonna…
Whampi Leaves
Katsura "Morioka Weeping" Stems and Leaves
Poland Mother and Child Hand Carved and…
Funeral Cypress Branch with Leaves and Berries
Close-Up View of the Succulent Leaves of…
Common Screwpine Close-Up
Pachypodium lamerei
Elephant's Ear Leaf
Nearly Horizontal Grape Vine Bearing Leaves
Japanese Maple Branches With Leaves and…
Trail Covered in Fallen Leaves Leading Through…
Multicolor Paperclips
Multi-Color Marble
Strings of Beads
Multi-Color Marble
Clusters of Small, Yellow Flowers and Long,…
Earthtone Marble
Manchurian Cherry Tree Leaves
Asteraceae Flowers and Leaves
Earthtone Marble
Kalanchoe orgyalis
Mescal Leaves
Close-up of Lettuce
Small Yellow Flowers and Thin, Rounded Leaves…