Search for "fig leaves" pictures
We found $localcount "fig leaves" images for use in educational projects at the ClipPix ETC collection of photographs and illustrations.
Individual Pictures (1895)
Variegated Sunshine Tree Leaves
Pigeon Plum Leaves Next to its Trunk
Curvy, Green Parsley Leopard Plant Leaves
Branches with Green Leaves of a Bald Cypress…
Numerous Branches and Leaves of Bald Cypress…
"Rainbow Surprise" Coprosma Leaves
Deherainia smaragdina Leaves
Leaves Extending from a Western Catalpa…
Green Leaves of an Eastern Leatherwood
Small, Green Leaves with White Spots
Shaded, Green Leaves of Wild Coffee Plant
Carob Tree Branches and Leaves
"Carol Mackie" Burkwood Daphne Leaves
Plant Stalk with Red Stems and Green Leaves
Mangroves with Few Leaves and Long Roots…
Buddha's Belly Leaves
A View of a Tree with Reddish-Orange Leaves
Dwarf Pyracantha Leaves, Branches, and Berries
Fallen Leaves, Tree Trunks, and Bare Branches…
Chinese Incense Cedar Leaves
Mess of Branches, Trunks, and Leaves
Shrub with Tiny Leaves of Various Shades
Shiny, Shaded Lancewood Leaves
Water beads on Mayapple Leaves
Coral Bean Leaves
Copper Beech Leaves Close-Up
Pigeon Plum Branches and Leaves
Oblongleaf Twinflower Leaves
Leaves Extending from a Blolly Branch
Lavender Leaves
Branch with Wavy-Edged Green Leaves
Silver Maple Branches, Leaves, and Samaras
Silver Maple Samaras, Leaves, and Branches
Chinese Fringe Flower Leaves and Branch
Aquatic Plants with Heart-Shaped Leaves
Leaves, Branches, and Flower Buds of a Tree
Palm with Hanging Brown Branches and Leaves
Succulent Shrub with Bright-Green Leaves
Katsura "Morioka Weeping" Veined Leaves
Stone Pavement with Leaves and Moss
Tough Buckthorn Leaves
Japanese Barberry Leaves
Green, Lined, Little White Soldier Leaves…
Sage Leaves
A Tree with Many Orange Leaves
Keel-Billed Toucan and Leaves
Brazilian Pepper-Tree Berries and Leaves
Brazilian Pepper-Tree Leaves and Berries
Long, Green Hedychium x White…
Light Shining on Grass with Golden Leaves…