Search for "herbaceous" pictures
We found $localcount "herbaceous" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (241)
Stinking Hellbore
Sweet Mace Plant Flowers
Group of Lemon Thyme Plants at Old Economy…
Cluster of Agapanthus Flowers at…
Flowering Horrible Thistle at the Big Cypress…
Basket Full of Orange Bell Peppers at Haymarket…
Purple Mini Popcorn Potatoes and Delaware…
Stonecrop Sedum with Yellow Flower Blooms
Starry Rosinweed Flower with Yellow Petals
Maryland Golden Aster Stalks
Buds and Flowers of an Agapanthus…
Lavender Leaves
Nasturtium - Circular, Green Leaves & Bright…
Terminal End of an Onion Leaf with Flower…
Palmate, Green Leaves of a Mayapple Plant
Long, Narrow, Green Leaves and Purple Flowers…
Golden Carpet Moss the Kanapaha Botanical…
Hot Water Plant with Purple Stems and Green…
Pinebarren Goldenrod Flower Buds
Blue-Eyed Grass Close-Up
Bugleweed Plant with Purple-Green Leaves…
Potted 'Grey Lady Plymouth' Scented Geranium
Semi-Cactus Dahlia Flower 'Prince Noir'…
Tri-Lobed Blackie Sweet Potato Vine Leaf
Yellow Tarragon Flowers
Single Blackie Sweet Potato Vine Leaf
Red Swamp Hibiscus Flower
Green, Fleshy Golden Carpet Moss Leaves
Whorled Loosestrife with Erect Stems Bearing…
Yellow Flowers and Green Leaves in Kusadasi,…
Tomato Plants Growing on Vertical Support…
Showy Milkweed with Purple and White Star-Like…
Multi-Petaled, Yellow Flowers in Kusadasi,…
White-Green Lavender Leaves
Small Tarragon Flowers
Tilted, Pink Flower with Yellow Anthers…
Upright, Flowering Stalk of a Showy Milkweed…
Silk Grass Flower and Flower Buds
Palmately-Compound, Green Swamp Hibiscus…
Red Stigma Pads and White Anthers of a Swamp…
Queen Anne's Lace